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10th May, 2017

Taehyun is a great guy. Putting aside his good looks and adorableness, he's kind, smart, caring...has a typical boyfriend figure, which Yeonjun doesn't, in most cases.

Also on the other side, you forgot how it felt like to like Yeonjun...just a little bit maybe; but after the fight, you wish to forget that you even liked him.

And another reason why Chaeryoung hated you so much, she has a big crush on Taehyun...and see how things turned out to be.

You had to admit...it is hard to put feelings out as words.

Taehyun too waited for the whole weekend, expecting an answer while you haven't even decided anything.

You tried to look back to what your friends wrote for you to say to Yeonjun, but it couldn't be right.

Why is it possible only in k-dramas?

And on the other side was Yuna...so many things to worry about.

But whatever difficulty you face, you wrote them on the letters you send to Luna and Siyeon...to make you feel better.

"Hey, Y/N," you saw Kai on your way home.

"Where were you the whole day?"

"Well, just...uh...giving you guys some time alone"


"Yeah, I knew it before. Taehyun told me"

"Really, you people"

"So, what did you say?"

"Oh...me? I-I don't know. I haven't said anything yet. I just need some time to think it through...bye. And oh! Kai..."


"If you see Yuna, please tell her I'm sorry"

"Okay, okay. I really hate this thing with you two. What am I even doing right here?"

"That is why we need to fix it soon so tell her I'm sorry"


15th May, 2017

So, big black ass Monday came...

During recess, you met with Taehyun...

"Hey, Taehyun"

"Oh, hey, Y/N"

"Yup. What about rooftop? After school?"

"Sure thing. I'll come"

"Don't keep me waiting"

"Will not," he smiled and walked away.

You couldn't pay any concentration to any of the classes that day. Everything was just about Taehyun.

So the classes finally ended after the long day...but someone called you by...

"Oh, Yuna?"

"Y/N, I just came up to say...sorry"

"It's alright. I should be apologizing actually"

"🎵Is it too late now to say sorry🎵"


"No really, I'm so sorry"

"No, I'm sorry"

"Oh well..."

"We cool, Yuna. That is...if I'm forgiven"

"Well you know, it's a good thing this didn't end up awkward. Thanks for understanding"

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