35 "Thomas's Ending"

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"Now then... Who's it gonna be? Me or him?" Thomas asked, looming over the girl threatening.

Her eyes began to water. She was too overwhelmed with the choice. When she looked up at the boys, only one of them looked at her with pure adoration.

The green haired boy offered her a hand, urging her to choose him.

"Let's go get some hot drinks. It's too cold to be outside in something like that." He spoke sweetly. His previous threatening aura was replaced with a warm and friendly one. Her hand moved before she could think.

She grabbed his hand, pulling herself up. She didn't have any time to regain composure as she was pulled into his arms.

"I knew you'd choose me.." He mumbled, forgetting that Xavier was right next to him. Xavier looked in shock. He refused to believe that Thomas won.

"No..! You're not going with him." He spoke, grabbing her arm roughly. She yelped in pain, trying to rip herself away.

"Xavier, don't let this be an Aileen situation." Thomas said. Y/n stared in confusion as he let go of her arm. She didn't know who that was or why it affected the boy so much, but she took the chance to leave.

She bolted past him, Thomas trailing closely behind. The green haired boy grabbed her hand, pulling her to the left. They didn't stop running until they were sure they'd lost Xavier.

They leaned against a brick building, both trying to catch their breath. When Thomas looked at her, he blushed.

She leaned against the wall, taking deep breaths. Her face was flushed from the cold.

"You're so cute." He said. She looked up from her panting, narrowing her eyes.

"Shut.... up.." She spoke in between breathing. He rolled his eyes at her, grabbing her hand once again.

He dragged her towards a building. She assumed it was a cafe.

As they entered, the smell of baked goods and coffee drifted through the air. It was like a dream.

The lady behind the counter greeted the two happily. She wore a yellow dress with a white apron. Her brown hair was up in a low ponytail.

"Thomas, good to see ya, hon. It's been a slow day." She said. She spoke with a southern accent. It wasn't unusual for the area, but the girl was still caught off guard.

"Hello Marnie. Two of the usual, please."

"Two? Who's the lady?" The woman asked, reaching for her glasses. As she put her glasses on, she recognized the girl.

"Thomas, do not tell me that's the poor gal from the news." She said, walking from behind the counter. He looked down in shame, confirming her suspicion.

"It is.." The boy said, hiding his face from the woman. She looked at him with disappointment in her brown eyes.

"My god, boy. What are you doin' in broad daylight?" She scolded.

"Sh-she was cold. I wanted to get her some tea. It's early so I figured not many people would be out." He explained, tightening his grip on the girl's hand. Marnie sighed at this explanation.

"Lock the door and draw the curtains. You're gonna have to pay extra for the tea." She ordered. She knew if they got caught, she would surely be charged.


"I.. I'm just so fucking overwhelmed." He complained, setting the cup down. The girl across from him nodded, pretending to care. She was looking for a way out.

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