Learning to control your quirk with Toshinori and Keigo Sensei

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      Izuku had been training with all might for a few months now after accepting the offer to receive his quirk. He did not however expect to be spending his mornings before school cleaning a beach. He was working on pulling a refrigerator across with all might on top of the household appliance. "You're in really good shape for someone your age you know? What sort of training have you been doing?" Izuku smiled "Well my dad and cousin are both pro heroes so I've trained my quirk a ton. The doctors say I still have yet to unlock everything this quirk has to offer!" All Might tilts his head at this statement "Cousin? I know your father is a pro hero but who's your cousin?" Izuku grins and pulls out his phone "Here's his hero forum."

Keigo Takami: Hawks

Quirk: Fierce Wings

Grants him a pair of large, bright red, feathery wings on his back. These wings allow him to fly, and he can telekinetically control the movement and nature of each individual feather with ease, enabling him to shoot them as projectiles. He can also feel the vibrations in the air through them, allowing him to sense people's locations, in a way similar to echolocation. The feathers are considerably strong, capable of carrying medium-sized objects, such as rocks or human beings, with just a single feather for each one or multiple for large objects. As he sheds more feathers, his wings gradually shrink, impairing his flight ability. When he lost all his feathers, it takes at least two days for them to grow halfway back, which can be a considerable weakness.

All Might stares at his new successor with glee "Well I can tell that you have some training but I want you to still clean this beach up." He says with a laugh. Izuku then turns to his mentor "Yeah I've been meaning to ask that, why clean this beach? People hardly ever come here." All Might hops off the refrigerator and then crushes the appliance with ease clearing a view of the ocean "I did some research yesterday. This beach has been like this for years. Young heroes these days only want fame and glory. But being a hero is all about volunteer work! No matter how unglamorous! Never forget that. So for your training you'll clean this whole beach. With your quirk and already present strength I imagine it won't take you very long so get to it! Then we can start traing you with one for all!" Izuku nods in determination and continues cleaning the once beautiful view.

When All Might had said "I imagine it won't take you very long" he thought maybe 5 months but 3 months in and Izuku had finished. "Well now Young Takami, I now deem you ready to receive my power." Izuku stands there determined "Maybe it's some sort of ritual or something." Izuku thinks to himself. "Eat This!" Izuku stares at the hair for a moment then looks back at his mentor "Really?" All Might laughs "Yes, you have to take in my DNA some way and this is the easiest way." Izuku just plucks one of his feathers and takes his mentor's finger and pricks it along with his and with that the transfer was complete. All Might just looks at the new carrier of the quirk "Well I stand corrected, that was much easier." Izuku stares at him blankly. "Now it should take a few days for it to completely work its way through your system. Why don't you take a few days off and rest." Izuku nods in appreciation and starts walking towards hawk's hero agency. On his way he pulls out his phone to text Katsuki.

Me: Hey I'm heading over to Keigo's place want to come with?

Kachan: Fuck that, I'm training today.

Me: Well we could spar at his place. I'm sure he could give us some pointers as well.

Kachan: Fine, you damn nerd, I'll meet you there.

Me: Ok see you there.

As Izuku approaches the rather tame brick building in downtown Mustafa he sees Katsuki waiting outside. "Took you long enough Deku." Izuku simply smiles at this "Sorry, I missed the train." Katsuki huffs and turns to go inside the building with his friend when they walk and bump into a skeleton of a man. Izuku immediately goes to shout All Might but catches himself. He's gotten pretty good at that considering it used to happen constantly "Good afternoon Toshinori sensei. Why are you here?" Katsuki looks at his friend "You know this skeleton?" Izuku beams "Yeah, Kachan this is my trainer Yagi Toshinori." "Hello young man, it's a pleasure to meet you." He goes to shake Katsuki's hand but the young blond just walks right past him "Yeah whatever come on Deku." "I'll be right behind you." He looks at All might with a confused face "So why are you here?" "I stopped by to tell you cousin about one for all considering he's been helping with you other quirk. He seems trustworthy enough and I can see he is going to be a great hero." All Might smiles. "Oh ok. Thank you. Now I'm sorry sir but I have to go or my friend is going to kill me." Izuku says as he speeds after Katsuki.

Izuku and Katsuki had a total of 3 sparring matched both winning one and the last ended in a draw as both had been completely exhausted. Katsuki had to leave after the last one but not before bumping into the owner of the building Hawks. "Ah Katsuki how are you doing today blond bro?" Katsuki just looks at him with a glare "I told you to stop calling me that you fucking chicken!!!" He storms out of the training room and goes home leaving just Keigo and Izuku. Izuku ran and tackled his cousin resulting in the loss of feathers. "How was the patrol today?" Izuku says with eyes of wonder. Hawks smirks "Went pretty well. I ran into a weird guy though." Suddenly the mood in the room switched from fun to serious. "So... One for All huh?" Izuku nodded "Yeah, but you can't tell anyone! It's a massive secret." Hawks smilled "Don't worry squirt my lips are sealed." Izuku sighed in relief. "I'm wondering how this will impact your main quirk though. We still haven't seen everything you can do." Izuku nods "Yeah I've been thinking about that. Maybe it will help me unlock the full potential of my quirk." The two then went on to train for the rest of the day.

7 Months of Hell later

Izuku had been training with All Might for the past 7 months to gain control of One for All and to be honest he is glad he had at least some form of control to not break any of his bones while he uses 5% of the power. One for All affected had Izuku's quirk in a way that was not expected.

Flashback 6 months:

Hawks and Izuku had been training more frequently on control of Izuku's feathers when Keigo had an idea "Hey squirt I want you to try focusing on one of your feathers again and see if there is anything different." Izuku shrugged and went deep in thought staring at the plucked feather when he felt something similar to when you push two magnets together and they push apart suddenly multiple feathers on his wing shot off in different directions "What the hell!?!?!" Izuku looks around at all the feathers of different sizes protruding from the walls and ceiling confused and worried. Keigo doubled over in laughter "HA! That's exactly what happened to me the first time! Your quirk changed to mine practically so it should be easy enough to train you to use it." Izuku beamed and the two began to work on accuracy and control with Izuku's new ability.

Present Time

"Well squirt the entrance exam, is tomorrow you ready?" Hawks said smirking the cousins had gotten Izuku's accuracy down to a point however if he gets spooked the feather's still shoot everywhere which the elder cousin finds hilarious. Izuku nodded at his cousin's question to which Hawks looked at his younger cousin with pride. He had grown a lot these past few months in skill and Hawks was confident he would get in. " Good! Now please for the love of God get a haircut!"

Izuku found himself outside the gates of his goal UA High about to take his first step into becoming a hero... Or he'll just trip and die here.

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