Chapter 18

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Anna POV

I was not exactly sure how I felt about sharing with Anya. Looking at her was unnerving. Was she really related to me in some way?  I was kind of relieved that I had something to take my mind of Xavier. During our excursion to other packs he took the opportunity to explain about Juliet. I must admit that I was disappointed that he didn’t fight harder to not mate or in this case mark someone who was not his mate. I’ve been observing Juliet whenever I can and I have noticed her eyes are always going towards Tyler. I’ve asked Tyler about it but he simply said I was imagining things. Next month Xavier will be taking on the mantle of Alpha and will have to introduce or present his Luna to everyone. I can’t help but wonder what he will do.

Anya on the other hand has kept to herself without making any friendly gestures which kind of pisses me off. Does she think she is better than me? That I’m not good enough to be her friend? Well whatever. I must admit I’m impressed with her fighting skill. She is a goddamn killing machine no doubt. A week after we moved in together I notice that something is different about her. I asked her if she was okay but she just nodded and kept staring at the roof. I looked over at her and I suddenly felt bad for her.

Maybe she was afraid to confide in me, after all I wasn’t really nice or welcoming to her so I tried again. I began by telling her about my family which seemed to interest her even though my life was beyond normal and boring. She the shocked me by saying her mother abandoned her when she was six and she was taken into a boarding school where she learned as much as she could. She believes that she will find her mother again, “I always find her, it’s just taking a little longer this time” she murmured quietly. I felt my heart wrenched in sympathy and somehow I think I felt her pain.

One night while getting ready for sleep Anya asked me what It was like having a wolf. Describing being a werewolf was a bit tough but I tried my best “Well you’re stronger, faster, heal instantly, your sense of smell is off the charts as well as your hearing. You also have like a close friend who will always listen to you, understand you, guide you, support you. You try to always consider the other’s feeling when making big decisions. Also it can be kind of annoying because you  have this voice in your head when you least need it making snide remarks or sometimes taking control of you and doing something or saying something crazy” I laughed as I looked her but her face seemed pale. She simply got up and ran out like a bat out off hell. I wondered where she was headed but at that moment Xavier stepped into our room.

He turned and lock the door, “What are you doing?” I asked quietly. “We need to talk Anna”. I shiver at him saying my name. “What would you Like to talk about?” I asked, playing dumb. “You know why I'm here, My Alpha Coronation is in one month where I need to present my Luna to the pack. Almost 3 years ago I accepted you Anna Donahue as my mate and Luna and I still do. You are my mate and you will be my Luna, no one else.” I felt overwhelming joy at his words and hugged him tightly to me. “Has everything been resolved with Juliet?” I asked. “It will be. No need to worry.” He answered

“Does this mean that I’m free to act as your mate?”  I asked smiling up at him. “Soon baby, soon, let’s go on a date a week from today, wherever you want”. I simply nod my head with a huge smile. I decide I wanted the cliché dinner and movie date, he hesitated at first but then gave in and he took me to a popular restaurant , we had a private dining area, then we headed to the movies that we were a bit late for because Xavier wanted dessert which he couldn’t decide on. By the time we got there everyone was already inside and the movie had started so it was really dark but thankfully we have werewolf senses.
After the movie he asked if wanted to go for a run, something we had only done once before he left for the academy, so I was more than happy to say yes.

Author"s Note

Mature scene ahead. Please skip if it makes you uncomfortable.


Xavier seemed to have a destination in mind, so I let him lead, soon there a beautiful small cabin in front of us with a river running far away. There were flowers planted in front and tall trees to the side. It was truly picturesque. He changed into his human form walked up to the door and held it open for me. I walked in my wolf form and he showed me to a room that had some of our clothes there already. I shifted and put on my underwear,  shorts and t-shirt. I walked out and saw that he had shifted and dressed in joggers and t-shirt. “What are we doing here?” I asked. He turned and smile holding his hand out for me to take, we sat on a thick rug in front of the fireplace a bottle of wine and two glasses on the side.  “My wolf and I need you, we need to spend time with you. Damien knows where we are and will mind link me if he needs to. Would you like some wine, I know it won’t get us drunk or anything but just for the hell of it,” I smiled and nodded yes. He pulled me in front of him a had me lean my back against his chest, his legs on either side of mine, as he rubbed my arms, played with my hair, I found myself relaxing into his chest.

I felt his lips on my neck and soon I heard my myself moaning as he found my sweet spot. The place between my neck and shoulder where he would marked me as his. Before I knew it I was under him, my shirt gone just in my bra and shorts as he continued kissing his way down. I felt irritated not being able to touch his skin and shredded his shirt and pulled it off him as he had previously done to mine, he smirked at me and pulled off the rest of my clothing and his as well. Soon he was back over me kissing me with hunger and desperation and I responded with the same need and hunger. His hands were all over me rubbing and squeezing then I felt his hands on my core,  circling my clit until I was delirious with pleasure. As I felt my orgasm rise he stopped and felt his hot breath on my core, with a flick of his tongue I almost came apart, soon he was sucking me like I was his last meal as his finger moved in and out of me. I could not hold back as I felt my world explode. I felt his member at my core as he wss looking at me, waiting, as soon as I nodded I felt him push into me. He stopped when he reached my barrier, “I’m sorry” he gritted out as he pulled back and thrust forward. He didn’t stop until he was fully embedded in me and I felt as if I had been ripped apart by his size. He stayed within me not moving kissing my neck inching his way to my lips. Soon I no longer felt pain only the hunger he was igniting again with his kisses. When he heard me moan he pulled back and thrust forward over and over, faster and harder and even though it was painful the pleasure was too much that I found myself screaming his name as I came hard, I felt him getting bigger and harder as he continued to plow into me and as I reached another climax, I heard him shout my name as I milked him.

We made love twice again before falling asleep. I woke to the sun shining high when I looked at the clock on the wall I was just past 9 o’clock, I lifted my head to see Xavier looking ay me with love and lust and in no time he was on top of me, inside me, filling me, thrusting hard and fast the way I liked as his tongue mimicked his motions soon we were both screaming each others names as we found our release. He slowly disentangled himself from me and headed towards what I assumed was the bathroom, he came back to me and gently picked me up and headed towards the bathroom gently placing me in the bath he was running. “I’m sorry I was so rough with you and I did intend to make it to the bedroom but I got carried away,” he murmured to me. “I’m fine, I’m great in fact, won’t change anything that happened” I smiled my face going red. He chuckled softly as he looked at me, “Stay as long as you like, I’ll shower and make us breakfast, then we’ll head back,” he said and I just nodded in agreement and closed my eyes, I was tired, deliciously so. By the time we got back it was just past noon and the first person to greet us was Juliet.

She ran up to him and grabbed his arm, “Xavier, where were you? I was looking for you. Guess what? My parents are here!! As well as the King and Queen! They got here this morning.” Juliet gushed sneering at me. “Why are they here and why was I not informed of their impending arrival?” he questioned with barely controlled anger. “It was meant to be a surprise for us,” she replied rolling her eyes. She seemed very happy and enthusiastic about the situation. I turned to see Tyler and Anya looking at me worriedly while Damien continue with his usual inscrutable expression. Never seen Damien with any other expression except that time we found him in Anya’s room. He actually had a grin on his face as if she had told him the most amusing joke.
We headed up to the Alpha’s house for lunch where apparently everyone was waiting for us. Why Damien never called us was a mystery. Xavier and I headed to our separate rooms to change into suitable clothing to greet royalty

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