8 "A Warning"

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The horrible screeching of metal against metal invaded his ears. Glass shattered, just barely avoiding his eyes. There was no screaming, just silent acceptance and panicked looks exchanged to him from blurry faces.

Then there were the lights afterwards. Red and blue filled the early morning sky. There was a horrible pain in his face and arms, but nothing topped the sense of overwhelming loss he felt. Memories of the ones he loved were scattered and seemed to misplaced in his mind. He couldn't put names to faces anymore.

The hospital was the worst of all. The smell of disinfectant filled his nose. The sound of the heart monitor next to him made his eye twitch. Then the sound became constant. A never ending sound that symbolized the end of a normal childhood.


I sat up, gasping for air. My hand darted to my right cheek, checking to see if the skin was intact still. I blinked away the tears. My heart's going one million miles an hour...

"It's weird. The things I don't wanna remember are the only things I do remember..." I mumbled to myself. I managed to calm myself down after a few minutes. The nightmare was already fading from my mind.

I practically jumped out of my skin as my phone went off. Xavier was calling.


"Guess what, fucker! You're meeting me at a park! Get dressed and come here."

"Sorry dude. Not driving today. I'm not having the best morning." I said, trying to mask how shaken I really was. Maybe I need to go back to therapy...

"Then take the bus."

"I'll walk."


I stood in front of the mirror, styling my wet hair. I'd be lying if I said I was looking forward to this. But apparently being nice to people outside of school is part of being in the student council. 

"Damn my niceness!" I yelled, throwing my hair brush onto the counter. These new students are going to be the death of me. Thank god it's only the one kid.


I stepped out of Nina's car, waving at her as I exited. I closed the door, stepping onto the wet grass. I almost immediately slipped, landing on my hands and knees.

"Well fuck..." I winced as I pulled my hand out of the mud. I felt light headed as I stared at the piece if broken glass protruding from my palm. I pulled the glass out, gasping at the sharp pain.

"Y/n? Are you alright?" I jumped slightly. I should have expected to be humiliated. Not like I can just have a good day. I looked up to see none other than the boy who practically demanded I come here. He wore a light green tank top and black jeans. The backpack he wore matched his clothes.

He snapped his fingers in front of my face, snapping me out of my thoughts. All though he seemed impatient, he seemed to care.

"Uhh yeah, I'm fine. Just pulled some glass outta my hand but other than that, things are just peachy!" I exclaimed the last part with mock enthusiasm. Without warning, he grabbed my uninjured hand and pulled me up off the ground. I let out a small yelp at the unexpected movement.

My head landed on his chest. This made me realize just how much taller he was than me. I pushed myself off of him and yanked my hand out of his hold.

"Come on, Y/n. Don't be so aggressive! I helped you up, I wasn't trying to do anything more!" He defended himself, making me feel a bit guilty for making a show out of getting away. But at the same time, this kid was already pissing me off.

"You're awfully forward, dude. I don't like being touched by people I barely know."

"Okay, sorry. Just show me your damn cut. I can help." I hesitated, but eventually extended my mud covered hand for him to look at. He cringed, taking a cloth from his pocket and wiping the mud off my hand. I flinched away, which as a result, scared him.

"Jeez, girl, calm down!"

"Well it's not like you were being gentle!" I retorted angrily. "Ya know what? I'm going home. I don't need this." I said, turning towards the exit of the park.

"Wait, wait, wait! I'm sorry. We started off on the wrong foot today. I wanna be friends." I raised an eyebrow at him sceptically. He nodded vigorously. I halted my movement.

Why does this idiot have to be so charming and likable?! This is so unfair! I internally complained. He looked at me, as if to ask to see my hand again. I extended it out to him again.

"Hey, lets go sit on that bench and wait for Thomas." I nodded, walking ahead of him. I think I twisted my ankle when I fell.

We sat on the bench and I took a moment to appreciate the scene. The trees were all the beautiful colors of fall, a small creek roared with activity, and when the wind blew, lovely red oak leaves fell to the ground. My hand was still bleeding, but this beautiful day almost made up for it.

My daydream was interrupted by a fond sigh from the boy next to me. He leaned against me. I blushed. If someone sees us they'll think we're dating or some shit!

"Now we just wait for Thomas. If I'm being honest, Y/n, I think he likes you."

"And why do you think that?"

"Well, I've known him since we were like nine. I know because he actually talked to you," Xavier's voice didn't hold it's usual cockiness, this time his voice seemed sincere and sweet. Part of me wanted to get to know him, but my gut feeling screamed not to trust him.

"The poor kid is messed up. He lost his mother and sister in a car crash when he was ten. Now he's got- like- problems letting go of women," He continued. This was a bit shocking to me. Suddenly I felt pity for him.

"Do whatever you want, but please, for all of our sakes, don't get to close to him. You'll only hurt yourself."

"Is that supposed to be a warning?" I asked.

"Yes, actually."

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