12 "Plans and dreams"

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She stepped out of the shower, breathing in the steam. Nina had let her use her shower. Y/n took that time to reflect on her choices the past years. She decided she was going to quit the student council. One of her only reasons for staying was Clemintine, and she stopped being friendly months ago.

She sighed heavily, drying her hair with the towel. She grabbed the white sweater and threw it on. It felt much better than her soaked shirt. She dreaded the winter months, but she loved sweater weather.

She pulled her hair back into a pony tail and put on her baggy sweat pants. A wave of exhaustion hit her as she sat next to her friend. Nina looked at her with furrowed brows.

"It's already 6 P.M., Y/n. Do you wanna stay here for the night?" She asked me. I felt guilty. She always did things for me and I could never pay them back.

"I couldn't. Besides, the rain's let up. It's only a fifteen minute walk back to my house."

"Yeah, but it's almost completely dark." I couldn't argue with her because if I was truly attacked, my measly little pocket knife won't help.

"Okay fine."


"Xavier, we need to talk." The green haired male spoke seriously. They both knew what it was about.

"You like her too?" Xavier questioned, already knowing the answer. Thomas nodded.

"That Braden is awfully rude to her. I don't like it very much." He stated coldly. Xavier agreed. He also didn't like how close he hovered around her.

"We could take her to my father's house." Xavier suggested.

"What? Are you crazy!? She would never agree to that." Then Thomas realized what his friend was saying. He was suggesting they use force. He looked over at the purple haired boy, seeing his smile. He gulped, trying not to get too anxious.

"W-we'd need a plan..."

"Well, let's make one! She seems to hang around that redhead a lot," He spoke, hinting. "If we want to get close to her, we should be the only people in her life!"

As much at Thomas wanted to say this was crazy, there was a part of him that seriously considered Xavier's plan. He remembered the news that was being broadcasted in the school library. He remembered the risks, and he took into consideratuon Y/n's feelings.

"B-but we'd hurt her..."

"Gotta break some eggs to make an omelette." The purple haired boy said, giving it his all to convince his friend. Xavier was already imagining the decor in her room, the food he'd make each morning for her, and how happy they'd be.

"B-but what about the police, her friends, her family?!"

"Oh my god Thomas, there's an easy solution to this! Make it look like they all committed suicide!" He exclaimed. Thomas hadn't even noticed they were driving.

"How would we fake that?"

"I know a guy."


The sound of the rain almost lulled her into sleep. She ran a hand through her red hair, feeling her eyelids get heavier. She couldn't stop thinking about her friend. Worry consumed her after Y/n explained the events of the day.

She groaned loudly. She wished she could solve everyone's problems. The cherry haired girl kicked her legs in frustration, checking the time. 4:40 A.M.

Her eyes squinted at a text from an unknown number. She didn't feel like reading it until morning, but she did it anyways.

Unknown: Hey, Nina right.

Nina: Entirely depends on who's asking. How'd you get this number?

Unknown: I got it from an old friend. Point is, stop talking to that Y/n chick before something bad happens.

Nina: No, she's my best friend. Give me one valid reason why I should believe you.

Unknown: Alright then. You'll see soon, darling~

Her nose scrunched up in disgust. She hates people like that. She knew it was probably someone from school pranking her, but the mention of Y/n hardly seemed like a coincidence. She shut her eyes, willing away fear and anxiety.


Light filtered through the curtains, hitting her eyes directly. She looked around, feeling sick as she realized she wasn't at Nina's house anymore. She knew it was a dream, but she believed all dreams held significance. Her dreams have never been mild and the ones that started out calm scared her the most.

She rose from her bed, the smell of food filled her nose. She followed it, unaware of where it would take her. She stepped into a long, winding hall with seemingly no end. Every few steps there was a door with a window on the front.

She looked into one of them, her jaw dropped at what she saw. There she was, wearing a lovely black dress. She wore a full face of makeup. She looked to be in a very fancy dining room. The girl in the room held a certain purple haired boy's arm like her life depended on it. She had a large, obviously fake smile. Then, when the boy walked away, her smile dropped and she let out a heavy sigh.

"Is that... Xavier?" She asked in disbelief.

"Better believe it." A voice came from behind. She jumped, turning around and making eye contact with the purple haired boy.

"Th-this isn't right.."

"So? Why won't you just let me be apart of your life?" He asked desperately.

"If you look, some of these doors show everything I so desperately wish I could have been apart of."

"You aren't real..!"

"Is that so? Oh well. While your here, you might as well see all the little 'stories' you've been apart of." He said. He grabbed her arm, walking her down the hall. He finally stopped at a door covered in roses and vines. The door knob was covered in thorns so nobody could open it.

She peered in. Inside was a lookalike having tea with a red haired boy. She recognized him as the boy from the news. She gulped, seeing the chain attached to the girl's ankle. As she looked closer, she saw the running mascara and bruises. Xavier nudged her, urging her to come along.

This door had a brick pattern and the door knob had been completely removed. She looked in, seeing no one else but her. She was tied to a radiator, supposedly left for dead. Her legs looked horribly injured, probably broken. Then someone entered the room. He stood tall, his chin length brown hair looked matted and unkempt. He looked at her with pity and mumbled an apology.

"See? Our ending is obviously the best. No bruises, tears, or broken bones~! Just say you'll stay, please..." He pleaded, grabbing her hand roughly.

"Xavier, wrap it up. We're running low on time." A boy in the corner spat harshly. Xavier nodded.


Howdy! Sorry this chapter is weird. I'll explain everything next chapter. All of these "endings" are from my other stories. No, those weren't the real endings. When I write these stories, I always imagine it with the same protagonist. Thanks for reading!

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