Chapter 15

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We were shocked at what Jean said, I don't know if I should believe her or not. My friends told me that she is a good person, but how was she able to kill an innocent person? When we saw the girl's dead body inside the janitor's closet, I was so angry at her because I didn't know she had the guts to do that. I felt ashamed because we were so desperate to get out of this academy and the only way out is to kill. She also wanted to leave this school and we wanted to see our families, we want to be with them, but we can't because of this school. When she's explaining her side, Klaudius is holding her so that she would not get away from their sight.

"You two also want to leave this hellhole right? Oh, me too. Why don't we kill many students? That is the rule so that we will graduate easily." Klaudius suddenly said

I shook my head at his suggestion "Are you crazy? If we will kill a lot of students it won't be easy, and before you kill many students you will surely die first." I sighed

Jean was trying to run away from us, it's obvious with how eager she is to get away with Klaudius' tight grasp but he is way stronger so she didn't have a choice but to surrender and sigh in defeat.

"Why are you in such a hurry to let go, huh? Is there still something that we need to know about? Hmm?" Klaudius cocked an eyebrow at her, challenging her.

"No! of course not! I just don't want to be interrogated! That's all I know, now will you kindly let go of my wrist?" Jean looked at us with her puppy eyes and pouty lips. Klaudius then turned his head to me to ask for my approval and I nodded in response. Jean sighed exaggeratedly while holding her now red wrist.

"Since all of us want to graduate and escape, I suggest we form a team! I know it's a rule to kill here if we want to graduate but it didn't say who! So Instead of killing students why don't we kill the principal himself?" I turned my head to her to check if she's joking but she shrugged her shoulder at us

"It's just a suggestion" with all three of us here, I'm pretty sure we could do it.

"Then ho-" but before we could continue our question, someone interrupted us

I rolled my eyes when I realized who it was. "Hi, sugar!" Yin smirked at me "Ah, I see you're still with this, depressed emo boy, huh?" referring to none other, Klaudius. He laughed at his own statement. "And you even recruited someone! Jean Cooper, right? Welcome to the club!" He offered to shake hands with her and she gladly accepted it with a smile. Oh, how good is this girl with her acting!

Klaudius clenched his jaw and asked him "How long have you been eavesdropping with our conversation, huh?"

"Woah! Chill man, I'm not 'eavesdropping', actually, I just passed by and saw you three talking. He smirked, this made Klaudius more furious

"You really think we would believe that kind of crap?" He balled his fist and his teeth gritted in anger. I stopped them before they kill each other right now.

"What is it that you want, huh? Can't you mind your own business? You see, we're quite busy here"

"What if I told you I want to join your group? Not to brag but, I am top 3 in special arts and I also have connections and information that will surely help." It is sure tempting but I am still very hesitant. I hate to admit it but I think we need him in our group if we want to graduate.

"Fine, you can join us." He smiled while the other two creased their forehead in confusion.

"I'm sorry, what?! But-" I shook my head at Klaudius 'we need him' I mouthed at him and shut his mouth.

"Welcome to the club!" Jean imitated him while tapping Yin's shoulder.

"But on one condition, stop calling me sugar, it's disgusting." He looked sad with my condition.

"Oh, I can't promise that sugar" he smirked again at me "Oh, I can't promise to keep you on our team either." now, it's my time to smirk. His face became serious and he straightened up.

Jean cleared her throat to catch our attention "Sorry to interrupt but we still need to bury Drayfia."

"Drayfia? As in Drayfia Ironheart? The girl version of Klaudius?" Yin said while laughing at his own statement again.

"It's not the right time for jokes"

"Woah, so scary! Well, what I expect from a murderer?" he shrugged his shoulders "Stop"

"What? Now, I'm stating a fact not a joke."

"Stop it you two! I know a place where she can be buried. In the back of the building near the field, there is a ground. I'll get some fabric and wrap her up there. Jean, help me wipe the blood off the floor with bleach and get some gloves so there will be no fingerprints. Yin and Klaudius, start digging so by evening, we can carry her body and start burying it." They nodded in agreement and we parted ways to start our tasks.

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