Internships pt. 2

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Hawks, Izuku, and Tokoyami were walking down a busy street in Mustafa doing a normal patrol while Hawks was giving the two heroes in training a lesson on how to deal with the public. "Now I'm pretty well known to the area so if people see me they usually come up and say hi which is fine but I personally do my patrols in the air more often which is also something we will be doing today." someone shouted "Hey it's Hawks!!" Izuku and Tokoyami also began to get recognized and people started to look their way with smiles and someone said "You don't often see him just walking around!" He waved to the crowd and took a couple of pictures. "Congrats on getting in the top 10 Hawks!" someone in the crowd said. Tokoyami pondered for a moment as they walked "Hawks, Is this a major part of the job?" he shrugged "Well no, I don't consider this a huge part of the job but it's nice to know that there are people who appreciate you for what you're doing." Izuku laughed "Nah, he just loves having his ego stroked." Which earned him a slap to the back of the head.

They made it to a rougher part of Mustafa where Hawks had hopped to catch a small altercation so he can show the two how to deal with those sorts of situations. "I'm considered by many to be the most talkative hero in Japan. Which as you can imagine has caused some hero's to view me in a certain way. But the way I see it why risk fighting when you can just talk it out?" The trio came across a small skirmish between two men in an alleyway. Izuku and Tokoyami watch as their mentor walks towards the two and the two stop and listen to the hero. The two then apologize to each other and walk away Leaving the two Heroes in training stunned.

Izuku was the first to speak "Ok I give, how did you manage that?" Tokoyami nodded in agreement. Keigo laughed "I just explained to them what continuing their fight would lead to. That usually scares people straight." Izuku and Tokoyami shudder to think what that meant. "Now, who's hungry?" The two students nodded in sync to Hawks' question.

The group ended up going for yakitori at a restaurant the cousins frequented as kids. Izuku got Torinegi while Keigo got his favorite, Reba. Tokoyami passed on the yakitori and opted for a sashimi meal. Keigo kept instilling some knowledge on his students. "As I was saying before Tokoyami, I think you're wasting a lot of potential being confined to the ground." Tokoyami stopped eating. "What do you mean?" The hero smiled "Well, I just think that if you could find a way to use Dark Shadow to fly you would open a lot of doors for yourself." The student with began to think about how he had used his quirk in the past and watched as the cousins bickered about something stupid and sighed and continued eating.

As they finished and were walking out of the restaurant Tokoyami tapped on Hawks shoulder "Can I ask you something?" The hero nodded "Sure, whats up?" Tokoyami looked at his teacher seriously, "Why did you choose to draft me?" Keigo grinned "Because we're both birds." Tokoyami's sweat dropped "Are you joking...?" Keigo laughed at his students grim look "No, I'm 20% serious, and half of me just wanted to talk to someone outside of my cousin in class 1-A about the League of Villains. And that final 30% I saw you in action and thought what a waste! That's why I took you on. I see so much potential in you and I think some other hero would just waste it on purely enhancing what you already know when I want to teach you something new!" Izuku looked on with a smile as he could see his cousin had clearly seen the same thing he had in Tokoyami. Keigo then continued "Alright. I say we head back to the agency for a bit and wait for the night for our flyover the city." Izuku and Tokoyami looked at the hero, one in excitement, one in confusion, "WHAT?"

While this was going on a certain black haired informant was casually sitting in a popular bar in the Kiashi ward watching the news story on the Hero Killer. He sat and thought "Well, he's right about one thing. People like Father should be outed and stripped of their titles. Not too sure about that method though." He was so sucked into the story he failed to notice that the person he was supposed to meet sat next to him "He sure likes to keep a high profile huh?" Toyua looked to his right and took note of the man's appearance "You Giran?" The man nodded, taking a drag from his cigarette. "Yes sir, you must be Dabi correct?" The scarred up teen nodded and continued sipping at his drink and watching the news. The man continued "You're certainly younger than I imagined. Considering your reputation." The teen started to get annoyed "You can skip the small talk, why did you want to meet me exactly?"

The man chuckled "Easy, I just wanted to extend a business proposition to you. You see, I represent a small but formidable group of individuals that have taken a notice to your past "Business dealings" and would like for you to join them." this caught the teens ear "Let's take a walk to somewhere where the walls don't have ears." and the two walked out of the bar and down the street.

Toyua looked at the man disinterestedly. "So, this group what's it's name?" the man chuckled and smiled "The league of villains. Heard of them?" The teen nodded "Yeah. They were behind the USJ attack right?" The man nodded at the teen to which Toyua sighed "Maybe, I'll think about it." Giran sweatdropped as he watched the teen walk away "Well you have my number let me know." The teen waved without looking at the man thinking "now the fun starts."

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