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4th March, 2017

Day of result announcement, finally. So that means your train to Daegu is leaving tonight.

"Y/N!" Siyeon cried and hugged you, "I'm gonna miss you so much"

"I'll miss you too, Siyeon," you said, hugging her back, "and you too, Luna, all of you"

"Please keep writing to us, okay?" Luna requested.

"Of course I will, I promise"

"Promise me too, that this will not be the last time we see each other"

"So you meant to say, 'don't die'?" you laughed.

"Yes, yes, don't die," she got into more tears.

"Okay, I'll keep you updated to what's happening around, okay?" they nodded on your words.

"And yeah, not to forget those girls...don't give a fuck about them...just be who you are, okay? You know you're the best," Luna to you.

"Thanks, Luna, for everything. And you too, Siyeon," you told them, "and I'll really miss you guys, really"

"Don't forget us even if you become a k-pop idol, okay?" Siyeon teased with the tears still sitting on her eyes.

"Hah, Siyeon, that's nothing to fear," you laughed, "and yeah, whatever secrets I shared with both of you, let it remain here, okay?"

"Yup, you can trust us," Luna said.

"Okay, um, excuse me? I think I need to go now," you told Siyeon who was still hugging you.

"Yeah, c'mon, Siyeon, she's in a hurry," Luna laughed and pulled her back.

"Okay, bye guys"

"Bye, Y/N"


This week's time table was exhausting. With the packing up and everything, you were left with zero energy.

So, you reached the station at 10:00 pm sharp. And the train arrived after an hour, which you boarded.

In the same compartment, you sat with your mom, and Yeonjun with his. And this is getting awkward again, you're sitting face to face with him.

He didn't talk to you, again. But your mothers didn't notice and assumed it was just because you're tired.

Your mommies chat so much till 11:45 when they got sleepy. And you slept too.


Then somewhere in the line, you suddenly opened your eyes and it was so dark.

"Oh, you're awake?" someone asked. You found it really hard to see what's around. It must probably be about 1:00 am.

"You're awake, right, Y/N?" you heard the voice again.

Ooooooooooh my god!! This not happening right now. This must be a dream.

"Yeah, j-just now," you replied to Yeonjun.

"We're almost reaching," he said, "I couldn't sleep"

Darn it! This is definitely happening. He's not concious. And yeah, he needs some sleep...or this would have been a miracle.

"Why? What happened?" you didn't wanted to be gregarious yet because he was quite suspicious.

"Dunno. I just can't, with the prospect of...you know, seeing Daegu again. Not that I'm excited, even," he trembled. He was feeling so cold.

"You want this?" you handed him a scarf.

"Oh, thanks," he smiled...and stared at you for a few seconds, "the journey took longer than I expected"

Y/N, don't go crazy again. He's just gone mad. Don't fall for that smile, you kept telling yourself.

"Yeah. Me, too"

Your mother woke up and was like, "what time is it?"

"It's 1 o'clock," Yeonjun answered. You felt proud of yourself to have made such a nice guess.

"Then, we must already have entered Daegu now," she said with excitement.

"So both of you were awake?" Yeonjun's mom was in it too. Okay, now you're both free from being caught acting awkward again.

"Morning," Yeonjun smiled, "yeah, we were chatting all the while you were asleep"

No, that's a lie. It was only a minute or so. But had to make a drama, tho.

The sound of the train reaching the station...

"Okay, we're out," said your mom who was excited as ever, exactly your opposite.

So many luggages and bags...all four of you carried like six bags each.

"Our houses will be over the next block...and we'll be nextdoors again," Yeonjun's mom said.

Should this be something worth a gratitude? The routine is already killing you, and now Yeonjun is opening up again.

"Okay...so, we'll get some more sleep. See you," your mom waved them a goodbye.

"Bye, Y/N!" Yeonjun shouted loudly.

His mom must be probably scolding him saying, "people are at bed!"

"Yeah...bye," you softly said and waved your hand.

"So, hello, new home," your mom observed as she had a trip around the house.

"Mom, I'm sleeping," you laid down on the sofa.

"Oh, those wouldn't even be clean! But...okay, you need some rest"

Great, now she finally agrees on something.

But you actually couldn't sleep immediately...in your head was the echoing sound of Yeonjun's voices which you haven't heard for a while.

~~~"Bye, Y/N!"~~~

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