Aftermath Part 1 (Keigo and Katsuki)

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15 minutes before Izuku's disappearance...

Keigo was getting nervous. Well that was an understatement, the usually clam laid back hero was genuinely freaking out at the moment. His informant never reached out today and now there he was flying as fast as he could to the Pussy Cats campground where there was a reported villain attack. And the worst part was it was during Izuku's summer camp. Keigo reached into his pocket to call Toyua again but it was sent straight to voicemail. "GOD DAMNIT ANSWER YOUR PHONE!" and took off at an even faster speed.


When Keigo Arrived he was astonished to see the Blue wildfire that had spread around the grounds he quietly spoke to himself "What the hell Toyua?" that was when he heard a awfully familiar Scream followed by the tell tale explosions of frustration from Katsuki. So he followed the noise to a clearing where he saw a bunch of injured students and teachers. And Katsuki was in tears? Keigo landed and ran up to Katsuki and grabbed his shoulders "Katsuki what happened? ...Where's Izuku?" Katsuki shook his head "Those... bastards took him... I'LL KILL ALL OF THEM!!!"

Keigo's world shattered around him as he let go of Katsuki's shoulders and looked at him in shock. Izuku his cousin and for all intents and purposes his little brother was captured by the most dangerous group of villains in Japan. He needed to get in contact with his informant... now. And sure enough there was his phone ringing so Keigo took off to a secluded area fighting back tears.

"YOU BETTER HAVE A DAMN GOOD REASON WHY MY COUSIN IS IN THE CUSTODY OF THE MOST FUCKING DANGEROUS GROUP OF VILLAINS IN JAPAN RIGHT NOW TOYUA OR SO HELP ME-" Toyua responded quickly and quietly "Shhh. I could only get away for a minute I told them I needed to take a walk. Listen I can guarantee that your cousin will be safe. I will make sure of it." This calmed down Keigo a little, but he was still pissed "Would you mind explaining to me why you haven't been answering my calls? I've been worried sick that you were found out." Toyua sighed "I told you to stop saying shit like that. And to answer your question I've been under close watch lately. I think Shigaraki is trying to position me as his right-hand man right now."

This came as a surprise to Keigo who wasn't expecting his plan to infiltrate the LOV to go this well. The two talked a bit more and Keigo even got a location of where they were keeping his cousin. "Alright, listen please keep my cousin safe Toyua... I don't think I can handle losing him." Toyua sighed "You got it." And hung up. Keigo then flew back the clearing to see that the students were being attended to by EMS.

Out of the 40 students 15 were in critical condition thanks to that one villain's gas attack. 11 had other injuries of varying degree. 13 got off without a scratch and... One was missing. This clearly had an effect on Izuku's friends but Katsuki was quiet after that outburst from before but deep down Keigo knew he was faring the worst out of the group. Of the 6 pros, one suffered a serious head injury. Another couldn't be found, having left behind nothing but a massive bloodstain. On the other side three villains were arrested at the scene. Keigo made sure to give the one with Green feathers sticking out of him a shot to the face, he needed to let out some anger. But with the exception of those three the others along with Toyua vanished without a trace...

When Keigo went to inform Izuku's parents of his disappearance they were distraught with Inko not being able to stop crying out for her son while Keigo talked to Hisashi about the attack. "I'm going to help you Keigo I need to find my son." Keigo shook his head no you can't uncle, you need to stay safe here." The argument between the two of them went on for a while with Keigo deciding that leaving might just be the best course of action.

Katsuki laid in his bed thinking about what had happened to his friend. It had kept playing in head over and over again on how he couldn't save Izuku when the idiot saved him. The old hag stopped in his room earlier to drop off some food, but he wasn't hungry. There was a knock at his door, and he figured it was the hag again "Go away or I'll kill you..." But the door opened any way and as Katsuki began to sit up to threaten the person with an explosive high five to the face he discovered that it was shitty hair, Denki, Sero, and Mina. "Hey man! We thought we would stop by to see how you were doing."

Katsuki scoffed "Well, my best friend may or may not be dead how do you think I'm doing?" Denki walked up behind Kirishima "You see what's on TV?! The media's all over the school." Then Sero spoke up "Even worse than back in spring." The rest of the conversation went on about school and when they were going back, and eventually shitty hair was the only on left. The red-haired teen looked at Bakugo "Hey, listen I wasn't going to tell the others, but I wanted to tell you. I have a plan on how to get Izuku back."

This got the blonds attention "What do you mean you idiot?" Kirishima flashed a toothy grin "Todoroki and I came up with it, but we have Momo and Iida in on it to. But they wanted you to come with us because we know how much he means to you." Katsuki looked at the idiot standing in front of him who had just made his day just a ton better giving him hope that he could save his friend and nodded his head "Alright let's hear it." The plan was good, not great but good. Katsuki once again stared at the 2nd closest person to him behind Midoriya with a newfound respect. "It's so crazy it might actually work. Where do I meet you idiots tonight?" Kirishima gave him a location said, "see you later." And left leaving Bakugo in his thoughts once again. "I'll return the favor Deku."

Keigo was going to give the location of the hideout to the police but as he was leaving his agency he got a phone call "Hello?" then a voice answered on the other end "Hey Keigo it's detective Tesukauchi. I just wanted to inform you we have a shocking development in the case! We may have pinpointed the LOV hideout." Keigo was taken of guard a bit but nevertheless was intrigued "Go on."

The detective did as he requested "About two weeks ago, one oof my men was out canvassing for information. One of the witnesses saw a man with a "Patchwork face" enter a building. A building that didn't have any tenants. We searched the database for convicted criminals around 20 years of age, but none fit the profile. When we co0ntacted the building owner we learned that there's a bar inside. A hidden one, though, like a shelter. It didn't seem connected to the investigation at the time, so we moved on, but now that description matches one of the villains who kidnapped your cousin! We would like you to join our raid team."

Keigo thought to himself "Well that handle itself nicely. Thanks Toyua." And then spoke into the phone "Sounds good. Let's do it" and listened to the details of the mission.

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