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Now it's the year of 2020. You went back to Seoul as you promised Luna and Siyeon to see you again.
You took Yuna along with you and she met with the other girls.

And all together, four of you, you went to your boyfriend's concert.

There were MOAs standing all around you, who have no idea that Yeonjun's girlfriend is there along with them in the crowd.

No one actually knew, since you kept it low-key. But you trust him, that he will always be there for you...and so does he.

And that is exactly how a person is no longer considered as a loser, but as someone who ‘Shines’ in front of love.

And that is exactly how a person is no longer considered as a loser, but as someone who ‘Shines’ in front of love

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* * *

and that, ma friends, is the end of th story

istg i dont rly know how 2say thanku jkndjsjdisnksndks
so...like just THANK YOUUUUU

thank you so much for supporting this trash

i know thrre arent many reads or votes but im just...so happy

imma apologize 1last time 4 all the hiatus i went thru lawl😩,.,.it literally took me nine months to publish a story tht i wrote in a week
i mean,,,,iwas so overloaded with exams and academic shit this year yk

les just hope i could come mor regularly next yer(?)🤷

so now as me the writer, and u the reader, id like to ask a favour

please please please please please please please please

im so sad thinking abt how amazingly talented and special they are but so underrated

they deserve so much please help us promote them
when u start stanning them youll imeditaley know how much the blue box suckssksks(and by that i mean ofcs cube entertainment)

but that doesnt mattr bcs i have found out tons of ways to support the band and not the company😏ill help u

and if thers anyth u want to know abt pentagon, pls dont hesitate to ask me, cuz im actually to eager to exhaust you with messages😆jk

anws, thank u so much for everything, for your support throughout this journey. today is the christmas of 2020🎄🎄, and i think its kinda ridiculous tht all of those comes down to 'just' this

so anw, stay safe, and ill see you again next year
bye moa

~Prof. Jojo

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