Chapter 41

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Dressed in fitted jeans, boots, sweater and jacket, Anya hurried downstairs to meet Xander and Damien.. unfortunately the queen had cornered them and was giving Damien an earful on responsibility, disappointment, not keeping his dick in his pants when the inept slut Anya is around and more. Anya looked around and noticed that there was quite an audience. Everyone from dinner was there plus some people Anya had not seen before, all there witness the queen's tirade. Anya had to admit that the woman before her, was no longer the dignified and composed queen she had met years ago. The love and respect that was once evident in Damien before was no longer there. Instead, Anya could see the anger, sadness and disappointment on his face.

Stepping forward Anya looked the queen in the eye and asked one question, "Why do you believe your choice is better than the Moon Goddess'?" The question had stumped the queen for a moment but then she got her second wind. "The goddess made a mistake. You have no training, no education, no bloodline worth mentioning, no one supporting you or anyone that would stand up for you. You are selfish and fickle, wearing the mark of one while bedding another. My son deserves better than you. He needs someone who understands politics, someone who can sacrifice their happiness for others, someone that is loyal, someone who has powerful support that will enable the continuance of this monarchy not disable it." the queen elucidated.

"I will give you two weeks. Two weeks to figure out who I truly am and what power I carry. Then I will expect your apology. Note this... I do not need my bloodline, nor do I need an old man who has no real power to support me. If I did then anyone could be king or queen. My power lies in being his mate..his TRUE mate. To love him and support him unconditionally. To be able to comfort him and calm him when no one else can." Anya rebutted.

Having said that Anya turned to leave but Jasmine stopped her asking if she could join her. Anya looked at a blushing Jasmine but could not figure out her objective. Shrugging she agreed and soon Anya, Jasmine, Damien and Xander were on their way out the castle. They got breakfast at a intimate diner as they made plans. Anya was hoping that Damien could give them a tour of the kingdom, which he and Jasmine were happy to oblige. Xander seemed to enjoy Jasmine company which put Damien at ease. They had lunch at an exclusive restaurant that happily catered to Damien's every wish.

The kingdom was bigger than Anya expected, filled with mostly werewolves, a few witches and even some vampires. However, there was talk of some villages on the outskirts that had been attacked by rogues. What was interesting was that many were claiming the Rogue King was behind it. Seeing Xander's expression, Anya knew this was a lie and somone was stirring trouble. Since no one knew Xander was the Rogue King, he and Anya could not discuss this development openly.


Damien's POV

Video above conveys a bit of how Damien actually feels.

I have always been in awe of Anya. I could not believe that the Moon Goddess had chosen someone as strong and beautiful as her to be mine. I knew from an early age that I will in all likelihood never be able to accept my mate and if I was unfortunate enough to meet her my only option would be to reject her.

But Anya made it impossible. She filled my heart with joy the first day we met. She was like a sirene calling to me constantly and I was too weak to resist. I never wanted to hurt her and I had no intention of doing so until my father secret threw me to the wolves literally. My mother on the war path, trying to ensure my half brother got nowhere near the crown. I saw my mother's hurt and pain. I saw my mother's downfall as all her dreams of a happy and loving marriage crumble before her. I was willing to sacrifice my happiness, my wants and needs to give my mother back a little bit of happiness and peace of mind.

I chose to hurt my mate. I knew Anya was strong. Stronger than she ever realized, stronger than I could ever be. It was her than made me want to fight my destiny but it seemed that it was not meant to be. When I felt the pain the night she was marked, I wanted to hurt her for causing me such pain. But I had done the same to her. In fact I had done much worst, I broke her so many times fighting the mate bond as I was taught to do. Yet she never hurt me. She always gave herself freely, innocently, which only hurt me more.

I have hated myself since the day I walked away. She did not know it but I watched her in that garden. I watched how I broke her. I watched as she stood up accepting defeat, a shell and I knew that I was broken. Just as I broke her I was broken as well. She deserved so much yet never once got any of the happiness she deserved and I her soulmate, the one to love her, protect her accept her was the one that hurt her most.

Yet today, I watched her stand up to my mother ready and willing to fight for ME and again I'm in awe. I have done nothing in my life so far to deserve her but I will. I will fight for her. Without her my life is nothing. She has always been my strenght, I just never realized it. I know now that she has never nor will she ever betray me. Whatever her relationship is with Xander. It is not what it seems.

Xander Marc Laurent, my father's secret. One I was not aware of. I only knew about Sofia, Derrick had gotten his revenge on my father for the punishments he decreed back at the Red Moon Pack by revealing his secrets. My father had dealt with Alpha Derrick decisively not given in to Sofia' s pleas. I knew it hurt my father to ignore Sofia but he should have done what they have been teaching along - reject her. Especially since he had already marked and married someone else.

However, having met my own mate and realizing the strenght I took to stay away I can accept my father's mistakes up to a certain point. At least I can perhaps sway him to my side when the time comes. Also, Anya has made some startling revelations I can only assumed relates to The Institution. I already know she is an O"Riley descendant.

I can't wait to see my mother give Anya a much deserved apology.

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