Chapter 43

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Anya and Damien completed their mating by marking each other. Both Diana and Xander had felt the pain of losing their chosen mate. Granted the pain isn't anywhere near what a true mate would feel but it hurt none the less. Of course the queen had a royal fit but Damien and Anya happiness was obvious for all to see. They had never left the room the entire day or night. They showed up.late the next morning, a beautiful engagement ring  on Anya's third finger. Jasmine was the only one to congratulate them. Ian  wore a blank expression, while the king and queen summoned them to the king's office.

"Damien, I am aware that I have made a lot of mistakes. But I have learned from those mistakes and I can tell you that a true mate can cloud your judgement. They aren't always the best choice. I beseech you to reconsider this marriage. If you are not pleased with Diana, there are at least  a half dozen more to choose from." The king announced.

The queen glared daggers at Anya, "My son, please listen to your father. This woman has already clouded your judgement. Why else would you mark, mate and engage her all at once?" Turning to Anya, the queen continued. "You are a witch that has placed a spell on my son.  You think i would let someone as selfish as you be in my son's life? You have no power here. Just you wait, you'll see what true power is." The queen threatened.

"Mother, I believe Anya gave you two weeks to find out who she is? Your time is almost up. Tell me, have you learned anything? If not then I suggest you not waste any more time on your ridiculous accusations or you will be sorry." Damien warned his mother. "Father, you are the one who made mistakes. It is wonderful that you learned from them but I am not you and Anya is not Sofia. Anya is my mate and she and only she, will be my wife. Oh! By the way, the wedding is in two months. I'll send you the invitation."

"Well if that's all, we need to go. There's a lot to deal with right now with the threat of rogues and the council elders, not to mention traitors and internal battles with you, my parents, we really don't have time for idle chit chat." Damien said. A knock interrupted any further discussion. "Enter" the king announced. His assistant, Daniel entered with a harried look, your Highness, a messenger is here with a message for the prince and his hybrid mate.  He says it's from the Rogue King. Anya glanced at Damien, "I think Xander should be here to hear this" she announced.

The queen scoffed,  "Of course she does, this is exactly what I'm talking about. This slut will ruin this kingdom and .."Enough Laura" the king shouted at his wife. "Why should Xander be here Ms. Smith?" "He is your son isn't he? Why continue to deny him his right?" The king gave her considering look, then had Daniel summon Xander. As soon as Xander arrived, the messenger was sent in.

"I am here with a message for Prince Damien and the hybrid," sneered The messenger. "The Rogue King wants prince Damien to step down as king and keep his mate or remain king, Reject his mate and chose another. You have fourteen days to give your answer. If you should decide to do neither then there will be war." The messenger finished pompously.

Damien's  eyes turned black, while Xander's turned gold. The rage and power surging from them both had the messenger on his knees bowing in submission. "Kill him." Damien ordered."Damien you can't ignore this?" The king argued. Turning his wolf eyes to his father, Damien growled, "No one takes what is mine. Not my title and certainly not my mate. I am prepared to fight for what is rightfully mine. No coward will ever tell me what to do. Now kill him!" Daniel took the messenger out and had him killed.

Soon, Daniel returned with Diana, Ian and Jasmine in tow. "Anya, a barrier has gone up around the kingdom. Only a coven of at least three witches can do this, unless it's one of the O'Riley witches. Who did you get to put up the barrier? Perhaps you could invite them to the castle so that we can thank them properly." The king requested. "That won't be necessary your Highness." Anya responded. The king flummoxed,  did not know how to continue. He had hope to request or hire the witches to help resolve the issue of the Rogue King. "Of course she is not only clueless but foolish as well," the queen snorted.

"Anya," Diana began as is speaking to a slow witted child, "What the king is asking is for the witches assistance in dealing with the Rogue King. Since Damien is unwilling to compromise then there will most likely be war." Anya sneered. 'As I told the king, inviting them to the castle is unnecessary. They require no thanks and only I can seek their assistance if it's required," Anya explained patiently. "Why would they refuse the king but help you?" Ian questioned, genuinely interested in the answer.

Smiling, Anya invited everyone to have a seat as she began her explanation. "Witches are powerful beings as are most super naturals. However, what makes us different is that most witches are one with nature. We draw our power using natural elements. When nature is hurt so are we and so most of us live peacefully not interfering in the lives of others unless there is a reason too. We do not trust others who are not like us since they tend to want to use us for nefarious means. Therefore Ian, they will not help an outsider even if he is king nor would they help if, for any reason, it goes against our principles. Does that clear things up for everyone?"

"So will the witches help us or not," the queen asked exasperated. Anya shrugged her shoulders, totally frustrated with the queens attitude. "I suggest you ask the witches in your kingdom if they will help" with that Anya walked out the office.

She felt Damien's arms around her less than five minutes later. Smiling she turned burrowing into his broad chest. "You okay Baby?" Nodding she mumbled "A little tired, you were insatiable last night." Laughing, he kissed her pink cheek. "Sorry love, I can never get enough of you. Want to go We can discuss the issues later when you've rested."

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