Chapter 3

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After the program, the students were asked to find their respective classrooms. Yin was quick finding their room. As he entered, there he saw the rich spoiled brat girl he met yesterday, in the middle of the room preparing her things. He was staring at her.

"Hey sugar, mind if I sit beside you?" He politely asked although he's actual motive is to flirt with her.

She quirked an eyebrow at him for a second and sighed in defeat when she realized this guy is persistent, she didn't have a choice, does she? "No, you can sit here." she shook her head and continued what she was doing. "Hey, sugar—"she cut him off before he can continue, "What the fuck, dude? stop calling me that, we're not even friends!" she spat angrily at him, cringing at the pet name, "That's why I'm asking you to be my friend, honey," but it's too late, she already put her AirPods on "Fine, fine, I won't bother you anymore."

Their class ended on a good note and all of them were able to get to know each other over a short period of time.

Yin walked around the school, astonished by its interior. It's modern with a bit of Spanish accent. The pictures of the Four Legendary Founders were hung proudly on the wall alongside with their achievements. It has complete facilities that will make sure their parents' hard-worked money will pay off.

As he was walking down the corridor, he noticed a student who is outside the classroom. His hair was messy and his clothes were disheveled. He seemed to be an anti-social. People around the boy were talking and whispering about him. One of the girls even pushed him. He stopped for a while and hid against a wall to hear what they were talking about; he planned to be a hero and save the poor boy. He smirked evilly at the thought.

"Were you eavesdropping?" a girl whispered to Yin which made him startled. "Oh, I am not," He lied. "Y-you scared me!" he chuckled nervously while scratching the back of his head.

She rolled her eyes and replied, "Whatever, don't you ever meddle on our business or you will be next." he was about to protest but the girl left already.

After the girl left, Yin heaved a deep sigh and went to the field to freshen his mind but instead, he saw two girls arguing and because of the commotion caused by the girls, the attention of the students was focused on them. He took a peek on the scene and bumped his shoulders on someone. He stopped for a while to check who the person was and smirked when he realized who it was. Irene quickly turned her head sideways and ignored when she saw that it is that arrogant boy again.

He faked a cough to catch her attention. "It must be destiny that we met here and we also bumped our shoulders, isn't it?" she looked at her weirdly.

"Don't flatter  yourself too much, this is a mere coincidence, stupid."

"Ouch! That hurts" He faked a cry but she just rolled her eyes into him.

"You are always so cold to me you know!" but she ignored him again.

"Fine, I'll leave you then." He excused himself and walked towards the comfort room but someone bumped into him and spilled a coffee on his shirt, he cursed and was about to hit the person but held back himself.

"I'm sorry, here, let me help you," she was about to wipe his shirt but he avoided it.

"I'm fine," he took a step backward and faked a smile. He couldn't risk being caught by the façade he's been trying to keep. He is practically losing his cool now but can't do anything about it.

"Oh! I'm sorry I'm just trying to help. I'm Jean." She smiled sweetly.

He caught a glimpse of her eyes, he's a bit shocked because there's something in her eyes that will make you shiver, and it's very dark and mysterious. He snapped back into his thoughts and when she asked him "And you?" he shook his head a little and her eyes were back to normal again. Maybe I'm overthinking he thought to himself

"Y-Yin Sirlillian." He smiled nervously although he didn't know why he was scared of her all of a sudden.

The school bell rang and they bid farewell "Well, nice meeting you, Yin! I hope to see you sometime soon and I'm really sorry for what I've done!" she made a peace sign and went to do her own business.

On the other hand, Klaudius is sleeping at the library, his classmate Theodore noticed him and waked him up.

"I-I'm sorry to disturb you b-but you n-need to wake up before the librarian catches you s-sleeping!" the poor boy couldn't help but stutter because of his anxiousness.

Klaudius raised his head and quickly grabbed his things and replied "Thanks." without even looking at Theodore. He quickly followed behind him, the two of them still silent, neither of them wanted to talk. But before he could muster the courage to talk to Klaudius, the boy lazily entered their classroom and he thought that he should just shut his mouth instead of causing trouble.

All the sections began their introductions, the teachers also told them the rules, regulations and a brief explanation of how the school works.

At section Silvia, their first-period teacher entered. "Albert Wilhelm." was all he said before stating that he wants them to introduce themselves and he wants to start at the back. All of the students turned their heads to the person sitting at the back, Yin sighed and stood up

"Hi everyone. I'm Yin Sirlillian. 16 years old." he winked to the girls and then to Irene who is clearly uninterested before sitting down.

Next up is a girl with deep eye bags "Drayfia Ironheart" this was the girl Yin met back at the hotel but he barely noticed because all his attention was focused solely on Irene.

"This is such a waste of time, anyway I'm Anwen Honse." the angsty girl said.

"Hi, I'm James Maximillian," introduced by the last student. Albert sighed and stood up signaling his dismissal. Another teacher came to introduce herself just like a cycle. The students are slowly becoming bored until their last period teacher came.

"Hi everyone! I'm Zig and your Special Arts teacher!" the teacher smiled. "As you can see, Special Arts is a subject where you hone your physical and mental skills," The students are thrilled as Zig continues to explain the subject "well, I hope you will all do your best to survive this subject and the rest of the school year," he chuckled deeply while the students pay no heed to his last remark.

He glanced at his watched and noticed it's time already "It's time already kids! Go back to your dorms and enjoy while you can." He said as he exited the door.

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