Enter Izuku Takami

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 The first incident was in Qing Qing City. An extraordinary child was born who radiated light. After that, reports to people with superpowers popped up all across the globe. No one knew what was causing these quirks. Before long, the supernatural became the totally normal. Dreams a reality. The world became a superhuman society with about 80% of the population possessing some uncanny ability. Our streets look like scenes from comic books. A city swirled with chaos and confusion; a new profession dominated our collective consciousness. It was an age of heroes.

Our story begins with a young and up and coming hero by the hero name of "Osprey" currently taking out a man who had been attempting to rob a young green-haired lady. Osprey turns to the lady "You know it's not safe to be walking around this part of the city at night." The greennett smiled in gratitude "Yeah, I know. I'm just trying to get to this dinner date I'm supposed to have tonight, and I knew that this was a shortcut. Plus, I figured I would run into a certain hero before I made it anyway." She says smugly. Osprey grins as the two-start walking towards the restraint "You know me Inko. Never a dull moment.". As our two "love birds" go on their way lets learn a little about our mysterious pro hero!

Hisashi Takami: Osprey

Quirk: Strong Wings Hisashi is the youngest of two brothers born into the Takami family who was renowned for their winged quirks. His quirk allows him to fly at high speeds and can act as a shield in combat. His brother, Kazue, was born with a weaker version of his quirk and currently works as a costume designer for pro heroes. He just recently started up his own family having a son by the name of Keigo who was also born with a wing quirk. But we will get to him later.

Fast Forward 6 years

Hisashi and Inko Takami had just seen their son Izuku, aged 3, dawning a similarly, green pair of wings to his father, take flight for the first time while his cousin Keigo, aged 6, was visiting. They were all ecstatic to see this especially Keigo who now finally had a flying buddy. "Look, Mom! I can be a hero with this, just like Dad!" Keigo laughed at this statement grinning "You still got aways to go there squirt. Plus, why be like Uncle Hisashi when you can be like the greatest hero in the world, Endeavor!". The cousins continued to bicker about which hero was better while Izuku's Parents sat laughing at the argument. "You know I think you two can both be great heroes! With the two of you working together with your quirks you will be unstoppable. Maybe even overtake your old man in the hero rankings!" Hisashi said while laughing. The two cousins flew playfully, Keigo Taking his time due to Izuku just learning the skill, to the back yard and spent the rest of the day trying to figure out the rest of Izukus quirk. Keigo was Born with a combination of his parents' quirks or as he calls his quirk "Fierce Wings" giving him complete control of each individual feather on his wings. His feathers could even be used as swords. "Hey, Izuku, I want you to try something." Hawks says to his newly dawned "Flying buddy". "Sure, what is it?" Izuku says blankly. Hawks walks over to Izuku and plucks one of his feathers. "Try focusing your mind on this feather. I want to see if you have a similar quirk to me." Izuku nods and proceeds to focus intently on the feather and he feels something. A sharp sensation almost like touching the tip of a knife. "OW!" Keigo drops the feather grabbing his fingers. "Keigo! Are you okay?" Izuku says fearing he seriously hurt his cousin. Keigo smiles "Yeah it's just a small cut. But we found your quirk squirt." He says with a grin. Izuku walks over to the long feather his cousin had dropped and picked it up by the end. He notices that the feather had turned into a sturdy blade. After swinging it a couple of times, he smiles at his cousin "You know that old movie we use to watch about the guys with the laser swords?" Keigo tilts his head and thinks for a moment "Star Wars?" Izuku nods "Yeah that one!" Keigo catches on and plucks one of his own feathers and eyes his younger cousin. The two continued to play into the night and fantasizing being in a galaxy far far away...

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