23 "No Choice"

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Warning!! There's some gore in this chapter!!


She dashed through the trees, tripping over broken branches and uneven ground. She had no time to address the pain. Her friend was in danger.

As she reached the thick of the forest, she came upon a phone. She immediately knew who's it was, the feeling of dread washing over her. The screen was badly cracked and, disturbingly, splattered with blood. 

"These bastards.." She mumbled, trudging through the leaves fearfully. Although she wasn't close to Clemintine anymore, they grew up together. She wouldn't be able to handle her death.

Y/n pushed open the door slowly, praying someone inside didn't notice the creaking noise. When she opened the door, there were obvious signs of a struggle.

Things had been knocked over and broken. A wooden support beam had been scratched up, and glass had been shattered. The worst part was the blood trail leading around the corner.

Y/n threw her hand over her mouth, trying not to vomit. She knew all too well what had happened here. Now, she had to decide whether to fulfill her dream or not.

Her other hand grasped at the knife in her pocket as she followed the blood. As she turned the corner, her eyes widened at what laid before her.

Clemintine's body was badly broken and mutilated. She was propped up against the wall, almost as if to send a message. Y/n walked closer, inspecting the poor girl. Her eyes had been gouged out, leaving nothing but bloody holes.

"I... I'm so sorry." She mumbled, backing herself into a corner. Her legs felt like they were going to give out.

Footsteps echoed through the halls, but Y/n didn't move an inch. She wanted to avenge her friend. She stared at the entrance, silently waiting. Soon, Thomas appeared.

He scanned the room, his eyes eventually settling on Y/n. He clapped his blood stained hands together in joy, elated to see her again. He thought she wouldn't show up, but here she was, quivering in the corner.

"Why do you look so distraught? I did this for you." He asked, stepping forwards. She flinched, pulling the knife out of her pocket and pointing at him. It was almost bone chilling how familiar this scene was to her.

"Don't come any closer..!" She shouted across the room. He frowned mockingly, putting a hand over his chest dramatically.

"Oh Y/n, you couldn't do anything that would stop me. I love you too much to give you up over a silly stab wound! You act like I haven't had worse."

Soon, he closed the gap between them, wrapping his arms around her tightly. The h/c haired girl winced as she pushed the knife into his leg. He let out a muffled sob, pushing his head deeper into her shoulder. His nails dug into her back as he tried not to sink to the ground.

"I... I get it. I know you hate me, but I need you. Can we please just go home?" He cried into her shoulder. She pushed against him desperately, trying to escape, but his grip was unwavering.

He shakily sunk to the ground, pulling her down with him. He mumbled something about being vitamin definciant and bleeding out. He struggled to keep his eyes open.

"X-xavier..!" He weakly called. The purple haired boy ran into the room, taken aback when he saw what was unfolding.

"Jesus Christ..! He's vitamin K deficient. You're literally killing him." He explained as he picked the weak boy up. Blood soaked the poor boy's jeans, and eventually soaked into Xavier's sweater.

"What does that even mean?!" She yelled. She definitely didn't want to kill someone. She just wanted to get away. Her desire to avenge Clemintine immediately dissolved.

"It means his blood can't fucking clot so he will not stop bleeding." Y/n immediately felt a pang of guilt and anxiety. She had no clue what to do or how to save him.

"Fuck... I've gotta take him to the hospital. But what about Y/n?" He mumbled to himself. He had to decide between his best friend or his love interest. Then, he got an idea.

"If you dont come with me, I'll kill Nina. You know I'm not joking." He said seriously. She stared in disbelief. She knew he was absolutely serious.

"Fine.." She said, tears threatening to spill.


10:23 P.M.

She sat on a bed, curled in a ball. It had just hit her. Clemintine was dead. She had a chance to avenge her and she didn't take it.

Beside her sat Xavier, who tried to soothe her crying. He lightly rubbed her back, hoping to calm her down. He didn't realize he was making the situation worse by being in the same room.

"There, there. He'll be alright. He's been through worse."

"I don't care about him! You murdered one of my best friends!" She screamed. He jumped back in surprise.

"This is your fault. If you would have just stayed here, none of this would have happened. You need to rest, you're being irrational."

"Me?! I'm the irrational one?! You have no right to me or my body!" Y/n shouted.

"Darling, you're being crazy. You need someone to protect you! You're too fragile and gorgeous to fend for yourself!"

"Please just leave... I need some time to myself." She said quietly. She didn't have the mental capacity to deal with him.

"Okay. Just yell if you need something. I love you~"


Sorry that this is a shorter chapter. It was a bit hard for me to write because of mentions of vitamin k. It's a real thing, though. Thanks for reading!

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