15 "Hanging Out"

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She sat on the cold basement floor, tears silently running down her face. She had no clue where she was or why. Her red hair was a mess and her clothes were stained with blood. She was really roughed up on her way over. Nina wished she would have taken the easy way out. Only a thin blanket seperated her and the ground.

She scratched at the chain around her ankle. The cherry haired girl despised how quiet everything was. She missed her sister, horrified by the fact she was the one that found the note.

The heavy metal door opened, alerting the girl of her captor's presence. She looked up in fear, backing further into the wall. Both people were scared and tired.

The green haired boy sighed, setting a tray of food on the ground. Nina hesitantly examined it, wondering if it was poisoned or not.

"I'm sorry. This wasn't my idea." Thomas spoke, exiting the room. The door closed, leaving her in complete darkness once again.


They sat in Xavier's car, driving to the nearest mall. They had to go out of town, because the town they lived in was small. Y/n watched buildings pass by mindlessly. She didn't really want to go. She just wanted a distraction.

Xavier had a hard time keeping his eyes on the road when the girl he loved was only a few inches away. He was estatic. Everyone seemed to buy Nina's suicide, Y/n is starting to depend on them, and Thomas is taking care of the boring stuff.

"So, what kind of clothes do you like?" He asked, breaking the silence. She didn't even have to think on it for a moment.

"Uhh.. Something relatively modest. Long sleeves cuz I hate my arms." She answered.

"I think you'd look good in everything..." He mumbled to himself.

"What was that?"

"Nothing! Say... we're here!" He said, pulling into a parking spot. He got out of the car, opening the passenger door.

She stepped out of the heat of the car, shivering again. He looked at her with concern, taking off his jacket and giving it to her.

"What happened to the jacket I gave you?" He asked. She looked embarrassed.

"I had to walk home in the rain and it got wet. It's still being washed." She decided not to tell him the full story. She thought it was best to keep some struggles to herself. She put her arms through the oversized sleeves, subconsciously sinking into the warm fabrics. He grinned happily, glad to see she was comfortable with him.

"Let me buy you a new one. One that fits properly."

"Aww, but I like baggy things!" She practically whined. He laughed, flipping the hood of the jacket up. It fell over her eyes, temporarily blinding her. She tried finding where the hood ended, grasping at it frantically.

At this point, Xavier was laughing so hard his sides hurt. He doubled over, laughing hysterically.

"Oh, you're adorable!" He exclaimed, taking the hood off for her. She huffed, crossing her arms.

"Stop bein' a dork, Xavier!" She said, playfully shoving him. At this moment they both almost forget the events in their lives. The purple haired boy was too caught up in the moment to realize time passing quickly.

"We should go inside now. I'm freezing my tits off." He jokingly said, taking her hand in his. They walked into the modern building. There weren't many people shopping. Most people were at work or school so naturally, they were targeted by salesmen.

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