Chapter 1

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"Ah, what a great day for arrival."  I muttered under my breath. Birds are chirping, sun is shining, people arriving. I look around and saw a crowd of people in front of a large, castle-like building. I blended with the crowd. For some reason, I couldn't took my eyes off the building, it was unlike any other academies around the country. 

"Quinx Leviathan Academy," I read the sign on top. My lips parted in awe. This academy is for the richest of the richest, the cream of the crop, and I'm not one of them, in fact, I only get to enroll here because an invitation was sent to me. They said I'm one of the chosen students for this academy, and who am I to decline?

"This is one hell of an academy!" I exclaimed loudly, "Shut up, will you?" I looked over my shoulder and saw an annoyed-looking girl. She just rolled her eyes on me and put her AirPods on. What a rich spoiled brat! I shook my head but just my type

The security was tight, they had a walk-through metal detector and an x-ray machine for the bags. Once it was my turn, a guard asked me to inspect my luggage so I handed it to him. He put it in the x-ray machine and handed it back after further inspection.

I stopped when I heard an announcement on the large speakers surrounding the whole area, "Welcome students of Quinx Leviathan Academy! To obtain your key cards, kindly go to the reception desks and tell your names to the persons in-charge. Thank you." must be the principal, huh?

I walked around exploring the place until I reached one of the reception desks "Your name, sir?" it was a man in his early thirties who greeted me. His voice low and stern. His expression blank as he stared and waited for me to state my name. "Oh! well, I'm Yin Sirlillian." I stated gleefully. I'm excited as hell! 

"Here's your key card sir." He handed me my key card. I thanked him and grabbed the key card quickly. Just what would our rooms look like? based on the school's exterior and interior, I bet I won't be disappointed.

While I was walking around trying to search for my room, I bumped into a girl. She had a petite body with long black hair that seemed to shine as it bounces while she walks. She was wearing a plain purple sweater and black jeans along with a pair of white sneakers. She looked at me startled, so I apologized to her and asked for her name.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't looking to where I was walking while finding my room. Miss?"

"Oh no! I'm very sorry that was clumsy of me," the girl before me chuckled nervously and scratched her neck. "By the way, my name is Drayfia, Drayfia Ironheart. What's yours?" she then regained her composure and smiled sweetly at me.

"I'm Yin Sirlillian. Mind if I ask where this room is?" I showed her my room number and she shook her head "Of course not Yin! that's just next to my room. Follow me, I'll lead you there." she turned her back and started walking. I followed closely behind her. I was busy eyeing the paintings that filled the walls that I couldn't even understand what she was ranting about, "I hope my roommate is— Oh! that's your room!" she pointed at the white door before us "and that's mine! see you some other time, Yin?"

"It's a pleasure to meet such a gorgeous and kind lady, Drayfia." I flashed her a smile and she immediately blushed.

"The pleasure's all mine, Yin," she chuckled and bid me goodbye "Well, I'm going in now." she waved her hand and went to her room.

Once I was inside, I can't help but to wander my eyes around the room. It was spacious, more than enough for two persons. There are two large queen-sized beds with a side table beside it. A dark brown leather couch is on the other side with a coffee table in front of it. "Wow," was all I could say. There are two walk-in closets and also a large bathroom with a bathtub inside it. "t-this is like a fucking hotel." I grinned, as I merrily jumped on the bouncy bed. I lay down and stared at the ceiling. This is too good to be true, isn't it? I sat up again at the thought, whatever, I'll just enjoy this while I can. I shrugged and took a nap, It was only the afternoon, and I'm tired.

I woke up from a not-so-long nap and stretched my limbs. I looked at the clock hanging on the wall, and then the bed next to mine, there's still no signs of my roommate so I decided to head outside and find a place where I could watch the Moonrise.

I walked out, not bothering to even change my clothes and started searching for a place where I can relax and just stare at the moon.

I found a tall and antique entrance to a staircase which leads to a rooftop. The place seems like an old Italian church. I didn't waste my time and started climbing the stairs until I reached the top and was astonished at the sight before me. I could clearly see the moon shining brighter than the stars surrounding it. A sight I'm fond of even before I was a child until now. Because of that, I decided to make this place my favorite spot, my safe haven.

"My luna," I carefully sat down.
"What a beautiful sight." I looked up and stared at it. My eyes sparkled at the sight. It was there as if it was protecting me from the nightmare that I'm still trying to get away from.

Memories of my past suddenly took over me. When I was just a kid, I lost both my parents, so my aunt decided to adopt me. She treated me with care, she loved me like I was her own and bought anything I wanted. But one day, she asked me if I would go with her. I was hesitant at first but then I agreed, thinking that if I will accompany her, I could repay all the kindness she showed me.

We arrived at a place full of people with masks. My aunt wore one as well. I asked if I could wear one but she said no. So, I kept quiet. We walked through the halls and after a while, we arrived at a door with my aunt's name on a plate engraved on it. We entered and saw five men carrying firearms.

I got scared but my aunt approached them so I thought she was going to send them away but instead she whispered something to them that caused them to walk in front of me. I backed away on instinct and planned to run outside but they apprehended me before I could escape. I looked to where my aunt is and screamed at her, begging for help. But she approached me and kneeled at my level and just whispered to my ear.

"All of the things that you experienced, like how I treated you, it was all a lie to build up your trust and you believed my act." She stood up and continued out loud.

"I need the payment for all the kindness I showed you and I know what you're capable of doing. Right now, I need money so do me a favor and get yourself auctioned."

She walked the opposite, to the door that probably leads outside. While, I, on the other hand, was being dragged away, I was thinking of what she said to me. It left me confused and petrified.

I could feel that we were nearing the place where I would stay. I snapped back to reality and saw where I am. I began formulating a plan on how to escape. I planned to escape using the window I spotted a few meters back.

So, while the guards are unaware. I kicked the one dragging me, while the others got startled, I ran to the window and without thinking twice I jumped out. Luckily, I was able to fit in because of my small body.

That's when I learned to start stealing from stalls. As I grew up, I learned how to lie and how to manipulate others. I did not ask for this. I never wanted this. If I were given the chance to live another life, I would. But I need to do this. I need to survive at least in this life.

Until one day I received a knock on the door, unaware that my whole life was about to change.

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