Chapter 37

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Anya was able to contact Charles three days after running away from The Blood Lust Pack.  He made all the arrangements for her to fly to England and stay at their organization there. Two days later Anya was sitting in front of a grave looking Charles. "You know that we have been lenient with you for over two years now. The Institution think we would benefit from you becoming more powerful but that Mark you're sporting makes me think we made a grave mistake. You now have a mate and from what I understand by that, you are no longer your own person. You are your mate's other half and he is yours. Everything you do from now on will be for your mate's benefit. We can no longer use you at the institution," Charles concludes with a sad look.

Anya had, in some way, known that The Institution would take that stance but somewhere buried deep in her heart and mind she had hoped that she meant more to them. That they would stand by her and help her fight for herself and eventually find happiness. She was supposed to serve at least four years more at the institution but she was also aware that she had completed more assignments than any other recruit. That her accumulated record gave an advantage of at least two years. Looking at Charles, she gave him a sad smile and nodded her head in understanding. She was on her own. She suddenly felt as if her life was pointless but Safyra encouraged her. She was gifted and powerful. It was time to stand up for herself. Time to decide what she wanted and fight for it. Time to let everyone who had hurt her, disappointed her,  betrayed her, denied her, abandoned her, used her or try to use her know who she truly was. .

She got up to leave but stopped when she realized that it was probably the last time she would see Charles and she may never see or talk to Jacob ever again. She had always considered them like family and it suddenly hurt to say goodbye. She walk to stand in front of Charles looking him in the eye, taking a deep breath, she did something she never did before but always wanted too, she hugged him. She felt the tears threatening to fall, pulling away she turned her face away. "Thank you Charles, thank you for saving my life, for giving me a purpose in life, for being there for me, always. Please give Jacob my best. I'll miss you both. Take care of yourself."

"No Anya," Charles whispered, "Thank you". "Thank you for being you. Thank you for never giving up, always working hard, always doing your best, never letting the bad experiences make you bitter, for always being honest and pure. Thank you for always striving to make yourself stronger. It has been my joy and privilege to have you in my life. I have never been more proud of anyone" His continued, his voice a bit louder. "You are no longer required to work for The Institution but that does not mean you are not a part of us. You have earned your place there, now instead of you serving us, we will serve you. I chose,You Anya, to be my heir."

"Charles, I don't know what to say. I've disappointed you, hell, I've diasappointed myself. I'm so sorry." Anya cried. "No Anya, you found your mate. He has marked you. You deserve happiness." Anya shook her head. "No, this isn't my mate's mark. My mate didn't want me, he's marked someone else and he's engaged to be married in less than five months." Anya sobbed. Charles expression grew somber. He had not expected this.


Charles POV

Anya has grown into an exceptional woman, beautiful inside and out. She has also grown very powerful to my consternation. I had decided to pass on the title of Director to her. Her analytical abilities, logic and photographic memory will be an asset to the Institution and she has worked hard and proved her loyalty and dedication. I wish her all the happiness in the world. I thought giving her the title would ensure her happiness but it was not meant to be. She was meant for more, but with it will come more hard work and more sacrifices and perhaps even more pain. Although Anya has seemed to develop a coping mechanism but it will end up destroying her if she doesn't work out her emotions soon.

I don't know what happened in the last two years but whatever it was hurt her deeply. I will need to start from France where she contacted me and I know exactly who to talk to. Xander seemed to have expected to hear from me and that msde suspicious. Xander is ruthless and will not seek you out or communicate with you in any way unless it benefits him in some way. I Realize that Anya may be what he is after so I sent her back to to some obscure coven in the U.S.. before flying to France to meet Xander.

Xander came to my hotel to meet me and wasted no time with pleasantries, demanding that I send Anya back to him, if I don't then he will wage a war on more innocent werewolves and witches. I knew he meant what he said and I knew that since he marked her, Anya will become ill if ahe is not with him. However The Institution doesn't not give into threats and we are a powerful entity in our own right, something Xander knows. His reckless attitude is cause for worry. I compromised instead. I will arrange for him to meet Anya by himself. He will be given the opportunity to convince her to willingly go back with him. If he cannot then we will prepare for war. Xander grudgingly agreed but he claimed needed a week to sort out some urgent issues. Now I had to convince Anya to meet him, also she will need to be informed of anything more we can find out about Xander.

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