Chapter 5

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Ch 5 – Anna Donahue (above) – Werewolf

Anna Donahue POV

My name’s Anna Donahue, I’m 16 years old, 5' 8" tall, light blond hair, blue eyes and I’m a werewolf. I live with my dad and step mother and 2 younger siblings (my half-brother and half-sister). They are 12 years old and their names are Peter and Michelle). We are a happy family most times. My step-mother treats me well but of course treats my brother and sister better. My real mom died in child birth and the nurse attending to her found my dad and sent me to him with a note. All this I’ve been told by my dad. I know my mom was human just like my step-mother and that she was my dad’s true mate. Olivia, my step mom, is his chosen mate after my mom died. My dad cheats on her a lot and apparently she does the same to him too. Whatever makes them happy, I guess. As I said before, we are a happy family, most times.

I attend Lakeview High School. Most of my pack, the Silver Moon Pack, goes there. I am somewhat popular, not as popular as the cheerleaders and jocks however. My friends and I, there are about eight of us, four guys and four girls hang out together all the time. We have each other’s backs and no one messes with us. Most of my friends and I will begin training soon to become pack warriors. It’s something that I’ve been looking forward to for a long time. We also get to meet our mates at age 16. I’ve not met mines yet, but then I haven’t been in our pack for the past 4 months, my dad went to trained another pack’s warriors and I begged him to take me along. Although I have no reason to feel unhappy or even lonely I sometimes felt very sad and alone especially when I was younger.

It’s the first day of school after summer vacation and I’m not sure how I feel. I’m a bit nervous and a bit excited because there is a huge possibility that I’ll meet my mate today. I got there about twenty minutes before class starts; my friends are waiting for me at our spot in front the school. We immediately begin chatting about my experience with the other pack and how they spent their vacation and most importantly who has met their mates. Turns out that Lisa and Mitch, Alex and Lena, four people from our group are each other’s mates. Adam, Brandon, Eva and I haven’t met ours yet. We entered the office to collect our schedules and then head to class. Unfortunately we didn’t all have the same schedules so we split up and went to our respective classes agreeing that we will all see each other at lunch.

So far my life has been pretty good, I am naturally smart and maintain an A average without much effort. Some people think I’m a nerd and a teacher’s pet but whatever floats their boats, I really didn’t care. The biggest bi*ch in school is Victoria. She is the Beta’s daughter and 17 years old, she is slim, 5’ 6”, blond hair, green eyes and altogether beautiful.She is pretty strong and maintains a B+ Average. She’s is also the self-proclaimed “Future Luna” of our pack. Granted, Xavier, our future Alpha has been dating her about 6 months now, but everyone knows he is not faithful to her.

He is always hooking up with the school sluts (weres and humans). I feel sorry for whoever his mates is. He is a typical player, 6' 2", gorgeous with short black hair and beautiful blue eyes. I heard he didn’t want a mate yet ‘cause he’s not ready to “settle down”.

As usual Victoria or Tory as she’s sometimes called is being her bitchy self, bullying one of the sophomores. Yikes , looks like another one of Xavier’s conquests. When will these chicks learn? I step in front of Julie and grab Tory’s hand before she lands another punch. She looks at me with a sneer and pulls away screaming at me, “How dare you touch your future Luna?” I look at her and scoff, “What qualifies you as the future Luna? You aren’t Xavier’s mate nor has Xavier claimed you as his future Luna”.

I turned, picked up Julie and head to the Nurse’s office. We got a new school nurse apparently, her name is Jessica and she’s human. I like her almost immediately; she seems really kind and a bit too interested in me. She knows about our kind. Apparently she had a werewolf mate but he rejected her after living together for over a year. I feel sorry for her but thankfully she’s human or she would have died because of the rejection.

I head to the cafeteria to enjoy what’s left of my lunch, as soon as I walk through the doors a wonderful scent hits me.  My wolf, Bianca, stirs and whispers “mate” excitedly.  I stop walking for a second ‘cause I’m not sure but I suddenly got a feeling something bad was gonna happen. I looked towards my group’s usual lunch table and saw they were waiting for me.  I ignored my wolf’s pleas to go find our mate. I always believed in my gut feelings. They have never led me wrong and I wasn’t going ignore them now. My friends had gotten me a sandwich and a juice, as I dug into my sandwich I felt as if someone was staring at me. I looked up, only to find Xavier staring at me with what I can only conclude were mixed emotions. F*CK NO!! Xavier’s my mate? I feel sorry for myself.

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