Summer Camp

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The long trek through the forest was full of many obstacles all resulting from Pixie Bob's quirk which allowed her to manipulate the earth around her. By the time the class had made it out they were exhausted. "They're finally here." Pixie bob said with a slight grin staring at all of the tired students. Sero groaned "It'll only take three hours. Yeah right..." Mandalay smiled sheepishly scratching the back of her head "Sorry. That's how quick we would've made it.
Honestly, we thought you would take longer!" the blond hero nodded in agreement "Yeah! And you dealt with my earth beast pretty easily too. Not bad. Especially you four." pointing at Bakugou, Todoroki, Izuku, and Iida. "I'm guessing your past experiences allowed you to act without hesitation?"

Izuku just put his hand behind his head "Yeah I guess you could say that." he said with a grin. Then he noticed that the kid from before was once again staring bullets at him "Hey, I've been wondering. Whose kid is he?" looking at the boy with the hat with horns. Mandaley smiled "He's actually my nephew. Kota! Come over and say hello. You'll be spending a week with these guys after all." But he stayed where he was. Izuku chuckled "Seems friendly enough."

Aizawa sighed "Alright that's enough of this sideshow. Go get your luggage from the bus. Drop your things off in your rooms then come to dinner in the mess hall." The class nodded and got to work moving in.

Meanwhile back at The Nest, Keigo was pacing in his "office" awaiting an update from Touya on the league. He quickly checks his phone and sighs "This guy... He's almost as bad as Endeavor with how slow he is to replying to texts." He puts his phone away and goes to do sit on his couch to watch the news when he gets a text.

Touya: Hey I can't necessarily call you today they got me on a tight leash. But they are planning something. I don't know what or where, but I'll try to let you know.

Keigo sighed. He knew that it was going to be tough to get anything solid due to Touya still not being completely trusted but he had faith in him.

Thanks, keep me posted.

He smirked for a second and typed something that he knew would piss him off.

Tight leash huh? 😏

Shut up.

He then got a notification about a robbery going on near his favorite place to pick up yakitori and took off to handle it and to grab some lunch.

Izuku and the rest of Class 1-A woke up the next morning at the crack of dawn for the start of their training. It had taken the combined efforts of Kirishima and Bakugo to get Izuku out of bed but he eventually conceded his efforts when Katsuki blasted his face with a small explosion. They eventually made their way to where Aizawa had told them to meet in the morning. "Morning Kids. Today the real training camp begins. Ideally you will all emerge stronger. Strong enough to acquire your provisional licenses."

Izuku yawned and thought to himself why Aizawa's mood seemed to never change but he figured that being a hero who strictly works at night would do that to you. He tuned back in "To start here Bakugo. Try throwing this." Tossing the same ball that was used during the quirk test at the beginning of the year. "Last time your record was 705.2 meters. How much have you grown since then?"

As expected, when Bakugo threw the ball it went far. Really far. What was not expected was what Aizawa showed the class "709.6M!!! That's hardly any different." Aizawa sighed "Yes. You have been through a lot these past three months. Undoubtedly you've all grown. But it's only your techniques and minds that have matured. Well, and your bodies, a bit. But as you've all just seen, your quirks haven't kept up with the pace. Starting today you'll improve on your quirks." The class shuddered "This'll be so harsh that you'll wish you were dead, so do your best to stay alive." Izuku couldn't help but notice that Aizawa was smiling when he said that and groaned internally.

Izuku had thought he has put his Wings through a lot over the years, but this might just take the cake. Aizawa decided that Takami's feathers needed to be sharper and more durable so he had him be a punching bag of sorts for Bakugo and Sato to increase his durability for the first half of the day and then cutting at a bolder for the second half to try and cut it in half. All the while he was being eyed by Kota from a distance.

Izuku ended up cutting through the boulder which gathered a nod of approval from Aizawa. Shortly after that the class headed back to the lodge for dinner which surprisingly needed to be prepared by the students. Ida began to shout how this was a great teaching opportunity and such which everyone unenthusiastically cheered for. When the food was finished the class dug in like animals considering the amount of energy they spent today with training. Izuku then noticed Kota begin walking towards the mountains and decided to follow him.

Kota stopped at a cliff overlooking the forest and sat down just looking out to the sea of trees. Just then his stomach grumbled. Izuku thought "Welp now's my chance." And walked out of his cover with his plate of food. "I bet you're hungry. Here's a plate for you." Kota turned with a stunned look on his face "You! How'd you know I was here...?" Izuku laughed scratching his head "Old jedi mind trick." The boy just continued to stare at Izuku "Well you can keep your food I don't want it. Like I said I don't feel like fraternizing with you people. So, get away from my secret base." Izuku smiled and looked out to the stars "Secret base huh?"

Kota turned his back to Izuku "Improving quirks... Stretching them to the limit... All so gross. Flaunting your power like that." Izuku then thought for a moment and then something clicked in his head. "Hey, your parents... by chance is one of them Water Hose the hero duo with the water quirks?" This got the kids attention but not in the way Izuku had hoped "DID MANDALAY TELL YOU?!" Izuku just stood there and shook his head "Nope, my father actually worked with them for a bit. It was unfortunate what happened to them. I remember it. They were always very kind to me whenever I saw them." Kota face got dark "Shut up... You're all freaking nuts... Calling yourselves "heroes" or "villains" and going around killing each other like idiots. Talk about your quirks all the time... all just to show off. Idiots."

Izuku gave him a small smile than sat down on a nearby rock. This ticked Kota off "What's your problem? If you're done here, then get out!" Izuku just shock his head "You remind me of someone I know, to tell you the truth I agree with some of what your saying. But everyone views quirks differently. Nothing about them is absolute. If you keep rejecting everything, you're only going to cause yourself more pain." Izuku stood up and left the curry on the rock "Think about it." And starts to head back to the camp.

Toyua had been trying to get in touch with Keigo for the whole trip to the camp but couldn't get an opportunity to reach out. So, there he was on top of a cliffside overlooking the camp that Shigaraki had said was owned by a group of pro hero's. The cloaked brute known simply as muscular spoke up "I'm itching to go. Let's hurry up and move!" Then the gas mask spoke up "It's too soon besides as I already told you, there's no need to do anything flashy." Touya went into character "Yeah. But who died and made you the boss? This will be just a signal fire. We'll fill those heroes full of holes... and put them in their place. All for a brighter future."

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