17 "Unfold"

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The h/c haired girl locked her door, falling to the ground. She covered her mouth, regretting eating the meal Xavier made. She saw it all. She saw how he tried to drug her. She was Thomas dump the cup out, telling him to wait.

She thought about making herself throw up, fearing he put something in the food. She leaned against her door, shaking. She could call the police, but she had no proof they did anything. She didn't want to call Clemintine, knowing she was having a hard time.

"I knew I wasn't crazy." She said to herself. She unlocked her phone, dialing Clemintine's number. As much as she'd rather not do this, she was trapped in a house with a man who tried to roofie or poison her.

"Hello?" Clemintine said, her voice scratchy.

"I-I need help, lemon." She said, using the nickname she hasn't used since middle school.

"With what? Is everything alright?" She asked, her voice rough sounding from crying.

"I'm pretty sure Xavier just tried to fucking murder me."

"What?! Do you need me to call the cops?!" She shouted. She didn't want to lose another friend. Y/n told her to quiet down a bit, scared of being found out.

"This brings me to my next point. I think they might have had something to do with Nina."

"How so?"

"Nina was doing so much better, she was writing a fucking book! I stayed at her house a while ago and some weird shit happened there. None of this started happening til these assholes showed up."

"That's... Y/n, I think you just need some rest. Are you even sure you saw Xavier try and slip you something?"

"Yes! I'm absolutely sure. I know what I saw!" Clemintine sighed.

"Y/n, they're nice guys. I need to go, class is starting soon. Get some rest, you're just like traumatised or something.." She said dismissively. The teen's heart sank at the dial tone. She was in danger.

Her mind went to the worst case scenario, murder. She cycled through all of the possibilities. Rape, murder, torture, kidnapping... She had reason to believe her best friend was their first victim. She slid down the wall, burrying her head in her hands.

She yelped as someone knocked on her door. She began to shake much more, barely managing to stand up. She grasped at her pocket knife, holding it behind her back as she slowly opened the door.

"Are you alright, darling? I thought I heard an argument," Xavier asked, forcing himself in the door. His eye brows furrowed in concern as he saw her clutching the small knife.

"Y/n... I-I'm going to need you to calm down... Tell me what's wrong." He said nervously, putting his hands up to defend himself. He slowly backed away, with one hand reaching into this pocket. She felt a sudden surge of anger as she pointed the knife at him.

"What the hell did you try to do to me?!" She shouted, alerting the green haired boy. He walked into the room, shocked at what he saw.

"What do you mean..?"

"Don't play dumb with me, fucker. I saw you put something in my drink!" Both of their faces dropped. They knew they had no other option than to ditch the original plan.

"What did you want to do to me?!" She repeated more aggressively.

"You're being crazy! I never tried to do anything to you. You're being delusional, honey. You need to rest." He said, advancing towards the girl. She began to tear up, charging at the boy. She collided with him, sinking the knife into this stomache. He let out a pained groan, throwing her off of him.

"Y-y-you fucking b-bitch!" He sputtered out, coughing in between breathes. She suddenly heard a loud thud, tracing it back to Thomas. He laid passed out on the ground, tears running down his cheeks. Her eyes widened in panic, her weapon sticking out of Xavier's stomache.

"I.. I-I'm.. I can't..." She stuttered, backing herself into the wall. She felt like she was going to be sick. However, she felt much worse when she was what he was reaching for. He pulled out a gun, pointing it at her head.

"Would it h-have been so hard to pretend you saw nothing? I love how unpredictable you are, but at the same time..." He trailed off, pulling the knife out of himself with a grunt. He tossed it to the side, letting the wound bleed freely.

"I wish I could crush that spunky little attitude of yours~!" He sung out, grabbing her colar roughly. Her vision started to warp and distort as he stared into her eyes.

"And there it is. I knew I'd need a backup plan so I drugged your food, too!" Her eye lids started getting heavy, yet she still tried to fight.

She pried herself out of his grip, stumbling past him and into the hallway. She ran outside, falling over furniture on the way. She fell down the steps to her porch, twisting her ankle. Xavier caught up to her, pulling her inside before anyone saw what happened.

"W... wait.." She slurred, trying her best to get away again. She scratched at his hands and arms like a desperate animal.

"Look at the mess you've made. You're quite persistent..." He said, setting her down on the couch. As he went to tend to his wound she faded in and out of consciousness. Thomas came into view. He leaned over her, mumbling she couldn't make sense of.

He sat on the couch next to her, pulling her into his lap. He wrapped his arms around her, the warmth of his body finally lulling her into a dreamless sleep.


"Fucking hell..." He said, moving carefully as to not reopen his stab wound. He was cleaning up the blood and broken furniture while Thomas drove her to his house. He glanced at the time, thanking the lord his 'helper' was finally getting out of school.

He dialed the number, waiting for him to pick up.


"Hey Ben, I need a favor."

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