Chapter 2

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It's the first day of school, I can't contain my happiness because I knew that it would be a good start of something new for me. I will be able to meet new friends. I could experience just about anything and I've heard a lot of good things about the school. The Quinx Leviathan Academy.

But my mood is ruined immediately by a noisy guy who was in front of me. "Shut up, will you?" I spat out at him. He looked over to his shoulder and I rolled my eyes at him, not giving a shit. 

Their security sure was tight. It's not like someone would bring a gun in here, I wanted to say but decided to just keep it to myself. When I was done with the inspection.

It was only then when I noticed that the school was huge. Well, I guess huge is even an understatement. I was in awe. I have never seen this kind of beauty before. The chandelier hanging in the ceiling to the antique paintings and displays were completely ravishing.  It is a mixture of modern and Spanish accents. It couldn't even compare with anything at this point. I was quickly brought back to my senses when I heard the announcement on the speakers. I went to my room to room and got some sleep. Tomorrow will be a long day.

I woke up feeling very alive and excited. This is my dream school, although I knew this academy is kinda peculiar, I continued to pursue it.

"Excited, are we?" my roommate, Venice, mused while we are both fixing our neckties "Very." I answered her with a grin "Oh, lucky for you then." I looked at her and raised a brow "Why? what's not exciting in this though?" "I don't know I guess—" she was interrupted by an announcement in the speakers,

"Good morning students, I want all of you to head to the audio-visual room for our assembly and the announcement of sections, Thank you."

I stopped fixing my uniform and grabbed my bag immediately "Come on, I don't want to be late."

As we reached the 1st floor, I saw the students heading somewhere and decided to join them. We walked through the hallway that leads to the said audio-visual room. I can't stop wandering my eyes, I saw Klaudius sitting at the end of the 3rd row with that annoying guy yesterday!

I furrowed my eyebrows when I saw no one on the stage but a large television. All the lights went off and someone started to speak. It's still the same static voice as in the speakers.
"Good morning and welcome to Quinx Leviathan Academy. I really have no certain rules in here, you can act whatever you please, there will be no violation for violence here," I gasped in shock, what? violence is tolerated here?

I was zoning out for a few minutes that Venice had to shook my shoulders to get my attention. "Irene! they are announcing the sections, look!" I looked at the screen searched my name in it. Section Quinilla was seen on the television but my name was nowhere to be found "Damn, I want to be in that section though." I pouted for a bit but then I found my name in section Silvia. I know literally no one in this section, even my only friend, Venice is in another section.

The Four sections were introduced, starting up with Fhaliah, Quinilla, Silvia, and lastly Hellviana, which are the surnames of the legendary founders of the school.

The television screen went black and the light turned on after all the announcements. The assembly is finished and finally, the first day of classes will begin.

I entered the classroom and chose to seat on the one that is placed on the second row at the center hoping that I would be able to make friends in this way.

I was preparing my notepad where I will jot down my notes when I felt someone sit beside me. I quickly turned around only to see the annoying and noisy boy from yesterday.

"Hey sugar, mind if I sit beside you?" he asked with a husky voice that would make every girl drool over, but not me. I arched my brow at him. chill, you're not going to make any friends this way.

"No, not at all," I reply with a not-so-cheerful voice.

"So, what do you say about making friends with me? Since we're going to be sitting beside each other from now on." He said arrogantly with a smirk plastered on his god-like face. Oh, God! This guy is the epitome of trouble. I just shrugged off at his statement.

I went to my room after a tiresome day of learning. The room given to me is the same as all the other rooms on the campus. It's big. I get on my pajamas and lay on my comfy queen-sized bed. As I was recalling, our principal didn't even mention his name or maybe I'm just that tired to not remember. He did not even come there physically! I don't know if he's just lazy but all we heard is his voice.  Although he was able to share the history of the school as well as its founders. He also mentioned the basic rules and regulations of the school. But the last part of it was the strangest,

"My rules are simple, the more good deed you make, the faster you'll graduate." He said with finality. A shiver ran down my spine even though we only heard his voice. I shrugged the thought off my head and quickly went off to sleep.

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