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      Keigo had been having a good day. He knew his cousin was getting UA today, he had a nice breakfast stopping at his favorite deli to get a breakfast sandwich, he bumped into a friend from high school and they had a nice chat about old times when suddenly a man in a hoodie bumped into him and started to bolt. It took Keigo a few minutes to process his wallet had just been stolen so of course he flew after the guy who had turned into an alleyway. "You know, you shouldn't take what isn't yours." Keigo sneered but before he could unleash hell on the guy for interrupting his easy going morning, a figure jumped from a fire escape in front of the thief and took the thief down with a fighting style he swore he had seen before. The guy's face was hidden but he could see the easily identifiable red hair that had become one of the main trademarks of the famous vigilante from this area, as he took off leaving the hero's wallet behind. "Hmmm" Keigo pondered as he grabbed his wallet and took off after the mysterious vigilante the public had dubbed "Blueflame".

We join Izuku who was mid face plant when he felt someone touch his shoulder. He realised he was floating in mid air, not that he wasn't used to this but this time he wasn't doing anything to cause this. "Are you okay?" Izuku looked towards the cheery voice to find a girl with blond hair looking at him concerned. He smiled and nodded "Yeah thanks!" The girl nodded and placed him back on the ground and smiled "It's my quirk. Sorry for stopping you, but well, it's a bad omen to trip and fall." Izuku again smiled and said "You don't need to apologize. Your quirk is amazing and could so useful for hero work. I hope you get in!" The girl waved "Thanks and good luck on getting in." and walked towards the entrance. "DEKU!!!" Izuku turned to face the name he had heard countless times "Hey Kachan, what's up?" The blond walked up and went to grab him in a headlock when he took note of his friend's hair (pic in notes) "So, you finally cut the mop huh?" Izuku scratched the back of his head "Yeah, I figured I might as well try and look professional for the whole hero business you know?" Katsuki smirked "Well you have to get in first you idiot." He then waved and walked towards the exam. Izuku smiled "Good luck!" Katsuki looked back and shouted "Shut it you damn nerd I don't need luck!" Izuku laughed and followed his friend into the building.

As all of the exammies filed into the lecture hall Izuku took a seat next to Katsuki and silently observed some of their quirks. Katsuki noticed what his friend was doing and smirked "Any one stick out to you?" Izuku nodded "That guy with Bird Head seems interesting, also that girl with pink skin seems to stick out." Izsuku continued to go on how some of these students probably had incredible quirks that weren't easily seen but was quickly shut up by a loud screeching voice. He looks up to the stage to see the Pro Hero Present welcoming everyone to the exam to which the group gave little response to.

Hizashi Yamada: Present Mic

Quirk: Voice

Allows the user to increase the volume of their voice, giving them an ability that is similar to a sonic scream. The sound is strong enough to cause people's ears to bleed from far away. The only known weakness of this Quirk is that the loud sounds do not travel well underground, making this Quirk ineffective against anything that is underground, or separated from him by layers of earth.

Mic continued his welcome "WELL THAT'S COOL, MY EXAMINEE LISTENERS!!! I'M HERE TO PRESENT THE GUIDELINES OF YOUR PRACTICAL!!! ARE YOU READY!!!" Once again no response "WELL ALRIGHT!!! THIS IS HOW IT'S GOING TO GO DOWN. YOU WILL BE SPLIT UP INTO DIFFERENT GROUPS AND BROUGHT INTO DIFFERENT MOCK CITIES AND YOUR TARGETS ARE FAUX VILLAINS WORTH 1,2, AND 3 POINTS!!!" A student with blue hair and glasses threw up his hand in a hurry "May I ask a question?! There appear to be no fewer than four varieties of faux villain, on this handout! Such a blatant error, if one is highly unbecoming for U.A., Japan's top academy!! We're all here today in hopes of being molded into model heros!!" He then spins around to Izuku who had started to fall asleep but was quickly awoken when blue hair started speaking to him "And you, with the undercut! WAKE UP! This is the start of your hero journey, how could you be sleeping?!" Izuku looks at him disinterestedly "Huh?" Blue hair starts to get annoyed "I'm saying wake up!" Izuku yawns and sits up straight "Ah don't bite my head off man. I just had a long night of training last night preparing for this. So don't worry about me I got this." He says with a grin. Blue hair looks at him and sits back down. Katsuki laughed at this and the rest of the intro went on without interruption.

"Wow, this is one hell of a mock up!" Izuku thought staring at the large mock city. He then started to stretch out and flapped his wings a bit to get warmed up." He spots the girl from before and remembers he never got her name and decided to go ask her when he was stopped by the blue haired student from before. "That girl seems to be doing some kind of meditation. What are you trying to interfere?" Izuku looks at him confused "What no? I'm trying to get her name. She helped me be-" "AND BEGIN!!!" Izuku snapped to attention and flew into the city taking out ten 1 pointers instantly, then firing two long feathers into two 3 pointers "16 already nice..." He then flys to another less dense part of the city to find some more 3 pointers taking out more 1 pointers along the way "SIX MINUTES REMAINING" By the time Izuku had a minute left he had more than enough points to pass so he decided to go on a joy flight when he saw a crowd of students running away from a large robot "Well there's that 0 pointer that blue hair was talking about" "HELP!!!" Izuku heard this and flew towards the cry to find the girl with brown hair and rushes in, grabs her, and flew her to safety. "TIMES UP" Izuku turned to the girl "We have to stop running into each other like this." The girl laughed "Thanks!" Izuku smiled "No problem, by the way I never got your name before." The girl looked at him and grinned "I'm Ochacko Uraraka what's yours" Izuku bowed "Izuku Takami" the two began to talk about the exam while a certain student with blue hair and glasses looked on in thought.

While this was going on Keigo had followed the vigilante Blue Flame to a rundown building and followed him in. He makes it inside to see the red haired faux hero leaning on a pillar "You know, it's not very nice to follow people." Hawks chuckled "Well I just wanted to thank you for earlier and well you are a wanted vigilante." The masked vigilante sighed "So are you going to try to take me in?" Hawks sat and thought for a minute "Nah, quite the opposite really." this got the red head's attention "Really do tell." Hawks grinned "I wanted to see if you would like a job." The vigilante laughed "A job? Why would I need a job?" The pro hero pointed out "Well, you seem to be kind of living on your own homeless right now and judging by the scars on your arms I'd say your broke." The vigilante sighed "Well you're right about one thing, I'm broke so I'll bite what's the job and benefits." Hawks smirked "Straight to the point eh? Well I need an informant and I feel you could be the perfect candidate. Benefits would include an apartment and pay. You in?" The Vigilante thought about the offer for a while. "Alright I'm in. When do we start?" Hawks smiled "Well I figured we should start with small gangs get close to them find their weak spots and report them to me. I would change up your look, the red hair is kind of a dead give away." The vigilante nodded "Since we're working together what's your name?" The hero smirked "Keigo Takami. Yours?" The vigilante bowed his head "Toya" Hawks tilted his head "No last name?" Toya removed his mask revealing a scared face that matches his arms which caused Hawks to flinch "I... don't want to say it... yet. It's kind of a sore subject." Hawks nodded "Ok man whenever you want to talk about it let me know. Come on, I'll show you your place." Toya stared at the hero "Why do you care? We just met." Hawks smiled "Because it's the right thing to do. Pus you want to be a hero right?" Toya nodded "Well then I'm going to help you achieve your dream."

Toya: Blueflame

Quirk: Cremation

Grants the user the ability to generate large amounts of highly destructive blue flames from their body. However, Blueflame's body has a low tolerance for his own flames and he will get burned if he uses them for prolonged periods of time

The working partners arrive at a building down the road from Hawks hero agency "Here's the place its room 216 tell the lady at the desk that your Keigo's friend and she'll give you your key and here." Hawks gives Toya the cash he had in his wallet about 50,000 Yen "Go see a doctor about those wounds." Toya laughed at this "You remind me of my mom man, stop giving me shit bird brain." Hawks smirked "No can do. Have a good night." He waved and walked towards the office. "Today has been a good day."

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