Toyua and Izuku's Crazy Adventure

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The next day was more or less the same for training. Izuku was more focused on controlling his feathers from a distance today. Aizawa had given Izuku targets throughout the rock clearing ranging from 100 yards out to half a mile which was over Izuku's max for accuracy. The rest of the two classes continued training as well to the point of exhaustion so when pixie-bob called everyone over they all practically collapsed. "Mew mew mew... listen everyone! Tonight, both classes are going head-to-head in a test of courage! Your reward for intense training is some intense fun! It's the carrot-and-stick approach!"

The classes murmured in a mix of excitement and confusion, but their train of thought was broken when she spoke up again "With that said work your butts off in the meantime!"

The night came pretty quickly after that with everyone overflowing with excitement with Mia in particular shouting for the test. But then Aizawa broke the bad news to her "Sorry to break it to you remedial group you've got your extra lessons with me now." Izuku and Bakugo who were near her at the time braced their ears for the incoming Vocal assault of their ear drums "NO WAAAAY!!!!" Aizawa then got Mina, Kirishima, Sato, Sero, and Kaminari, in his capture device and dragged them to their eternal damnation. Izuku and Bakugo couldn't stop laughing which was stopped when the tired teacher glared them down.

Pixie Bob continued her explanation of the test "Right. Class B will be on the offensive first. Class A will head into the forest in teams of two, one team every three minutes. You'll find name cards at the halfway point. Grab your own, and then come back here!" Izuku thought about this for second and quickly realized that there would be one extra student in their own group which of course turned out to be him. Katsuki was pissed he got paired with Todoroki.


1: Tokoyami and Hitoshi

2: Bakugo and Todoroki

3: Jiro and Hagakure

4: Momo and Aoyama

5: Uraraka and Asui

6. Ojiro and Shoji

7: Iida and Koda

8: Takami

Izuku watched as Katsuki and Todoroki entered into the area and was about to head in after them when he caught a faint whiff of smoke and saw a blue glow from the top of the trees "What the hell?" and flew up above the trees to get a better look and what he saw scared the crap out of him "Oh my God..."

30 minutes ago...

Toyua and the rest of the vanguard action squad were all camped up on top of the cliff waiting for the go ahead from Shigaraki to strike. Toyua then felt his phone ring "Yeah?" a raspy voice he recognized answered "Do it" Toyua was about to hang up when he thought of something "What sort of resistance should we be expecting here and who are our targets?" Shigaraki sighed out of displeasure and annoyance "Targets are Katsuki Bakugo and Fumikage Tokoyami as for resistance expect the students of UA" then the phone hung up and Toyua immediately began to freak out in his head thinking "SHIT!. Ok no permanent damage to students and try to stay away from bird brains cousin and..." he then slipped into character and got up and turned to his band of misfits "Alright we got the go ahead your targets are Katsuki Bakugo and Fumikage Tokoyami." As the group begun their decent into the forest Toyua had one person on his mind "Stay safe little brother..."

Back to present...

Izuku surveyed the massive wildfire of blue flames "Villains? How?" and then something clicked "Kota!" he shouted to Mandalay that he was going to get her nephew and flew to his hideout. When he got their he saw a mountain of a man towering over him and Kota screamed "MOM! DAD!" Izuku then started to spiral into blur "CYCLONE IMPAAAAAAAAACT!" and decked the man in the face before he could hit Kota sending him tumbling to the wall of rock. He then got in front of Kota "Don't you know not pick on someone smaller than you?" Kota was still in shock "Why'd you..." Izuku just stood his ground and watched the mountain begin to stand back up "Hm? Well you aren't on his list but I'm sure the boss would love to have Ospreys chick to keep in a cage." Izuku chuckled slightly "Yeah that would be great I have to give that jerk so payback for messing with my family. But you know what you'll do just fine. Don't worry Kota I'll save you."

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