Chapter 3

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Author's Note

The following chapter is just give other point of view. They don't play any major part in the plot of the story but these two characters are the closest  Anya has to family relationship.


Ch 3 – Jacob Turner – Elite Assassin / Trainer

Jacob’s POV

We went to the most disgusting area in London, Why? Because, Charles, The Director of the Institution, had a lead on some child progeny.  Gina and I made a bet. She thinks that the kid will be just an above average kid, while I think that Charles will never fetch something himself if it was not worth it. Turns out I was right….this scrawny 6 year old girl was deliberately taken and left in the city. No one really expected her to find her way home on her own, but she did.  Through the cameras that were set up around her “home”, we observed her until we woke her.

Her calm attitude or was it plain acceptance of the situation was irksome to me. Not for someone that young. I have seen many youngsters but none like her. I was fascinated with the little doll. “She’s going to be a beauty when she’s older”, I whispered to Gina. That pissed G off and had her glaring at the doll. This is gonna be, fun I thought, G is like top dog or should I say Bitch at the institution. She hates competition.

Anya has a brain like a sponge; ok not really, she has photographic memory. Not only that, it’s like she has ESP or some sh*t. I’m more fascinated than ever. She excels at everything except inter-personal relationships and that’s thank to good old G. Gina ensured that Anya had no friends not even enemies, it was like she was invisible to everyone there with the exception of teachers and trainers. Gina’s influence did not go so far. No, that’s a lie too, a few trainers that G was fu*king, treated Anya poorly to the point it was almost abuse.  Huh, that was only good for a few months though, Anya was soon kicking everyone’s ass and those trainers could not touch her any more.

I love watching Anya, not only is she beautiful  and sexy at 5’8” with hair that almost silver in color (which is why she wears a wig always), she’s so strong, kind and patient which is kinda strange for our deadliest assassin. Over the last 10 years that she has been here I watch and I wait. I’m not sure what I wait for but I don’t care, I’ll wait forever once I have Anya close.

Charles Mathews – Director – POV

Anya has become all that I expected and more. I had hoped that her father’s genes would be more prominent in her but fortunately for her it didn’t.  I tried to find her father but the bastard was one slippery dog or should I say wolf.  “Werewolves are real”. I know, one stole my sister from us when she was 17 years. I was only 7 years at the time, but I spent my entire lifetime looking for her. We were born to humans but our mother carried the werewolf gene. This has lead me to some incredible and astonishing discoveries. Not only are there Werewolves also known as Shifters, but also Vampires, Witches, Faeries and even goddamn Humans with supernatural strengths known as Hunters. That’s how I am able to accomplish as much as I have.

Hunters found us (myself and others like me that have been hurt by these unnatural beings) and taught us some of what they knew and help build the institution to train humans into skilled killers.  There are only about 150 of us. I don’t keep any male over the age of 35 years. Either they are dead or their memory erased or they get a new life. The women, hell most don’t last up to the age of 25 years, but if they do, they to get their memories erased and a new chance at life.

We are killers, yes. We kill those who kill, intended to kill or in any way try to destroy what is good in this world. I have also discover that no one can be trusted, not humans, not those lying bastard hunters and not any supernatural either. Now I seek justice for those who can't get it themselves. I take jobs from any and all, once they can pay the price that is, while me and mine serve our own brand of justice.

I have always had a bit more interest in Anya than any of my other kids. She is special, well maybe not so special since she has a twin. I just found her. She is the spitting image of Anya, her name is Anna….. how original. Her mother had twins and just kept one and sent the other off to the father with a note. Who would have believe the bitch could be so smart to have someone write a note saying that she died in childbirth and to take care of her “only” precious child..

How did the bitch know that the twin she gave up had the shifter gene while the one she kept was closer to human, that’s a question I intend to get answered, together with why give up one and not the other especially if she was going to treat her own kid like that.

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