Chapter 11

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The death or rather the suicide of Rover and him being the killer caused an uproar that affected the whole school. Klaudius, a student who saw his death in front of his eyes, wondered why this school had many incidents of this type. He is lying on his bed wearing his sleeping clothes, it is currently Sunday. So many happened yesterday for him like with Rover, so after what happened he just slept so he could get his mind to rest. 

He closed his eyes once again to get more sleep, but he couldn't sleep at all since his body is now well-rested. He just got out of his bed and fixed himself. After that, he walked out of his room and walked through the hall of the dorms, but then his phone vibrated inside his pocket. He picked it up and opened it, the phone lit up and his lock screen appeared, he typed his password and looked at his phone's notification. A single message was there from an unknown number, he clicked the message and it opened, it says in the message. 

"8:00 pm 645FD" Klaudius knew the meaning of the initials and the numbers, but he didn't know why it was him that was messaged to meet this unknown person, he decided to go there. He looked up and saw that the sun is still up, so he just went on doing what he wants through the day.

It's near the meeting time with that unknown, should I go or not? Klaudius thought to himself. He decided to go but he needed to be sure it's safe, so he brought a kitchen knife. He arrived in front of the dorm room number 645, he carefully opened the door.

And there he saw a close friend of his holding a knife. This close friend of his is Irene and she is holding a knife, he didn't know why so he decided to ask her.

"Hey Irene, I don't know why you want me here. So can I ask you why?" Klaudius asked nervously because of the knife Irene is holding.

 Irene didn't answer but she walked towards him, in his current state he just stepped back.

"Alright, why are you doing this?" Klaudius didn't try to hide his scared state and just asked. But suddenly.

"HAHAHAHAH! I was just trying to scare you! No hard feelings ok." Irene laughed and this reminded Klaudius of Yin.

"Are you copying Yin by any chance?" Klaudius asked Irene.

"No!" Irene denied.

"Alright, so why do you want me here?" Klaudius returned to the main topic.

"Ok, so you know this school is weird with all the killings, so I decided to investigate this school and if another thing happens, we could catch another killer. So I'm going to ask you if you would like to join me?" Irene answered him of her intentions.

"Hmm. Alright, then I'll join you." Klaudius just answered yes to her invitation.

"Thank you. Now I'll have someone to back me up." Irene said cheerfully, and with that, they ended their conversation and left the abandoned room together. After that, they just spent their day doing what they want.

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