Legal Matters...

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The dust had settled and The Hero Killer Stain laid motionless on the floor. Izuku stumbled to his feet and walked next to Shoto and Ida who had been staring at the downed villain. They stood there for a moment all without saying anything then Izuku turned to them "He's out cold right?" Shoto nodded and started to look around for something "Let's tie him up and get out to the main road. Look around for a rope." Ida nodded and started looking, leaving Izuku to gather the villains' weapons. "Jeez this guy could arm a small country with this arsenal."

Izuku had taken a couple of good hits from the villain during the fight but compared to the other two his wounds were minimal. Tenya had been stabbed multiple times along with Shoto. Izuku's leg was messed up from a well placed kick to his knee so he was thankful that shoto offered to drag the villain to the mainstreet while Izuku was helped by Native out to the street he was frowning at the scene "Sorry... I'm supposed to be a pro but all I did was get in the way." Izuku gave a toothy grin to the hero "Don't sweat it. I don't think anyone could take him on one on one. His quirk is ridiculous!" Todoroki sighed and looked down at the villain "Even in a three on one fight, we just barely won because he screwed up. He probably got so mad that he forgot about the effect wearing off Takami. And with Ida's final recipro... He couldn't react in time to Midoriya's movements."

Izuku nodded and the group kept walking out to the street when Izuku caught a flash of red before he was tackled by his cousin who was followed closely by Tokoyami. "You better have a good reason why you are here right now!" Hawks said with intensity. Izuku was stunned and looked back to his cousin "I NEEDEd TO SAVE TENYA! LOOK WE ENDED UP GETTING THE GUY AND I'M OKAY!" Keigo took a couple of breaths and then hugged his cousin with tears in his eyes "Izuku... I'm so sorry..." Izuku confused looks at his cousin "Why? What's wrong?" Keigo bowed his head "Uncle.... He got really messed up... " Izuku's world crashed around him. His father had always been an inspiration to him and to hear that something had happened to him his voice immediately got colder "What happened?"

Then Hawks must've heard something because he yelled "GET DOWN!!!" But Izuku was too slow and was snatched up by a Nomu with wings. Keigo went to fly after the Nomu but he was stopped by the Hero Killer who had already reached theNomu and stabbed the creature in the head. "Both this sham-filled society... and the criminals who wield their power in the name of petty mischief... are targets of my purge... Hahh... Hahh... All for the sake of a better society..."

"Why are you all bunched up together?! One of them should've headed your way!!!" Keigo looked to the source of the voice "Endeavor! You're already finished?!" Endevor scoffed annoyed that he had to deal with Keigo again "More or less. I had to get a little rough! Wait... Is that....?" Izuku had been pinned under the Hero Killer and his leg was throbbing in pain "Ugh... Get off of me!" The voice of the villain had gotten a lot colder as he looked on to who had just arrived "Endeavor..." to which the hero replied with a wild grin "HERO KILLER!!!" as he was about to fire a wall of flames towards the two but was stopped by a shorter older hero who Izuku didn't recognize "TODOROKI WAIT!!!" But the Hero Killer stood tall "You fake... If I don't fix it... If someone isn't stained with blood...! If I don't reclaim my hero status... COME ON!!! JUST TRY ME YOU FAKES!!! THE ONLY ONE ALLOWED TO KILL ME IS ALL MIGHT A TRUE HERO!!!" Then the villain froze and went silent unmoving.

Izuku and the other's involved with the Hero Killer's fight were then brought to a nearby hospital to tend to their injuries all the while Izuku had been worrying for his father's safety. Keigo had filled Izuku in that Hisashi ran into the Blue Haired villain Shigaraki on a rooftop and was severely injured. Izuku didn't quite grasp how serious it was until he reached his father's hospital room. What he saw shook him. The hero was missing a wing and arm with no trace of any remnants. It made Izuku at least somewhat relieved that his father was going to live but Hisashi's hero career was most definitely over. One thing was on Izuku's mind "Shigaraki is done..." and left for his own treatment.

Izuku remained silent as he laid in his bed looking out the window of the hospital room the three students were in. Shoto had been the first to try and talk to Izuku "Takami... if you want to talk we're both here." Izuku then sighed and sat up and stared at the two "Listen I'm fine... I just don't want to talk about my dad right now..." He said with his head down. Deep down Izuku knew he was not ok, but he just couldn't work up the strength to talk about it right now. He then looked at his concerned friends with a small smile "However looking back now... What we did was incredible." Shoto was taken aback by the smile but nodded in agreement "Yeah..." Tenya sat quietly but nodded. Izuku chuckled "And after that last-ditch effort... I'd say it's a miracle we're still alive. And with my leg..." He reaches for his bandaged up leg and rubs it wincing in pain "If he'd wanted to kill me he easily could've."

Shoto nodded and looked at his wrapped up arm "Yeah. He definitely let us live." He then looked towards Ida "But you. Even with him coming at you with all that bloodlust... you still stood up to him. Impressive. I came to save you but ended up needing your help. Sorry." Tenya shook his head "Not at all. It's not like that. I..." but he was interrupted by the door opening with Hawks, Manuel, and a man with a dog head in a business suit walking into the room. Hawks smiled "Good to see your all awake!" He eyed Izuku "We still need to talk but before that you've got a visitor. This is Mr. Kenji Tsuragamae, Hosu's chief of police."

The trio then began to stand up but the man waved his hand "Please stay seated, woof" they all stood where they were and the man continued "So you're the U.A. Students who put a stop to the Hero Killer, woof. As for the Hero Killer he's currently in treatment for his burns, broken bones and a number of other serious injuries, woof." The trio stayed quiet and let the Chief continue "With that in mind you three, as well as your pro hero mentors Endeavor, Manuel, and Hawks must be dealt with strictly and impartially." Todoroki immediately shot up with a calm anger "Hold on a minute." Ida tried to calm him down but to no avail "If Ida hadn't acted, Native would've been killed. And if Takami hadn't shown up, both of them would be dead. Nobody even knew the Hero Killer was in town. Should we have let people die, all in the name of your "Law"?! Everything turned out fine, so just forget about the law this time!" Izuku whistled in surprise thinking "Damn he's heated." Todorkoi continued "Isn't it a hero's JOB to save people?"

The Police Chief laughed and looked at the two toned teen with a mild stare "Clearly you've much to learn. Some education you're getting, woof, from U.A. and Endeavor." Todorkoi then started to move towards the chief "You mutt..." but was stopped by Ida and Hawks "Hold on there Half N Half just listen to what he's gotta say." He stopped in his tracks and listened to chief "Basically we're going to change up the story. You three were never involved." The three were stunned and the Chief gave them a thumbs up "What do you say?! I'm an understanding man. So when it comes to a promising group of young people... I'd rather not have to pursue charges over this admittedly massive indiscretion, woof!!!"

Manuel bowed his head and started to tear up "Either way, our negligence is to blame. We have to take responsibility." Ida walked up to his pro with a bow "I'm so very sorry..." Manuel replied with a swat to the back of Ida's head "Yeah! You caused big trouble for your mentor, so don't do it again!!!" The other two students joined Ida bowing to the Chief. "Thank you, for everything."

The remaining days Izuku spent at the Hospital was mostly with his father who still had a long road ahead for recovery. But Izuku cherished those moments since he already came close to never being able to have any more moments with him after that night. But when Izuku was cleared he bid farewell to Hisashi and continued on with his Hero internship with Hawks and Tokoyami.

Toyua was sitting in his apartment watching the news story about the Hero Killer when he got a message from Keigo

Birdbrain: You're good to go. Stay safe.

Sounds good I'll let you know when I'm in and have

a location. And stop saying that!

Birdbrain: :P

Toyua smirked and then called the number he received a while back from Giran. The phone rings a couple of times until he hears the familiar voice "Hello?" Toyua simply replied "I'm in..." and hung up the phone. 

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