Chapter 7

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"Why are the lights off?" Lexi wondered as she opened her room

maybe this is part of Caleb's surprise?  she grinned at the thought, 

"Caleb, I know you're there—" but her enthusiasm was short-lived when the lights went on and was greeted by a girl smiling like a maniac.

"Xeinina? Why are you here?" 

"Ah! you're so formal Lexi! I'm just here to surprise you with a birthday present, why don't you follow me and take a look?" A smirk formed on her lips as she nodded. They walked slowly, until they reached the bed, "Well, do you like your present?" Xeinina mused, as she waited for her reply.

Horror filled her face as her eyes landed on the lifeless body of her boyfriend, whose eyes are staring at the ceiling, his mouth open and chest ripped apart.

"His heart is with someone else so I had to literally take his heart," Xeinina laughed like something is funny, meanwhile, Lexi is having a hard time breathing as she processed what was happening.

 You could see her sweat dripping from the fear. She walked backward hoping that she could escape from the horror in front of her. "Y-you crazy bitch!" her supposed scream was turned into a whisper, "What was that? You saying something?" Xeinina teased her, putting her hand into her ear, as if she didn't understand what she was saying.

"W-What d-do you w-want?!" She asked, as she raised her head to meet her eyes, but instantly regretted it as she can see the blood lust in her eyes, "Why did you do that?" Her eyes burned with passion to kill.

Lexi went silent when she saw Xeinina pulling out her knife, "Oh my fucking god," she covered her mouth while Xeinina is approaching towards her, "Please, someone, help me!" She tried to call for help, but she knew that someone could not hear her, let alone save her. She scanned the room, hoping to find something to use against her killer. She spotted a scrap of metal, sharp enough to hurt somebody and quickly grabbed it. "And how can that protect you?" Xeinina chuckled, enjoying the sight of Lexi suffering from fear and loneliness.

"You deserve to rot in hell!" Lexi said while running towards Xeinina with her only weapon.

Xeinina was quick at her feet, she avoided the attack and took the metal from her hands,

"Tsk. Tsk. Oh Dear, Lexi. You know this won't happen if you left Caleb when you had the chance." She pet her hair gently, only to grab it harshly to make Lexi face her. She placed her mouth on her ear and said, "If it isn't for this face." She said coldly, whispered-enough to send you chills on your spine--while running her fingers along Lexi's face.

With her long nails, she lashed through Lexi's face with all her might, leaving no mercy for the girl. "You piece of-" she didn't have the time to finish cursing when she felt her stomach being stabbed. Xeinina pulled out the knife and she coughed, blood coming out of her mouth.

"Help..." Lexi shouted with all her might, hoping that at least someone, anyone out there could hear all her whimper. But little did she know, Xeinina is nowhere finished,

"Oh my! I'm enjoying the sight so much!" she clapped her hands and stabbed her on the chest next, and on the different parts of her body, until she died.

Klaudius' POV

I woke up after hearing commotion outside. I tried finding my digital clock at the side table, only to see that it is still in the middle of the night. I got up, reached for my jacket and hurriedly left the room. As I was walking through the hall that leads to the people's murmurs and cries. I was swiftly set aside before I could even take another step.

"Excuse me! Coming through!" The medical attendant said. I noticed that he was carrying a stretcher that is bathed in blood. Wait-Human's blood? My whole system was alerted like it was not resting just a while ago. I was about to take another step when another stretcher came through. It was carrying a girl. My jaw was left open for about a minute from the shock. You can't even recognize its face.

I can hear a girl screaming inside the audio-visual room and it quickly caught my attention.

"Yes, I killed my love, Caleb!" my eyes widened at her. Did she just confessed that she killed someone she loves? what?

"And of course, that whore Lexi is not an exemption! she is such a hindrance of our love story."

What the fuck is this girl saying?

"Is that girl crazy?"

"Maybe she needs medication, didn't she know the consequences of what she did?"

Murmurs filled the room as we listened to her confession.

"I'm so tired of watching my love with that bitch Lexi! but now that I killed him, we can both live happily!" she rejoiced and laugh. She even caressed Caleb's face before she stabbed herself.

The room went silent and nobody moved an inch.

"What the fuck?" I was caught off guard. This girl is totally crazy.

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