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Izuku had woken up in Recovery Girl's office and was initially confused on how he got there. But then it started to come back to him. He was fighting with Kachan and had gotten really beat up. He noticed Katsuki was sitting next to his bed with his head down and Izuku smiled "This is the last place I thought I would see you sulking." This got the Blonds attention and his head immediately snapped up. "DEKU!" Recovery Girl quickly shushed him and continued doing some paperwork.

Izuku smiled "Congratulations on winning the festival Kachan." Katsuki sneered "I'm not counting that towards our sparring record. The fight should've been postponed to when we were both healthy." Izuku shook his head "No, you have earned this win so soak it up. I'll be coming for that title next year." He said with a smirk. Katsuki returned his proclamation with a smirk of his own "You can try Deku."

After Recovery Girl went over Izuku's injuries with him and detailing what was going to be permanent the two friends made their way out to the field for the award ceremony. They ran into Tokoyami and Todoroki, who was still bandaged up from his fight with Izuku. The two gave each other a knowing nod as sign of respect and the three walked out to the field. THe three were met with a chorus of cheers as they made their way to the podium. Todoroki and Tokoyami stood on the podium labeled "3" Izuku stood on "2" and Bakugou stood with his hands in his pockets with a look of dissatisfaction on the tallest podium which was labeled "1".

Midnight continued on with her announcement "Now for the medals!!! Presenting them this year is... You know who!!!" A shadow could be seen at the top of the stadium "I AM HERE WITH THE MEDALS." Midnight smiled "He's everyone's hero ALL MIGHT!!!" The crowd erupted with cheres as the number one hero landed in front of the podiums.

He approaches the third place podium with two medals and gives one to Todoroki "Young Todoroki, Congratulations. That fight with Young Takami was something else!" Todoroki nodded "Thank you sir." He then gives a medal to Tokoyami " Congratulations Young Tokoyami, You're a strong one!" Tokoyami bows "You honor me too highly." All Might continues "But relying on your quirk alone won't be enough to overcome a bad matchup. Hone you innate strength to open a world of opportunity." Tokoyami nods "Understood."

All Might then works his way over to Izuku "Young Takami... you did fantastic well done!!! Especially considering you were injured for the final match. If it were up to me I would have postponed the match later than we did." He then gets quiet so no one can hear him "We'll talk later about that move you did on Young Todoroki." Izuku nodded and bowed "Thank you sir!"

Finally he makes his way to Bakugo."And finally Young Bakugo, you lived up to your promise. Wonderful." Katsuki took the medal and looked at his idol "All Might. This win... dosn't mean anything to me... But whatever I'll take the medal." All Might frowned "I can understand that. But there will be other opportunities to prove yourself don't worry." Katsuki nodded and the crowd erupted in cheers for the four students.

The Next Day:

Izuku and the rest of Class 1-A had been given the next two days off. So naturally Izuku and Katsuki spent them at Keigo's agency. Izuku had been worrying about Tenya since the festival due to his brother being attacked by a Villain which landed him in the hospital with minor injuries but they were enough to keep him out of action for the time being. But it was still worrying for Izuku since Tenya hadn't been answering his phone. While he was their Izuku and Keigo had been talking about his fight with Todoroki.

Keigo had been wondering about that final attack he had on Todoroki. "So what you're saying is you felt something similar to when you first awakened you quirk?" Izuku nodded "Yeah, only this time it felt way stronger and clearly the result was a much stronger attack." Keigo looked out the window thoughtfully then turned to Izuku "I think that might have been One For All." Izuku stiffened "Really? I thought it was just going to enhance my quirk." Keigo nodded "Yeah well it looks like it gave you some serious strength as well."

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