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13th January, 2017

"It's really weird..." you told your friends "...that Yeonjun continues playing basketball again these days"

that Yeonjun continues playing basketball again these days"

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It was the 13th of January, 2017. The cold winter breeze is blowing, and the bright sunshine lights up the classroom.

You looked out of the classroom window with your friends during recess, talking about your new crush.

"I'll tell you what's weird," Siyeon proposed, "You have known him for this long and why do you like him only now?"

"Yeah," Luna consented, "You could've been together all these years"

"I don't know; maybe...you see, maybe it's just impossible to fall for someone who's platonically attracted to you, you know...FOR ME, atleast. Just too many things have changed this year and so has our relationship, if you know what I mean"

"Well, I'll have to be honest but that's quite uncanny," Luna said, "I mean, considering the fact that it came out from you, it's typical but...yeah, whatever; who am I to judge, right?"

"Yup, Luna's right," Siyeon continued the speech, "We're always here to support you"

Hold that...that was what is unlikely. What do I need support for? And Luna was even nodding to it

"Wait, guys," you paused them, "I don't get it"

"Oh, c'mon, Y/N, don't act like you don't know," Luna instructed.

Yes, sury you had something in mind, something they're probably gonna say. But you think it was stupid so you acted like you don't know to let them know it was a bad idea.

And then Siyeon progressed, "So, we start the mission from today, Y/N?"

"Come to your senses, guys. I just said I like him, I don't want a boyfriend"

But they continued, as if you didn't say anything. "See? I knew you were so dramatic. You knew exactly what we were talking about," said Luna.

"Okay, back to our topic," Siyeon responded, "You wanna play basketball too, then?"

"You guys don't get it," revealing your frustration, "we've been best friends for more than 10 years already and what were you thinking? Do I look like I would wanna risk our friendship just because of my feelings?"

"Your point?" Luna got inquisitive.

"What else would it be? Just observe a girl who likes him, he doesn't even want to talk to them anymore"

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