Chapter 17

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I woke up exceptionally early today, I took a bread and decided to jog. But what shocked me today is that the rule to kill is now spreading like wildfire. WE NEED TO KILL FOR US TO GRADUATE is the headline of our school's newspaper today. Who gave this information to our school's newspaper? I could see our teachers trying to calm down the students but it only worsened. I returned to my room and messaged the three to come into my room so that we could discuss this properly.

"You! You spread this, didn't you? You heard us that day!" I tried to contain my anger as I point at Yin.

"Oh, accusing me this early? Sherlock Holmes once said that It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts." He just chuckled. I couldn't counter what he said so I just gritted my teeth in anger.

"We gathered here so that we could discuss who's the one who spread this not to accuse each other." Irene stood up. Jean just shook her head with her body still shivering so I adjusted the room's temperature.

"How about you, Jean? You are the one who discovered this secret aren't you?" I raised a brow at her.

"Of course I wouldn't do that!"

"Can you all please stop?! For goodness's sake! We are a team! Not rivals! Stop accusing each other unless you have concrete evidence!" we shut our mouths after Irene shouted. We kept quiet for a while until Yin spoke.

"Then I think it's Roother's twin brother!" Yin stated.

"What's his name again?" I asked.

"Treeckson Traijin!"

"How can you say so? I thought It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data, huh?" I raised a brow at him.

"Chill, it's just an intuition. Because we caught Roother remember?"

"Well, that kinda makes sense." We all nodded at Irene. We went to our first period together. Everyone is tensed and the air became heavy, some didn't even attend the first period maybe because of fear. Our first-period teacher didn't come so I decided to sleep to kill some time. I woke up when the bell rang, the four of us sat together at the cafeteria, none of us talking.

"Why are you all so quiet? Did you kill someone?" Jean chuckled dryly, she is obviously trying to break the ice but in a wrong way so she shut her mouth.

"Oh, we aren't like you, honey." Yin shook his head in disapproval Irene and I glared at him but he just chuckled and answered "Why? it's true though." The four of us became quiet again and just started eating again. Yin's theory is correct. A group of students led by Treeckson is causing chaos by spreading the rule even more. They are throwing away newspapers with the same headline. The principal spoke through the speakers that made us all silent.

"The headline of today's newspaper is correct. Congratulations on finding it out. Don't forget the procedure, if you get caught, you will also be killed. One person can only graduate. Now, may the bloodbath begin." No one dares to say a word. All the students in the cafeteria remained silent.

"I'll skip classes today," I said while fixing my things

"Why? Are you afraid hun?" Yin asked while smirking at me

"Oh, hell no, it's just boring and I want to sleep." they all shrugged their shoulders at me.

I did nothing but to sleep and eat to kill time. This school isn't strict about academics so the teachers let us skip classes. I then decided to go to my room and read there. I am enjoying what I am reading with a cup of milk when my head began to spin and my vision became blurry. I tried to stand up but only fell on the floor.

I woke up in a different room. I scanned my surroundings and my eyes widened at the sight before me. Jean is lying lifeless on the floor. My hands are full of blood and I am also holding a baseball bat. I tried to remove the blood off my hands and shirt but it's no use. I didn't kill her did I? But how can I prove that when I can't remember anything?

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