Chapter 33

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Anya and Damien had gone to bed early setting an alarm for 11:00 p.m.  When they woke up Anya found a beautiful loose  gown with a note asking her to wear it for the ritual. She suspected it was from Jessica, pushing aside all thoughts she donned the dress and they headed downstairs. Everyone was gathered and awaiting their arrival. Calli came forward and indicated that they should follow her. They arrived at a clearing with huge stone tablets encircling what looked like an altar. Only Anya and the three O'Riley sisters entered inside the circle of tablets while the rest of the coven formed a circle around the tablets. Damien stood to the side where he got the best view and access to the altar. Anya could feel his worry, helplessness and anger beating at her through the bond. She turned looking straight at him, giving him a reassuring smile. He gave her a nod and a smile, took a deep breath calming himself.

At exactly midnight, everyone began chanting. The O'Riley witches were chanting as well as burning various herbs and other items, Anya couldn't identify, in a small bonfire atop the altar. Suddenly the fire rose blazing brightly then extinguished leaving only ashes. Calli scooped up the ashes and mixed it with her blood then asked Anya to strip leaving just her under clothes, smearing the blood and ashes on Anya.

Anya waited to feel something but nothing happened after a couple minutes a pressure started building in her chest, slowly creeping its way to her extremities. The pressure reached her head and though it was not so painful, she felt herself losing consciousness. When she awoke it was already past noon. She saw Damien sitting on a chair close to the bed, his hands clasping her a tightly, staring out the window. He looked a bit haggard.

She squeezed his hand gaining his full attention. "How do you feel? Are you okay? Does anywhere hurt? Can I get you anything?" He questioned look her over from head to toe. Laughing, Anya pulled him into her arms hugging him tightly. "I'm fine, maybe a little hungry and thirsty?" She said with a smile. She could feel the power surging around in her and it felt wonderful. Picking her up Damien carried her to the bathroom turning on the taps to the right temperature. She looked down at herself and realized she still had some of the ash and blood paste on her. While she brushed her teeth, He stripped himself as well got into the shower with her gently washing her from hair to toes. Anya felt her heart swell, it had been a long time she felt cared for. When he was finish with her he quickly washed himself then carried her out drying her. She took the towel from him and made him sit on the bed so she could dry him off. They got dressed in silence and headed to the dining area.

When they entered everyone greeted Anya asking how she was feeling.  Smiling she told everyone she was fine. Brianna told her she would start training the next day. Once they were able to decipher her specialties she will then be trained by either herself  or Alice. After lunch Damien went to pack his things. He has stayed longer than he could. Now that he knew his mate was the target, he had to work faster to figure out who was after her and what they planned to do with her.

Anya watched as Damien packed his case not knowing how to say goodbye.  She felt in her gut that she may never see him again. He had his life planned out for him since birth and she wasn't part of it but she knew that she could not let him leave without him knowing how she truly felt. She walked up to him and wrapped her arms around his waist leaning her forehead on his back. He turned in her arms hugging her tightly to him.

"This isn't goodbye, Nya. I will visit as often as I can." She nodded her head still buried in his chest. " I know." She said. Pulling back she looked into his eyes ,"I will miss you. Promise me you will be safe, that you will look after yourself and Malik." she whispered. He kissed her forehead and nodded and turned walking away. Just as he reached to open the door she called out to him. "Damien!... Goodbye," she whispered. He turned to look at her, she watched him battle with himself, then he strode towards her. Lifting her chin he kissed her gently. "Take care of yourself," he told her, then turned and swiftly left.

3 Months later

Three months have passed since Anya's witch powers were unsealed. Her training began slowly, learning the basics on how to find her power, understanding it and how to used it. Her powers were healing and elemental both powerful in their own right. What made her special was that she could manipulate all five elements, wind, earth, fire, water and void. Most witches and warlocks could use two, stronger ones three. Calli could use four. The fifth element was rare and so Calli needed to scour for resources to train Anya properly. The void element was tricky since it involved manipulating time and space and a sacrifice, depending on the strength and depth of the spell as well as the spell caster.

For the past few weeks Anya had not been feeling well. She often felt pain or dizzy and she only recently learnt from Jessica that it was because of the mate bond. When a mate has been marked and mated they need to be close to each other or their wolf will eventually die and their human not long after. Jessica and Anya were now on speaking terms but it was not a close relationship, perhaps it will never be, only time will tell. Jessica taught Anya as much as she knew about werewolves which helped her a lot in understanding her wolf and the mate bond.

She spoke to Anna once a week and so did Jessica. No one told Anna about Jessica being her birth mom or Anya being her twin. She also spoke often with Tyler especially about the rogue situation. When Anya told Charles that she was in fact the Hybrid the rogues were looking for; he immediately ordered her back to The Institution where they could protect her. However, Calli convinced him otherwise. Anya had been in contact with everyone who meant anything to her except Damien. The one she loved, missed and needed the most.

Anya has taken a break from training. She felt desperately ill and needed to rest, she woke up to his enticing scent. He was back. Damien had come back after all but when she looked at him he didn't seem too pleased. Frowning she asked him what was wrong but all he did was give her a mocking stare. "I need to see Calli about disolving the mate bond" was all he said walking out the room.

Rubbing her heart to ease the pain, Anya fought back the tears. Hours after he still did not return to see her so she went in search of him. He owed her and explanation at least, but was told that he had already left. Anya didn't think he could hurt her any more than he already had but she was wrong.

Calli found her in the garden, giving her a look filled with pity. "I'm sorry Anya, Damien said he wouldn't be visiting you again. He asked that we cast a spell that will remove the effects of the mark. I think you know that only he can remove the mark and to so that he will have to mark another. Anya just looked at Calli and nodded, no expression on her face. "Do what he asked of you," she continued still no expression. Calli looked both scared and worried at the same time. "Anya, are you okay?"
"I'm fine" same expressionless monotone.

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