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31st December, 2017

It's already the end of the year, and the fact that you've done nothing productive the whole year other than just fighting around with people is embarrassing.

You went shopping with your mother, just for fun.

It was mostly clothes you were looking for, like coats you will need for the rest of the winter.

"So is it the blue or black?" she asked.

"I don't know. They're both really nice. Can't we just take both of them?"

"No! You already have plenty of them. I'm also buying now only because you wouldn't stop talking about it later.
Now pick one or we're not buying"

"Okay, blue then. We've bought a black one before, right?"

"Yeah. I think you still have that one"

"Oh mom, look it's Aunt Choi"

"Really? Oh, hey! Taylor Swift," she called out as Yeonjun's mom noticed you both and came closer.

"Hey, Y/N, shopping with mom?"

"Yeah, kinda"

"Wow. Did you buy this? It's so nice"


"I think you can wear it tonight, right?"

"Tonight? Where?" you confusedly asked.

"Are you throwing a party or something?" your mom asked.

"Oh, didn't they tell you? Yeonjun and his friends are gonna have a sleepover, and they were saying if Y/N could come..."

"Well, that sounds nice. Right, Y/N?"

"Uh...yeah. Where is it?"

"Yeonjun said they're going to Soobin's house, at 7"

"Wow, okay. They never told me anything"

"So," your mom said, "they said they're opening a new shoe store there. You wanna check out?"

"Yeah. I bet there will be pretty ones for Y/N too"

So you shopped all day with your mothers.


At night, you got ready at around 6:30 to go to Soobin's.

Your Aunt Choi mentioned about wearing the coat but it was a sleepover for goodness' sake.

So you wore a set of a baggy grey sweater matching with your huge grey pants.

'Cause you had to keep warm.

Putting on your gloves and socks and scarf and hat and shoes, you took your teddy bear and headed to Soobin's.

On the way, you saw someone on the road.
He looks familiar...is he, oh, it's Taehyun.

"Hey, Y/N"

"Hey, Taehyun"

"What's with the teddy bear?" he laughed.

"Yeah, I can't sleep without it. I know it's corny...and childish"

"No, no. It's actually really cute of you"

"Gosh. Let's just go. Why haven't you gone?"

"I came to pick you up, you know. It's not safe for a lady to walk alone at night"

"Well, thanks for your concern, then. It's good, I got to walk with my boyfriend"

"So, what did you do today?"

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