Chapter 11

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Ch 11

We pulled up Alpha Zander’s home in two SUVs. I was excited to be back in my pack, I missed my friends and even my family. I was not aware that my Ex-mate was back with his chosen mate so when I saw them standing together waiting to welcome us I found that I need time to compose myself and stayed  in the vehicle trying to overcome my shock and pain. As soon as I had myself under control I stepped out the vehicle with a smile on my face.

Everyone pulled me for a welcome hug and so when Xavier grabbed me and pulled me to his chest no one gave it a second thought. I allowed myself to enjoy my mate’s scent and warmth for a moment before I pulled away and greeted the others waiting to welcome me. Since Xavier did not mention the beautiful girl next to him Anna decided to introduce herself to her but the girls eyes were fixed on Tyler with an aghast expression while Tyler glared at her with a sneer.
I went and stood next to Tyler and he simply held my hand and gave it a squeeze, I heard a low growl as I lifted my head and gave Tyler a smile to let him know I was okay. I knew the growl came from Xavier but I ignored it and him. 

We were then shown to our rooms to rest and freshen up before dinner as there was a meeting right after dinner. I quickly unpacked my case, took a shower, changed into a pajama shorts and t-shirt hoping to get an hour nap before dinner. I woke up feeling a weight across my waist and hot breath on my neck. I didn’t need to open my eyes to know it was Xavier; the sparks were still there his scent surrounding me. I missed him…a lot. He was making it so hard for me to move on, to keep my defenses up and shield my heart from further heartbreak. I tried to leave but his arm tightened around me pulling me tightly against his chest. “Please” he whispered brokenly “just five more minutes”.  “Xav”,”Please” he pleaded, not letting me finish. I turned to face him hoping to understand what he was doing, what he was thinking by being here like this but he simply pushed my head against his chest not allowing me to look at him. “I’m sorry Angel, I know I hurt you, but please don’t leave me, please wait for me, I’ll explain it to you soon. Just please, please don’t leave me,” with that he kissed my forehead and quickly left the room.

Dinner turned into an awkward affair, I was introduced to Juliet, Xavier’s mate, and the most gorgeous guy I’ve ever laid eyes on called Damien. He's 6'4", with steel grey  eyes and long dark hair. It was really hard to say who was better looking between Xavier and him and I couldn’t help but stare at him which apparently amused him but pissed off Xavier. Juliet tried to play hostess and engage everyone in conversation while trying to ignore Tyler and everyone just ignored her attempts. Thankfully everyone ate quickly so ended dinner early. We all headed to the Alpha’s study for the meeting. It was then concluded that The Red Moon Pack will lend some of their warriors to the Silver Moon Pack to train their warriors while a group of us will travel to other packs in the hope of negotiating treaties to defend ourselves against the rogues.

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