Chapter 19

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Lunch turned into a tensed and somber affair, with Juliet’s parents staring  or more like glaring at Xavier and the King and Queen continuously glancing at him, being polite by not glaring as they probably wanted too. Finally, Juliet’s father Derrick could hold it in no longer and straight out asked Xavier why he has not mated with Juliet yet. Juliet’s face turned red at this question as something so private was being discussed so openly in front of strangers.

She’s not my mate, never was never will be, was all Xavier said. Derrick’s face along with his wife Martha turned into angry scowls. What do you mean she’s not your mate, Martha queried. Of course you ‘re her mate Juliet said so, Martha continued. The king interrupted their conversation with an angry snarl, “You dare disobey a royal command?” “ I obeyed as commanded, I marked the spoilt, selfish little bitch, hurting my mate in the process but I will never mate with her,” Xavier snarled in response. Everyone sat quietly staring at him. “Your mate? Who the fuck is claiming to be your mate I’ll kill the bitch” Derrick boomed. A long silence ensued then suddenly a beautiful voice was heard. “I am.”

Everyone turned in shock to look at the silver haired, blue-eye beauty who was wearing a smirk on her face as she stared Derrick in the eyes. Tyler. Logan and Damien flew up from their seat looking at her each with a different expression - confusion, shock and anger. Anya raised her eyebrows looking at everyone’s expression, sneering at Juliet before glaring back at Alpha Derrick challenging him. “You wish to kill me? I dare you to even try” Anya snarled. Alpha Derrick jumped  while shifting into his wolf, a huge all black wolf with brown eyes, aiming for Anya’s throat. But she quickly side -stepped flinging a dart at the wolf. Everything became chaotic at once as the wolf fell onto the table, inches away from Anya.

The King and Queen were yelling, Juliet and Martha were crying, Tyler and Xavier were holding back Damien from shifting. “Enough” a voice boomed that had everyone bowing in submission. It was the king and his yell held so much power that even the alphas seemed to be affected,  Damien included. With as much dignity as he could muster, Tyler suggested that they use his study for a private discussion.

Everyone agreed and headed to the study as Alpha Derrick was taken to his room while his mate, Martha, followed them. In the study everyone was staring at Anya and Xavier, then Xavier looked at Anya with a confused expression. “You aren’t my mate” he finally said. “Duh” Anya responded that had everyone grinning except for their Majesties.

Why would you claim to be his mate, the king asked. “Just to piss off that arrogant fool I suppose” Anya said with a shrug as she quickly glanced at Anna. The king seemed piss at her response. This is not a joking matter young lady, you are claiming another as yours, you can be severely punished for that, the queen ranted. "So is she", Anya exploded pointing directly at Juliet, why has she not been punished? “Juliet will not lie about someone being her mate, she knows the consequences of doing such,” the queen explained slowly and patiently as if speaking to a truant child. Anya huffed. “What’s the consequences of rejecting your mate and claiming someone else’s as yours?” Tyler asked suddenly. Juliet visibly paled at this question. The King looked at Tyler then Juliet, “Are you fucking kidding me right now?” The king roared in anger.
Juliet fell to the floor in tears not looking at anyone or saying anything.

“Juliet explain yourself,” the king ordered, but all she did shake her head as tears continuously fell. With a whispered “I’m sorry” Juliet ran out of the room. The king sat in silence and just stared blankly at everyone. He looked at Tyler and asked “Why did she reject you?” "I can only guess that I wasn’t good enough to be her mate" he grimaced. The King just sigh then dismissed everyone except Xavier. Half an hour later Xavier exited the study looking pale and dejected. When Damien saw him he approached Xavier but his normal stone expression was gone. In its place was anger and hate. “Did the royal bastard order you to make Juliet your Luna?” Damien guessed. “I’ll never mate her. I’d rather mate a vampire than touch that selfish bitch. I feel sorry for poor Tyler getting a mate like her” Xavier ranted. “Juliet is spoilt, and I realize now, selfish but for as long as I’ve known her, she has been sweet and kind. I’ll have a chat with her and try to change her mind.” “Doesn’t matter if she changes her mind, the king is going to make an official edict stating she is my Luna who I’ll be presenting at the coronation. By tomorrow everyone will learn that she is my future Luna.” “Not if I can help it” Damien growled as he stalked off towards the study to confront the king.

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