Chapter 5

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I woke up feeling a lot better than yesterday. I yawned and stretched for a bit when my roommate came into our room looking so terrified.

"Have you heard the news? Someone is missing!" My eyes widened in shock as I'm trying to process what she's saying.

"What?!" I exclaimed. "You must be kidding right? we've been here for like, what—3 weeks?"

"I'm fucking serious Jean Cooper, everybody is already starting their investigation," she was pacing back and forth, biting her nails in the process, "come on, the whole campus is searching for the person, let's help"

I nodded and began to fix myself. As I was walking through the hallway, I could hear the murmurs of the students who I assumed were talking about the student.

"I heard James Maximillan is still missing?"

"Oh, the student is from Silvia?"

I am now very curious about what happened. I stopped mid-step when someone spoke on the speaker "I will give you all 24 hours to investigate, you may use whatever means necessary to investigate. As I said on the orientation if you all failed to catch the killer, then that person will be off the hook but if you manage to catch the suspect, they will experience the same fate the victim had to suffer."

My eye widened in shock and my body felt cold as I listened to the announcement. The students began to hurry and start their investigation already. Maybe I should start in his room?

I checked the room assignments of the boy's room on the west wing "Room 104" I muttered and began to walk towards his room but as I kept walking, I noticed that there are a group of students arguing outside the room.

"I said I'm innocent!" the boy shouted, his hair and physique looked familiar though.

"How can you prove it huh? You are his only roommate! Who else could've done it?" the poor boy nearly cried because of the accusation.

I ignored them and continue walking inside the room, they kept on arguing, not paying attention to whoever entered the room. I observe the whole room, it's surprisingly neat for a boy's room. A few anime posters were hung on the left side with some action figures displayed on the side table. On the right side, there are basketball-related posters and a few jerseys that are framed beside it. Different brands of shoes were stacked neatly below. I turned my head to his roommate, "Oh, hey! Jean right? if I'm not mistaken." my eyes widened when I finally recognized him, that's why his broad shoulders and soft black hair were familiar! "Uh, yeah,  I'm here to help, by the way, when was the last time you saw him?" I asked and listened intently to what he has to say.

"During our activity yesterday, he said he was going to the washroom but I never saw him after that. I tried to wait for him to return but I fell asleep." I nodded and thanked him before going outside.

I sighed, I have been looking for him for the past five hours but still found nothing. Maybe I should give up? "Why am I even playing the heroine here? as if I could really do something," I chuckled dryly as I massaged my temples. But someone's life is at stake here. Think, Jean if you were abductor, where would you place him. "Damn it!" I couldn't help it, I slammed my palm on the table in frustration and all the students look at me, even the librarian.

"Get out, Ms. Cooper!" the librarian angrily shouted I had no choice but to leave. "I-I'm so sorry!" That was embarrassing! I quickly put my bag on and hurriedly exited the library. I screeched when I bumped into a vase near the library and it fell. Thank goodness no one is paying attention or else I'll be doomed. I covered my mouth and my forehead creased when I saw something hidden within the soil, I pick it up and quickly examined. It is like a person's bone! I dropped the bone alongside my jaw because of shock—and disgust. Could it possibly be James' bones? But why, why would someone hide it in a vase?

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