Hosu Incident

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The agency office training center had been in full use with Tokoyami and Izuku practicing new moves recommended by Hawks. Izuku had been focusing on trying to incorporate OFA into his wings to see if he could increase his speed but while doing this he stumbled upon a new move. With focusing OFA into his wings he was able to produce an incredibly strong gust of wind capable of throwing people a considerable distance. Izuku had also increased his speed while doing this. Keigo couldn't have been happier with his cousin's progress but was even more stunned with Tokoyami's progress.

Fumikage had been working on new ways to use Dark Shadow and had worked out a way to simulate flight. He wrapped Dark Shadow around his body and due to its ability to constantly float it passed the ability to float on to Tokoyami. This had the pro hero bouncing around giddily at the prospect of having two people to do his late night flight patrols. His two students looked at him weirdly but shrugged it off and continued working on their new abilities.

Izuku, Tokoyami, and Hawks had been sitting on the rooftop of the Aery discussing what the two tranies had learnt over the past couple of days when the pro spoke up "Alright you two, It's time to fly! This is how I usually conduct my patrols, since there's usually more activity at night. Not just crime, but also people who need help in general. Whether it be drunks trying to get home, lost pets, or lost people, there is always a need for us." The pro's cousin chuckled "And it gives you an excuse to fly at night."

The pro hero nodded now just leaving Tokoyami just staring blankly at the two and when Izuku fell backwards off the roof he could physically feel the stupid face he made in shock. But his shock was levied when he saw Izuku shoot up in the air doing a flip in the air "That felt great!" Izuku said with a smile "It's good to fly in the wide open after a while." Keigo laughed at his cousin before taking off after him "Yeah sure squirt. It's not like you EVER use your quirk outside of school ILLEGALLY." Izuku stuck his tongue out at his cousin. The winged hero then turned to face Tokoyami "You coming?" Tokoyami nodded then he wrapped himself with Dark Shadow and flew after the winged duo.

Izuku had been following his cousin and flew up next to him "So bird-brain where we heading?" Tokoyami then caught up to the two "Yes, I've been wondering the same thing." Hawks smirked "Shibuya." Izuku tilted his head "Huh, Shibuya? Why? That's a bit of a journey." Hawks smiled "Mustafa's population is on the lower side and with that comes low crime rate, Shibuya on the other hand has a denser population resulting in more trouble. So in a place like Shibuya, minor crimes are a dime a dozen."

The green haired teen thought for a second thinking "We'll pass by Hosu... I'm worried about Ida... I should call him later."

As the trio approached Hosu the cousins continued to joke around trying to make Tokoyami laugh but were interrupted by a large BOOM. The hero's immediately take off towards the city Hawks tone getting slightly serious "Alright you two time to skip the small shit and go right to the big stuff!!!" They land in an intersection where there was a large Nomu who was being targeted by a couple of pro heros that Izuku had recognized including his father "DAD!" his father then turned to face the voice "Oh, Hey Izuku!" and was smashed by the nomu a good ways away. Hawks walked up to him with Tokoyami " I'm going to help him out! You two focus on evacuation!" Izuku and Tokoyami nodded and split up and worked on getting people to safety.

Izuku had just finished directing a few civilians to a safe route when he heard a voice "This is the worst possible for you to run off Tenya. Where did you go?" He turned to see the normal hero fighting off a nomu when Izuku flew up behind him "Where's Ida?" the hero turned "I don't know kid but you need to get out of here now!" Izuku thought for a second "He's going after the Hero Killer!" and jetted off into the air leaving a very confused Manuel.

Izuku was flying around the alleyways thinking "I might be overthinking this, and it's not like I've got proof!!! But that's exactly why I've gotta take action here!!! In the same city where the Hero Killer appeared we've got some Nomu look-alikes rampaging around. I may be the only one in the whole city uneasy about the potential connection." He then took a turn down an unsuspecting alleyway to see his friend almost get impaled by a sword before Izuku sent a large gust of wind towards the villain sending him away from Ida "Bingo!"

Ida looked up to see the green wings of his friend "Takami?! But why?!" Izuku stood firm"It was on TV...! How 60 percent of the Hero Killer's victims were discovered around blind corners in deserted areas." By this time the villain had started to get up "So I've been scouring the back alleys near the normal hero agency, close to the center of all the trouble LOOKING FOR YOU!" Izuku ready two feather swords and watched the Hero Killer "Ida, can you move? Make a break for the main road and get some pros to come help us!" unbenounced to the villain Izuku put out an SOS to his class's group chat sending his location. Ida coughed "I can't move... He cut me... it's likely his quirk..."

Izuku noticed the pro hero native was laying against the wall unconscious but his focus was turned quickly back to Stain when Ida butted in again "Takami. Don't interfere... This has nothing to do with you!!!" Izuku yelled "SHUT UP!" Ida looked at his friend and Izuku started to chuckle "What's a hero supposed to do when you say crap like that? I have a lot to say to you, but that will have to wait. Because it's like All Might says ''Giving help that's not asked for is what makes a true hero!""

Stain clearly approved of Izuku's ideals but the two flew at each other exchanging sword swipes each parrying the other's attempts at a hit. Izuku realised that he wasn't going to be able to out duel stain with a sword and decided to move to hand to hand combat. Izuku was certainly more quick than Stain but he was clearly outmatched in skill but Izuku had done a good job avoiding Stain's blades even landing a Massives flying kick. But as soon as he had reset his footing he was suddenly brought to his knees unable to move "Wha-" Izuku noticed a small scratch on his jacket that had drawn blood Izuku thought "So that's his quirk. If he ingest your blood you become paralyzed." The villain got up and began to walk towards the teen "You're good... you just lack power. But you did track my movements." he walks past Izuku "You exploited my blind spot... and planned to bring me down... That's how you moved." he stands over Ida "So many fools out there are nothing but talk... but you... are worth keeping alive... unlike these others"

Izuku Yelled "NO! GOD DAMNIT DON'T!!!" but as soon the villain started to grab his sword he jumped to avoid a massive wall of fire. Stain lands with his sword still in his grasp "One after another... so many interruptions today..." Izuku sees the source of the fire to be Todoroki "Takami, learn to write more specific directions. I was almost too late." Izuku scoffed "Yeah sure, you try typing blind..." Todoroki doesn't waste any more time and sends a wall of ice to the villain which he dodges but brings Izuku, Ida, and Native to safety "Don't worry the pros will be here." Izuku yells "Todoroki don't let him draw blood! Pretty sure he paralyzes opponents by ingesting their blood." He nods and continues keeping his distance but is sliced in the face by a flying dagger. Stain then moved in "You've got some good friends Ingenium!" But shoto forces him back by igniting his left side. "Close one" he sighed. Ida started to talk again "Why?... Both of you... stop it... He attacked my brother... I HAVE TO DO THIS HE'S MINE TO..." Shoto interrupted "Would he really approve of you doing this? Because the Ingenium I know would be firmly against this." Izuku started to gain control again "Todoroki..."

Stain had broken through Todoroki's defenses and had gone for a finishing blow when Izuku had thrown a considerable amount of razor sharp feathers at the villain. "Hey, I'm not done yet..." Izuku said grimly. Todoroki thanked Izuku for the save. "So it has a time limit?" Izuku nodded and faced Stain with Todoroki "The two of us... will protect them." And the two take off the hero killer hitting a flurry of attacks but the villain kept coming back for more. "Shit this guy doesn't give up huh?" Izuku said Todoroki nodded. Ida spoke up again "Stop it... I can't take it..." Shoto was very annoyed at the downed classmate "IF YOU WANNA STOP THIS... THEN STAND UP!!! NEVER FORGET WHAT YOU WANT TO BECOME!!!"

With that Ida gets up and nails Stain with a kick to the face sending him back away from Todoroki. Ida stared down the villain "This had nothing to do with either of you... so I'm sorry... That's why... I swear I won't let you two lose any more blood here." The trio then went after the hero killer and were mostly landing hits now that the numbers were more in their favor.

Then Izuku and Ida fly at the same time both aiming for a finishing blow Izuku spinning quickly yelling out "CYCLONE IMPACT" while Ida follows with "RECIPRO BURST" Both nailing the villain finishing the battle once and for all.

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