Chapter 1

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Ch. 1
Anya Smith -Trained Assassin

She was abandoned on the streets of London at the early age of 6 years. Her mother had taken her for ice-cream and "accidentally" lost her in the corner of the shop where she told her to stay. Anya stayed there quietly until closing time when she was tossed unceremoniously out into the streets.

Anya walked and walked, when she got tired she sat on the side if the streets to rest until she found her way "home", it was a dilapidated building in the worst part of London and even worst tenants. Even at her young age she was beaten many times by the neighbor who "babysat" her and almost raped by her mother's boyfriend. Thankfully Anya was agile and quick-witted enough to sense the danger so she hid until her mother returned. When Anya told her mother what had happened, she was beaten and was starved until she fainted. Her mother was "sorry" and so she treated her well for the next week, baking cookies and taking her to play at the park and now taking her for ice cream .

When Anya finally got home, about 6 hours later, the door was ajar but no one was there. There was no furniture, no food, her mother's clothes were gone as well and Anya few pieces of clothing and toy were in a heap on the floor of their room. She bundled the clothes to make it as comfortable to lie down on, where she tiredly fell asleep one thought going through her mind "why did no one want her?" Not even her father had wanted her.

Anya' POV

I opened my eyes find three stern, very scary strangers staring at me. The first to speak was a young man about 18 years. He spoke to a female who looked to be about the same age him. With a smirk he said "I won G, now you gotta do my chores for one full week" . The woman, G, threw a hateful look at me and then answered, "Whatever, J, you were just lucky". "Enough you two" a man who looked about 30 years growled at them. Both youngsters lowered their heads in shame.

The man then turned to me and said, "Hello my dear, no need to be scared, we are here to help you". I quietly looked at him and waited for him to continue but instead his face turned slightly pink as he gave an embarrassed cough. The guy called J laughed out loud but quickly disguised it with a cough, while G, just snorted and stormed out with a "whatever".

I looked over at the man once more waiting for an explanation, I guess. Who is he? Why is he here? Is he my father? Did they do something to my Mother? And the most important question was...Is that hot chocolate and Danish for me? I was starving, but I knew better that to say anything or ask anything cause that usually ends up with me being slapped. Hard as I was, I kept my eyes on his face and not on his hands.

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