Chapter 17

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This story has not been edited. Please excuse any errors. Thanks!!


Everyone entered Tyler’s study as if by agreement. Both Xavier and Anna seemed upset. “How dare that little bi…” Logan’s growl interrupted his tirade. Logan turned to Tyler and spoke “Alpha, you have known me since we were kids, I’m sorry for lying to you about Anya being my second mate, I’m not that blessed it would seem, but know this, If I could choose my mate it would be her. She is honest and loyal and would risk her life for the betterment of others. She will never deliberately hurt an innocent and has never failed at any task that she has been give. She is here to help us figure out what the rogues are up to and stop them”.

“How can she help, what’s so special about her?” Anna asked suddenly. Damien looked across at Anna and smirk, “Careful Anna dearest, your green-eyed monster is showing”. “Anna has no reason to be jealous of anyone especially that clone in there."

That remark had everyone quiet.... How is it that they are so similar? Was what was on the forefront of everyone's mind.  “We need to find out more about her,” Tyler comment. He the looked at Logan saying “Logan, you’re right I’ve known you my whole life and I do trust you but Anya is such a mystery and she’s strong, too strong to not take seriously. I’m sorry but we need to know more about her” Logan sighed and said he needed to take to Anya first he will need some time to convince her; so they agreed to meet after dinner tomorrow. 

Anya absolutely refused to let Logan divulge any information about the Institution. If they insisted, she will tell them what she deemed necessary and nothing more. Either they accepted they can trust her or not and Tyler was the only person she needed to convince although her thoughts ran to a gorgeous silver eyed hunk that Safyra would not shut up about. Anya knew she was going to have company later, so she showered and changed into a leggings and t shirt. She was amazed that all her wounds had healed without leaving a scar. The werewolves had some type of amazing medicine but when she asked the doctor about it he gave her a funny look and walked away. Must be some sort of secret medicine, she heard they had a witch who was studying healing spells but, unfortunately, she had not met her yet.

After dinner there was knocked on her door and the first person Anya saw enter was Mr. Gorgeous Hunk from earlier. After they all entered her room she cleared her throat and introduced herself to everyone, then Damien, Anna, Juliet and Xavier introduced themselves. Anya had to admit she was most curious about Anna. Who were here parents? Were they related in some way? Why did they look so alike? But she kept her mouth shut and waited for their questions. Damien was the first to begin but soon everyone joined in with a barrage of questions

How old are you? – 19.
Where do you live? – Mainly Washington but my job keeps me moving a lot.
What is your job? - A type of mercenary for hire (that made them pause)
Who do you work for? - Anyone that I deem fit and can pay the price.
Did someone hire you to come here? - Sort of, not here specifically but somewhere I will be to figure out the rogues plan.
Who are your parents? - I don’t remember (I lied).
Are they dead? – Possibly.
How long do you plan to stay here? – It depends on Tyler and the rogues cooperation I guess.
Are you human? – She laughed at that one. - Of course, can’t you tell?
Do you know you smell more and more like a wolf? – She looked offended. I do not! It’s probably your sheets or something!

Everyone became quiet after that. “Is that all?” she asked “For now. Get some rest” Tyler said. “Actually, I’m all healed and can leave now. Logan do you mind taking my bag to our room?” Anya said. Before Logan could respond Damien snarled at Logan “You’re sharing a room even though she is not your mate?” “Chill man” Tyler said, “She can stay at the pack house with one of the unmated girls” “Hell no” Damien exploded. “What’s your problem man?” Xavier asked. “We need to keep an eye on her, she stays close to me” Damien growled. “Why you?” Logan buts in and suddenly  Damien released a tremendous amount of power that had everyone  bowing in submission, “That’s why” he snarls and walks away.

It was decided that Anya and Anna would share a room and so two twin beds were place in there and the queen bed remove. Xavier seemed most pissed about that than anyone else.

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