19 "Gifts"

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Xavier paced around the room, trying to figure out what to do. He was on the verge of breaking down, but he knew he had no time for that.

"Seeing the route she took, her closest option was Nina's house, but only her brother and sister live there now..." Thomas mumbled to himself. He burried his head in his hands. It all felt useless. They finally had her in their grasp and she wiggled out so easily.

"Will you cut that out?!" Xavier shouted angrily, his voice breaking with emotion. Tears threatened to spill.

"I know where she is, though..." Thomas said meekly. He hated being yelled at.

"Where?! If you're right, you're a genius!" He said hopefully.

"She has to be at Braden's house. Either she's freezing or she went to his place."

"How do you know where he lives..?"

"You have your methods, I have mine. The way I found out isn't important."


She sat at the his table, practicality unresponsive. Braden had to constantly snap her back into reality. The events of the night hadn't truly hit her until she had time to sit down and think about them.

There was a tense silence in the room, only broken by the ringing of a phone. The h/c haired girl jumped, having a hard time calming down. Braden looked down at his phone, not recognizing the number.

"Hey, I'll be right back. Please eat soon." He said. He stepped out into the hallway and brought the phone to his ear.


"You have Y/n with you, correct?"

"I don't have to tell you that. Piss off." He said coldly, getting ready to hang up.

"Please... I just need to know she's okay. I need to know when she's coming back." The voice on the other end said. Braden's heart dropped as they hung up the phone. He knew he needed to protect his friend, but he had no clue how to.

He took a deep breath, leaning against the wall. His back hit the chilled wall, bringing him back to reality. He had to think of a plan, and fast. If not, it could cost both of their lives. He collected himself and ran into the kitchen.

"Hey Y/n, maybe you should chill upstairs... And maybe lock the door behind you..."

"Wh-why..?" She asked. She didn't want to lock herself in a room forever.

"They know you're here...." He said quietly. She jumped right up and flew up the stairs, not giving him time to explain further. He sighed, sitting down on the chair and burrying his head in his hands. Unlike most of his friends, he had a normal household. His parents were together still, both worked good paying jobs, and they came home every night.

He tried thinking of ways to hide her, coming up with nothing. He had no clue how he was going to keep her safe, but he knew he had to. She had no where else to turn. He looked up from his hands, shocked by how much time had passed.

He tensed up at the sound of his doorbell ringing. He got up, slowly making his way to the window. As he looked out, he didn't see anyone, only a package with a tag attached to it. He opened the door, quickly grabbing the box and slamming the door. The package was decorated in red wrapping paper, tied with a golden bow.

"To my angel. I love you and look forward to seeing you soon- Xavier~" The tag read. His stomache twisted. He didn't know whether to give it to her or not. He eventually decided she needed to know what was in it and that they'd open it together.


"Come on, red. Why do you make this so difficult for me?" He said in a tired voice, rubbing his eyes. Nina scoffed, spitting at him.

"You're fucking crazy if you think I'm gonna help you and your stupid femboy over there." She said angrily. Xavier rolled his eyes at her, standing from his chair.

"You're makin' it awfully hard to keep you alive. Is answering a simple question too much to ask for?"

"I told you, even if I knew anything, I wouldn't help you assholes." She said sternly. She pretended to be unfazed, but she was tired. She really didn't know about what he was asking for, but he didn't believe her.

"Fine..." He said quietly. He wasn't angry, he was deeply saddened. He hadn't known Y/n for long at all, but he saw something in her that he just couldn't let go of. He turned away and wiped his eyes. The purple haired boy was truly doing all he could. He didn't understand why Y/n didn't like him back or why he was so drawn to her.

He walked quickly out of the room, his cries being heard from the hallway. As Thomas was about to exit the room, she had an idea.

"That's kinda pathetic, isn't it..?" She said.

"I-I'm not gonna say anything against Xavier." He said anxiously. Thomas knew that Xavier was his only chance at being with Y/n, so he was careful about what he said around him.

"But do you really think someone like that deserves to care for Y/n? You're so much stronger. You should be the one to protect her."

"Shut up..! I know what you're trying to do." He yelled. She jumped back, surprised at the outburst. She had never seen him so angry before.

"Just... keep it in mind." She said. Her plan was to separate him from Xavier and find a way to take them down. Thomas was the weaker of the two, being relatively frail and skinny. He was also very shaky, finding it hard to hold things.


He handed her the box and gave her a look of pity. She excepted it reluctantly. It was becoming more and more obvious she didn't want to open it, but she unwrapped it anyways.

"What's in it?" He asked impatiently. She looked at him with wide, teary eyes. The h/c haired girl held up a piece of paper that appeared to be splattered with blood.

"We have the redhead." Read the note. It was short, simple, and effective. That wasn't the only thing in the box, either. There was a new phone, already having two contacts. Xavier and Thomas.

There was also a necklace. It was a lovely rose color, engraved with a heart. The simple presence of the jewelry made her feel ill.

"I... think I need to lay down for a while..." She said with a pale face. Her friend nodded, backing out of the room and closing the door.


I'm really sorry for the wait on this chapter. I got hit with some writers block, but I'm back now. Thanks for reading!

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