Chapter 26

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Seven days Anya stayed locked in a cell cuffed in silver and injected with wolfsbane on the first and fourth day. She was given a soft bed, warm sheets and delicious meals three times a day and she had friends that visited often. Anya was relieved to find that the silver had no effect on her or Safyra and though the wolfsbane affected them and She was unable shift, she and Safyra were able to communicate.

Damien visited Anya after she fell asleep at night, sharing her bed but always leaving before she woke up, his scent lingering. His action comforted and confused her. He never came while she was awake so she was unable to ask him questions she desperately wanted answers to. Damien knew what he was doing was counter productive but he just couldn't seem to leave her alone and not see her for even a day, it also got Malik off his back. Malik wanted, no, needed his mate. He was angry that Damien had not claimed Anya nor was he ever going to but the bond was too strong for them to ignore and so they comforted themselves with a few stolen moments holding his mate close to his heart as they slept.

They king had stayed for just one day after the sentencing and left saying he will be back for the coronation. He did leave three of his most trusted men to follow through on his punishments ensuring that they were carried out to the letter. Soon Anya was free and back in her room alone since Anna had moved into Xavier' s room. During her confinement,;Tyler had asked Anya to become an official member of his pack which Safyra encouraged her to accept.

The day after Anya's punishment was over, the Red Moon Pack had an informal gathering where everyone was invited. As soon as the sun set everyone arrived bringing food and drinks with them. As the moon rose high in the sky, Tyler began the acceptance ceremony which was nothing more than Anya swearing loyalty to her new pack and pledging to defend and protect each member with her life. This she did without hesitation and soon Tyler was giving her the same oaths then there was an exchange of blood. Anya had to slice her hand and let her blood drip onto a sacred relic of the Red Moon Pack, then Alpha Tyler slice his hand and grasp Anya's had that hadn't healed yet. As soon as their blood mingled Anya felt the connection to Tyler and soon every member of his pack. The feeling was overwhelming for Anya. For the first time in her life Anya felt a true connection to others. For the first time in thirteen years she felt she had family.

The feelings Anya had for Damien and Anna was different somehow. It felt deeper, more powerful and for some reason, eternal. Something that could never be broken. Anya and Anna felt a close connection that they could not deny and became great friends and so Anya was invited to leave the with Anna and Xavier earlier than the rest. Hopefully, they could spend more time getting to know each other better. Anya accepted the invitation since Damien had been keeping his distance from her and keeping Lindsey, the bitch, close, with her clinging onto his arm. Anya didnt know why ahe felt angry and hurt, but she did. Safyra was urging her go rip Lindsey arms off but she fought her and blocked out Safyra's hurt, anger and confusion. 

Anya did something she never did before, she drank, a lot, although since wasnt drunk she did feel slightly tipsy. The gathering lasted until little after midnight, then everyone left. As soon as Anya opened her bedroom door and stepped in, someone grabbed her and pushed her up against it, effectively closing the door. Then she heard the lock clicked. Anya knew who it was that grabbed her, crowding her against her door, without having to look up by the sparks she felt. It was Damien.

(Mature scene)

She lifted her head and glared at him. His eyes were black as He fought his wolf for control. He stepped even closer, pressing himself against her leaning down so that his lips brushed hers when he spoke. "You're leaving," he stated rather than asking. When Anya nodded, he threaded his fingers into her long silver hair that she hadn't bother tying, pulling her head back he  slammed his lips on hers, kissing her with anger, desperation and hunger. His lips left hers and travelled to her jaw, gently placing kisses until he got to her neck, he started sucking and nipping her. When she felt his teeth graze the sensitive spot on her neck she couldn't hold back her moan as she clung to his shoulders for support. He unzipped her dress, ripped off her underwear leaving her naked in front of him. He quickly pulled off his own clothes, his eyes on her the entire time, enjoying the sight in front of him.

Damien soon had Anya up against the wall, her legs wrapped around him, rubbing himself against her wet pussy. He tossed her on the bed climbing on top over her, his lips latched on to one nipple as he pinched and rubbed her clit. Anya was a writhing mess beneath him and she found herself sucking, kissing, biting  Damien' s neck and chest wanting, needing more, when he slammed into her  she sighed feeling complete. Soon she was screaming out in pain and pleasure as Damien thrust into her hard and fast. When his teeth grazed that sensitive spot on her neck her walls clamped down on him, flooding him. He lost all control as his eyes turned black and he slammed himself harder and faster into her. He reared back on his haunches bringing her up with him still inside her. "You're so beautiful and You're mine" he growled thrusting up hard inside her as he pulled her downwards, his cock hitting her G spot causing her to gasp his name. Her plunge his fingers through her hair pulling her head back ravishing her mouth as he continued thrusting hard and fast. Her walls were tightening around him once again, "God, You're so tight" he whispered in her ear. She felt every inch of him in this position and as her climax hit she felt him getting even harder, longer and thicker as he flooded her, her walls milking every drop from him.

They were staring at each other, Anya didn't know what her saw on her face but his gaze changed. His gentle look of love and wonder was gone in a blink and instead he was now wearing a smirk. Anya felt her heart drop as she continued to stare at him, then she felt it shattered when he said, "Thank you. You're a really good fuck. Way better than Lindsey but I guess she'll have to do while You're not here."

Anya quickly got off him and ran to the en suite bathroom, locking the bathroom door leaning against it as tears streamed down her face. Never had she ever felt so used, never had she felt such betrayal, not even when she was abandoned, had she felt so much hurt.

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