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2nd May, 2017

After the program, Yeonjun and Soobin came up to you guys.

Yeonjun directly to you...you felt nervous. Him with all his suit and tie...and you in your pyjamas.

"Didn't make it, Y/N," he came to hug you with a (dramatic) puppy face.

"Well, that's your fault. Why didn't you tell me you were going to be a candidate?"

"Because I knew what you would think"

"What would I think?"

"‘Yeonjun...you're so weird...student president? Omg...that's so not you’," you both chuckled at his words, "you'd say all those things to me again"

"Exactly," you laughed.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, very funny"

"Y/N?" Soobin interrupted after being congratulated by the others.

"Oh, hey"

"Sorry to interrupt but...I have something to ask...personally to her, Yeonjun"

"Okay, I'm out," Yeonjun put his hand away and joined the guys.

"So, uh, congrats, first of all," you made a start.


"So...what is it you are trying to ask me?"

"Well, you're friends with Yuna, right?"


"I guess you're in the same section"

"Yeah, why do you ask?"

"Okay, just make a guess and believe it. But don't tell anyone, okay? I'll talk to you again later"

"Okay...so it's legal to guess?"


It was only at home when I then realised he likes Yuna


3rd May, 2017
The next day after school...

You went to the washroom before going home...alone. After you came out, Lia, Ryujin and Chaeryoung barged in...

So now you're on with Soobin?


First Yeonjun, then Taehyun, and now Soobin? I saw you with him last night.

So what? Are you jelly? I was just talking to him, okay? Stop making it sound really big.

Well, you won't anymore since I'm the new student VP.

You don't have to brag about it, you know. It doesn't work on me.

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