Chapter 39

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Damien s Home in Above Pic

Anya felt hopeful that Xander will see things her way and so in that time she found where Damien was staying and made plans. Unfortunately he was back at his home, a castle, in some obscure part of England. But that was not going to sway her. She needed to change her wardrobe a bit, add some formal and semi formal dresses, shoes and accessories to match, sexy lingerie of course and something she was going to have to take a crash course on; using; make up. She also went to the beauty spa and got a complete make over. She had her car shipped over to Europe as well. Soon five days flew by. Xander had not contacted her. To say she was disappointed was an understatement. As she was about to step out the hotel, she saw Xander sitting in the lounge with luggage next to him. She grinned running to him and giving him a hug. "Thank you. I promise you won't regret it. As your not yet official sister I swear this to you." Even though he growled in response she did not miss the amused glint in his eyes.

They got to England and made it a point to visit all the popular werewolf hotspots as they waited for her car to arrive. They soon became a hot topic as they had hoped. By the second week they received an invitation to visit the Royal Family. Exactly as they had planned. The king could.not continue ignoring his son and the queen could no longer ignore Anya especially since Damien had begun destroying the castle in fits of anger every time he heard or saw anything about the couple.

Their arrival at the castle was anything but happy and welcoming. No one from the Royal Family was there to greet them and their rooms though acceptable left a lot to be desired especially since they were on opposite ends from each other. Anya unpacked and was about to go find Xander when someone knock on her door. When she open it, she was surprised to see a girl her age or maybe younger looking at her with curiosity and a mischievous smile. "Hi,' she chirped. Anya looked at the pixie like girl in amusement. "Hi, I'm Jasmine, I heard a lot about you and your handsome mate?" She said by way of introduction.

"Hello, I'm Anya, I was just about to find Xander, care to show me the way?" Anya found herself taking a liking to Jasmine. Not only was she beautiful with her black hair and hazel green eyes but she was a friendly and chatty person. Having her as a friend would be helpful in finding out what the situation was like. Turns out she was Diana's cousin, one that Diana treated as her personal servant. Hearing this made Anya reconsider being too friendly since Jasmine may be there to spy for Diana. If that was the case then all was not lost since she can indirectly send whatever news she wanted Diana to know. Jasmine led Anya to a door and she she had to leave but said she will back to show them to dinner.

Anya knocked on Xander's door and entered as soon as he answered. Taking a look around his room she laughed commenting on the poor accommodations. "So what do you think is going to happen at dinner? Will the Royal Highnesses be there you think? " Anya asked. "Oh, they will definitely be there. What size of bed you got? Damien asked, abruptly changing the topic. "A king I think, why?" "Cause the sooner we stir up trouble the sooner I can leave this shithole."

Xander took a knapsack and shoved some clothes and toiletries in it. "Let's go to your room" he said smiling wickedly. When they got to Anya's room he went directly to her closet pulling out a sexy red dress and accessories to match insisting she where that to dinner. He the went to the en suite bathroom and unpacked his toiletries setting them next to hers. "Dinner is at 7:00 pm. I'll be here at 6:30 pm to prep you. Get some rest until then" and with that vague comment he left.

Anya was almost ready when Xander came by. His eyes widen when he saw her. The off shoulder dress was fit showing off all her curves with long slit to mid thigh that opened every time she moves. Her lips were red to match the dress and she wore scrappy nude heels. The mark on her neck, a red wolf with little red stars above it, was prominently displayed. Xander smiled wickedly. "Now the finishing touch." Damien said as he pulled her into his arms hugging Anya close to him and kissing the mark on her neck. He pulled away with a grin. "My scent all over you. Also you will have to pretend that you are falling in love with me and that would mean you will have to touch me a few times, got it?" Grimacing, Anya nodded.

Dinner was a tense and somber affair. The king at the head of the table, the queen on his right, Damien on his left. Diana was next to the queen, Xander next to her, while Anya was next to Damien. Jasmine was seated next to Xander and a royal cousin name Ian, was next to Anya. No one spoke, Xander sat stiffly, Damien glared angrily while the king looked uncomfortable and the queen sat stiffly looking like she was eating lemons. In Anya's mind the whole scene was comedic especially with Jasmine and Ian trying to ease the tension with mindless chatter. Apparently, the queen could hold it in no more as she looked at Damien and stated that she and Diana had decided there was no reason to wait and the wedding will be in four weeks.

Anya's heart dropped when she heard the queens announcement. Four weeks instead of four months to make Damien throw aside his fiancee was daunting but she will just have to be more aggressive. She 'accidentally' dropped her knife onto the floor, bending to retrieve it, Anya placed her hands on Damien's thigh, 'accidentally' brushing her breasts against him, giving him an innocent smile when he glared at her. "Slut" Diana coughed into her napkin. Anya's eyes widen and filled, lips trembling in hurt. Xander jumped to her defense almost immediately, "If I recall correctly Diana, you weren't even a virgin when I fucked you the first day we met." Diana' gaped at Xander as Jasmine eyes and mouth opened wide. Safyra was purring at Xander's defense. "She's calling you a slut when she has Ian's scent all over her?" Safyra said to Anya. Ian frowned at Xander saying that he had no table manners and Damien gave his mother a mocking stare as the queen's face got red. By this time the tears running down Anya's face were no longer fake as she fought to control her laughter. Giving up the battle she buried her face in Damien's chest shaking with laughter, trying to muffle the sound in his chest. With a cough to hide his own laughter, Damien picked up Anya bridal style and swiftly left the room taking her directly to his suite of rooms.

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