25 "I'll stay.."

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He gulped, walking into the large building. He was so sick of moving schools. It was always the same. Meet people, become attatched, leave them behind.

He walked into the office to get his schedule, being greeted by a girl about her age. Ginger hair spilled over her shoulders elegantly. She flashed a toothy smile and extended her hand. He shook it happily.

"My name's Aileen. I'm supposed to show you around." She said. Heat rushed to the purple haired boy's face.

"I-I'm Xavier. It's really nice to meet you!" He stuttered out. He didn't know how to explain how he felt, but he felt drawn to her already.

"It's nice to meet you too. Let's get going. Lots to see!"


"That's not true and you know it! I was busy comforting her because you were dead set on letting her see Clemintine's body." He shouted, standing up from his chair. He looked like he was ready to kill Thomas.

"Maybe if you hadn't tied her up forced her into those skimpy clothes she would have stayed! Face it, I respect her more than you ever will." Thomas argued back, not letting go of Y/n. She didn't try to hide the awkward look on her face as she pushed him off.

"Don't pretend you didn't want to see her like that. Besided, I bet she didn't mind the outfit." He scoffed. Thomas couldn't stand to hear him degrade Y/n like that.

"Y/n is not Aileen!" He yelled. This obviously hurt Xavier's feelings. He clenched his fists together, getting ready to either fight or storm off.

He looked into the girl's eyes. They were full of fear and confusion. She didn't want them to fight. It would only cause more problems for her. She shook her head at him.

"You're lucky she's here to stop me. Otherwise, I'd beat you into the dirt." He said angrily. Thomas rolled his eyes.

"Just leave us alone. Y/n still needs to eat breakfast." Thomas spoke. Xavier stormed off.

"I'm not hungry.."

"Don't lie to me, Y/n. You haven't eaten since yesterday. Trust me, I know you'd be hungry by now." He said. Something about what he said sounded odd.

"Fine.." She said in defeat. She turned back to her now cold meal. She stared at it suspiciously. She had no way of knowing if it was safe to eat or not.

"Come on, if you're scared, I'll eat some too." He said. She pushed the plate towards him silently. Thomas didn't like eating in front of people, but he disregarded his anxiety and took a bite.

"See? Everything is fine, love." She put the plate in front of her and began eating. They sat in an awkward silence for what felt like hours. He watched her eat while she tried to forget the situation she was in.

"What's your deal, man?" She asked, taking him by surprise. He chuckled nervously.

"Wh-what ever do you mean?" He stuttered. He understood what she was referring to, but he didn't want to answer.

"Why do you act the way you do? It seems to me like you have a horrible inferiority complex."

"Do you think you're necessarily in the position to be judging my actions?" He felt insulted and embarrassed. He never put thought into his actions, he was just doing what he was trained to do.

"Come on, dude. What the hell happened that made you act like this?"

"Act like what?"

"Like the timid, anxious, self sacrificing weirdo you are." Those words felt like a stab in the heart. Does she really think that about me?

"That's awfully rude... Stay here and eat. I'll be right back." He said, excusing himself. He walked into the kitchen and opened a cupboard above the fridge. He walked back into the dining room a minute later, holding pills in one of his hands and a glass of water in the other.

"What are those pills for?"

"Anxiety meds, depression meds, iron, vitamin D, vitamin C, and a pill for migraines." He said. He was distracted with them, not really listening to Y/n. In any other circumstance, he wouldn't have told her all the pills he took. It made him feel flawed.

"Christ... That's a lot."

"Tell me about it... I take more before bed, too." This shocked her. Maybe he acts the way he does because he's so drugged up..

"Just tell me about your childhood. If I'm gonna live with you, I wanna know about you." She said. He didn't know how to tell her. It was hard for him to accept.

"My mother died when I was five... I was passed from family member to family member for two years. Eventually, my grandmother took me in.." His voice broke with each sentence. It was obvious he was having a hard time and he hasn't gotten to the worst of the story.

"Go on.." Y/n spoke, putting a hand on his.

"At first, everything was great. Then, I guess I pissed her off bad or something. She'd lock me in the basement for days without food. She'd beat me and keep me awake for days at a time. Sh-she didn't let me go outside. She told me I was too weak. That I deserved everything I got.."

He paused again. He breathed in deeply before continuing.

"I have a scar on my face from when my mother died. She used to dig her nails into it and reopen it. I was subjected to that everyday for seven years. I was taken out of her household when I was fourteen."

"That was only four years ago, right?" She asked. He nodded slowly. His past made him seem less like an antagonist and more like a victim. He was humanized. It made it harder for Y/n to hate him.

"I-I'm fine now, though..! I'm still working on dietary things, but I'm doing great..!" He spoke nervously. He didn't want her to worry, mostly because he wasn't doing fine. He was still having a hard time sleeping, eating, and speaking confidently.

Y/n was horrified by how he was treated. She couldn't help but wonder what he could have been if he was treated with love. It was in her nature to feel sympathy for him. No matter what he had done to her, she wanted to wrap her arms around him and tell him it will be okay.

"Please don't leave me, Y/n. You're my sun. You bring light into my life. You're so strong. I need you." His words made the h/c haired girl feel guilty for wanting to leave.

Her silence pained him. He grabbed her hand roughly.

"Say you'll stay! Say it, please..!" He shouted desperately. She looked into his teary eyes and internally cringed.

"I... I'll stay.."


Hello! I'm sorry for the wait on this chapter. I rewrote it about three times. I really hope you enjoy. Thank you for reading!

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