9 "Hide and Seek pt1"

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He hummed a happy tune, joyfully picking flowers. They were for his lover. The woman he wanted to spend his life with. At least that's what he thought he wanted. He walked the length of his father's property, finding himself out of breath as he reached the gardening shed.

He knocked on the door, not hearing a peep. His stomache turned. Something doesn't feel right...

He gulped, pushing open the door. There she was, slumped over in a chair. Her head rested on the table. She was pale. Paler than what seemed healthy.

"Ai-Aileen, deer?" He asked as he walked towards her. Blood soaked the sleeves of her once white dress. He didn't have the heart to roll her sleeves up. He already knew what she did. He stepped in a puddle of blood, ruining his shoes. Beside the poor girl was a note.

"This has been the longest month of my life. Keep your fucking dresses, flowers, money, and influence. I never wanted a thing from you and I never will. I hope you're happy now, Xavy, because I'm definately not. See you in hell, darling"

His heart dropped at the nickname, but other than that he didn't feel a thing. He'd lost all feeling for her. He grabbed her by her ginger hair, tilting her head up. He wanted to look her in the eyes one last time.

He looked into her brown eyes, sighing as the fantasies of mansions, wine, and rich and powerful friends left his mind. He still wanted that, but it seemed less appealing when he was alone. Then, an idea struck him. His lips parted in a wicked smile, letting the dead girl's head bang off the table.

"I'll find another, more stable girl!" He declared happily. His fantasies of dancing with Aileen morphed into dreams of dancing with a lovely girl with h/c hair and e/c eyes. This woman didn't have a name yet, but he was going to find her. He didn't care how long it took or how many times he had to move, he was going to find his new Aileen.


Xavier stared into her e/c eyes, practically entranced by them. The elegant dream of dancing with Y/n filled his mind. She snapped her fingers in front of his face, trying to bring him back to reality.

"What are you thinking about?" She asked.

"Just how beautiful you are~" He mumbled quietly. It was barely audable.


"How do you feel about dresses? I can buy you a dress for hanging out with me if you want..." The teen beside him was shocked at the offer. I'm pretty sure that could be considered prostitution... She thought to herself, although the thought of having a new dress was quite appealing.

"But then I'd have to buy you shoes to match. Can you walk in heels?" His hastened speech was off putting. She could walk in heels just fine, but she didn't want him to buy her a thing.

"Wait, slow down, man! I don't want you to buy me anything! I came here because I wanted to." The last part was a lie, but she wasn't sure how she would live with the guilt of having someone buy her a dress. Just as she finished her sentence, she felt a hand on her shoulder.

She whipped around to look at the person who touched her. She was greeted by the soft brown eyes of Thomas. Xavier's warning ran through her mind, but she decided to ignore it. He was sweet and seemed to respect other's boundaries.

"Thomas, sit man!" Xavier said, seemingly forgetting his whole weird rant. He wrapped his arm around Y/n and forcefully pulled her closer to him. Y/n was a bit frail and Xavier had a very muscular build, making it easy for Xavier to throw her around like a rag doll.

Thomas sat down, the bench creaking under his weight. Y/n gulped quietly. She wasn't exactly confident in the structural integrity of the bench or the stability of the people she was sitting with.

"So what have you been doing while waiting for me?" Thomas asked casually. He talked normally, but he seemed tired and a bit on edge. The green haired boy seemed to sense how uncomfortable Y/n was and tried to change the topic.

"Wanna play hide and seek?" Xavier asked, dodging his friend's question. Y/n and Thomas seemed thrilled to play.

"Hell yeah! I know a great place, but we'll have to walk into the woods a bit." Y/n spoke happily. The voice in the back of her head told her going into the woods with these boys would be fatal, but she ignored it. She always had her father's pocket knife with her. Her new friends nodded happily and jumped off of the bench.

Y/n lead them on an old, rarely traveled path. The stones of the path became more and more scarce as they walked farther into the woods. Sunlight filtered in through the trees, leaving everything in a dappled light. Moss grew on the ancient trees, and if you listened closely, you could hear an old river carve it's way in the distance.

They walked this path, until they came upon a faded, yet well preserved building. The large building was obviously some sort of shrine or place of worship at one time. The boys looked at the building in amazement, while Y/n stood in front of it proudly.

Thomas loved things like this. His dream was to live in a cabin in the woods. He got close enough to run his hands on the cracked stone pillars of the structure.

"How did you find this beautiful place?" The green haired boy asked, inspecting the stained glass windows.

"Well, one day my friends and I were walking in the woods and we found this. I'm guessing it's like two hundred years old or something."

"We should go inside!" Xavier said happily, sprinting towards the entrance. Thomas walked towards Y/n and grabbed her hand. Normally, the teen would squirm away from the touch, but she didn't mind his.

They walked into the grand building with gleeful smiles. The inside was clean, looking as if it wasn't deserted in the first place. Xavier could tell Y/n and her friends worked hard to take care of this place.

"I call seeker!" Xavier yelled. Thomas and Y/n looked at each other, silently agreeing to hide together. Xavier turned around and covered his eyes. Soon, he heard footsteps to the right of him.


As Xavier turned around, I grabbed Thomas's hand. I knew exactly where to hide.

I ran through the halls of the building, passing well decorated rooms, until I came across the kitchen. Inside the kitchen there was a large pantry.

"No one will ever find us here!" I whispered enthusiastically. At first I was uncomfortable being with the boys, but it'd been so long since I talked to someone other than Nina or Braden. Thinking of Braden made my heart sink. I need to call him later...


I just want to say one thing. Expect some shit to go down in the next chqpter. Sorry the first part of this chapter was cringy. No matter how I wrote it, I hated it. I hope you can enjoy it, though. Thank you for reading!

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