Enter UA

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        A week had passed since the entrance exam and Izuku had received his acceptance letter. When his father had found out he was ecstatic, his son would be attending the same school he did as a kid. The man hadn't been home for a few months due to a business trip to America so when he saw how much Izuku had grown he was stunned. The two were training together for the first time in what seemed like a millennium when Hisashi took note of how Izuku's fighting style had changed. "What happened to your long-range game? You used to try and keep your distance and attack with your feathers so often." Izuku smirked "Keigo told me I was relying way too much on my quirk. So I adapted some martial arts into my arsenal." He said as he landed a roundhouse kick. The fight ended with Hisashi winning but he couldn't believe how much Izuku had improved since the last time he had seen him. Hisashi laughed "Well it looks like my prediction was correct!" Izuku looked at him confused, "What do you mean?" Hisashi smiled as he walked over to his son and put his hands on his shoulders "I told you and your cousin a long time ago "I think you two can both be great heroes! With the two of you working together with your quirks you will be unstoppable." I can see now that what I said was true Izuku. I believe that you can become a great hero, maybe even the best." Izuku hugged his father with tears in his eyes. "Thank you, Dad, I promise you I will be the number 1 hero!" Hisashi smirked, "You still got to take me down, kid!" The two laughed and went to get some food.

Izuku had woken up the next day the usual way sitting up and stretching than with a sudden wave of realization hitting him like an anvil thought "OH SHIT TODAY IS THE FIRST DAY OF UA!!!" He rushed to throw his uniform on and with a goodbye to his parents ran to Keigo's place. When he got there he saw his cousin talking to a guy with black hair and a scarred face about the same age as Keigo. Keigo noticed his cousin and smiled "Hey squirt what's up?" Izuku grinned "Thought I stop by and say hello before I head on over to UA. Who's this? Your boyfriend?" Keigo blushed "Funny, Izuku, this is my friend Touya. Touya meet my brat of a cousin Izuku." Izuku shook his hand "Nice to meet you." Touya smiled "You as well." Izuku then turned back to his cousin "Alright I have to go, it was good to see you. Wish me luck." Keigo waved and turned back to his informant. "So you need a code name before you go in guns blazing so figure that out. I came across a small gang developing in the area. They seem to be working for a higher up and I need you to find out who this higher up is. So you are going to be joining this gang and building up a trust with them and hopefully, this higher up they are reporting takes notice of you." Touya nodded "Got it. I'll see to it. What if I'm caught?" Hawks smiled "Don't worry I can get you out."

Izuku had been running through the halls of the famed school looking for the class he was assigned to. "1-A... 1-A... This place is huge." He comes to a giant door with "1-A" on it "This must be the place." He walks into the classroom to see a familiar blond and a blue-haired guy with glasses yelling at each other. "Remove your foot from that desk! Such an action is insulting to those who came to U.A. before us as well as the craftsmen who made the desk!!!" Katsuki laughed "Like I care. What middle school are you from, you extra?" Glasses recoiled "I-I'm from Somei Private Academy. My name is Tenya Ida" Katsuki smirks "Somei?! A stuck-up elitist, then? I should blow you to bits." Izuku laughs "Already starting fights eh Kachan?" The people who were in the class all turned to see the Greened Winged teen walking over to the blond. "Hey Deku." Izuku takes the seat in front of Katsuki and sees the blue-haired teen now dubbed Ida turn to him "I'm Tenya I-" Izuku throws his hands up and smiles "I heard you before. I'm Izuku Takami pleased to meet you, Ida." Ida bows his head "Takami... you... you perceived the true nature of that practical exam. I misjudged you. I hate to admit it but you are the superior candidate." Izuku sat there and tilted his head "I didn't perceive anything. I just did what I thought was right, helping out Uraraka. Ida, you are a great candidate, it was just a heat of the moment type of thing." Speaking of Uraraka she walks in with a group of other students and sees Izuku "Hey I recognize those wings. What's up Izuku?" The class starts talking until a caterpillar??? Works its way into the room "If you're here to socialize then get out." the class promptly shut up at this. "It took eight seconds for you to quiet down. We will need to work on that. I'm your homeroom teacher Shota Aizawa. Pleased to meet you. Put these on and meet me out in the field." The teacher handed out a set of gym clothes to each of the students and they all left for the field.

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