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Essay: 78th page of Yuna's English notebook

Let's say there was a girl...a nobody from South Korea. Someone who doesn't have anything so interesting to share, not very communicative, having average grades, not from a very rich family, nor a very poor family.

There's nothing so entertaining about her life but atleast, it was beautiful. She's got the gift of friends, so who would ask for more? People are rude but she's got friends, so she needs no more.

But unfortunately, her family had to move, far away from her friends. And after a goodbye with lots of tears, she left them.

The leaving itself was sad, but what hurts more is that her friends didn't really miss her, and she's not hearing anything from them anymore. They're happy off without her, and she doesn't mean anything special to them anymore.

She did had new friends but they're toxic ones, who don't even really care about her existence. She feels like crying sometimes because there's nothing she can do about it. All she wishes was a good friend who would like having her around.

And then she met Y/N, the girl with an extremely good heart, who understands her in every way she is. Y/N missed her old friends, and she always sends them letters, she cared for them, and for this girl too. Now she feels really wanted, and she even shared her deepest secret to Y/N.

But one day, Y/N shared the secret to someone else, and messed up everything because of it. They had a fight and their friendship broke again.

And I'm that wrecked girl who was never meant to exist.
I'll say it from the bottom of my heart, I'm so fond of Y/N. She the best and most precious friend I ever had.

I never knew a person who is as good as her could even exist. And I was lucky enough to be her friend. But I screwed it all up.

I'm guilty, actually. I should have just said, "It's okay, he's not even mad." But instead I yelled at her. I know she has experienced something worse than this but I didn't understand her like she understands me.

Now I don't even dare to apologize. My best friend is gone again. I just want to say sorry and solve this matter...I just hope she forgives me.

~Shin Yuna

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