911 34 20

25th November, 2017

Woke up in the morning by the bright sunshine entering the tent through the window...
Wait, what!? There wasn't a window in Taehyun's tent.

"Morning, Y/N," you heard a familiar voice.


"Get up now, it's 7 already. Embarrassing enough for a girl," he gave a small smile as he teased.

"Wait, how? How did I get in here? Is this your place?"

"Uh...not really, after you slept last night, Taehyun got an urgent call from home. So he had to leave"

"Urgent like what?"

"It's his mother"

"Oh, how is she now?"

"I'm not really sure. He hasn't called back, you know"

"And...where am I right now?"

"This is Yeonjun's tent. I just came here to get something and woke you up"

"Uh, hold up...Yeonjun?"

"Wait, don't tell me you didn't wake up last night while he was carrying you here"

"Wha!!? He-he took me here?"

"Wow, Y/N wow"


"I've never heard of anyone sleeping like that"

"Well, maybe the pill was too effective"

"C'mon, let's get out. My butt is already killing me"

"Duh, Beomgyu. Did you even have one?"

This is getting all sarcastic. Didn't he say he hates me?
It was really funny, though. Yeonjun's place was where you wanted to sleep yesterday and then you really did.

"Hey, Y/N, slept well?" Yuna came.

"Yeah, way too well"

"Well, if you've washed up, let's have a walk around..."


So there was a long bridge over there. You looked down...are you scared of heights?

"So, what exactly happened last night?"

"Well, Taehyun was sitting next to you and his phone rang and he ran to the teachers and asked for permission to go home and they dropped him with a van, that's all"

"I'm slightly concerned. Should I call him?"

"Better not. He would be busy right now"

"Yeah...I think you're right..."

"And...they were asking some senior girls to share their sleep place with you, they agreed but Yeonjun came and said that he has enough space...so he carried you in"

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