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 I should have known that Yin Sirilillian would kill me, that guy is trying so hard to join our team in the first place, justifying that he has 'connections' snd such.

It started when I learned the secret of this horrible place. The training facilities, the special subjects and the freedom to use violence against each other—it is the key to graduate, to survive. At first, I couldn't quite understand, but when I heard the conversation of Yin and the principal, that's when it hit me that my conclusion is true all along.

I was about to go to the washroom when I heard someone's voice echoing somewhere.

"My lord, when will you announce the last rule?"

last rule? what is he talking about? I could only see his back through the gap between the door so I couldn't really tell who is it.

"When the time is right," I heard the familiar static voice, the one our principal used in the general assembly. Why would some student and the principal talk?

"When the time is right?! it is the right time now! the murders has started already!" I could hear the frustration in his voice.

"It's entertaining to watch it though, I bet no one's going to graduate this year." The principal chuckled, I swallowed the lump in my throat as I eavesdrop on their conversation.

"Whatever, this is all fucked up. Killing each other to graduate? yeah right."

I could hear him sigh. My eyes widened and panicked at the sounds of footsteps approaching and I quickly ran to my right so he couldn't catch me.


"I-it's you!" I gasped as the sudden realization hit me "It's you Oh my god!"

Yin looked at me confusedly, "I don't get what you're saying."

"How can you communicate to the principal huh? How can you know the last rule? Who are you?!"

His eyes widened for a bit and chuckled, "So that explains why you knew it," he shook his head and started to walk towards me "You eavesdropped on our conversation, hun. You think you can get away with it?" Shivers ran down my spine as I heard his tone changed. He stares at me intently, his dark orbs piercing through me.

But his aura changed in a second, his eyes now crinkled as he smiled at me, "Come on, Klaudius and Irene is waiting for us there is another case."

I stared at him, still shocked at his sudden change of facade. Does Klaudius and Irene know? How can he do it?

"Jean?" He called again, I shook my head at the thoughts.

"Yeah, coming!"


My whole body quivered as I saw Yin holding a baseball bat. His smirk now plastered on his face and his eyes now black again.

"Yin, what are you doing?" I worriedly asked, he would not kill me, right?

"A nuisance like you," he stopped mid-sentence and glance back and forth to the baseball bat in his hands and me, "Should be eliminated."

"What? What do you mean?"

He took a step forward, dragging the bat while walking slowly. "You'll find out soon,"

I gulped as he stopped walking, I can't find anything to attack me so I lose hope. Am I really going to die here? Is this the end of me?

"But now, it's better if you'll sleep forever."

Before I knew it, he used the baseball bat to hit me.

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